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Venturia carpophila E.E. Fisher 1961

Scientific name record
Names_Fungi record source
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New Zealand
Political Region
The earliest record in NZ is from 1904 and the first specimen from 1919 (PDD 135) [BSW, 24 April 2023]

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E.E. Fisher
E.E. Fisher
Venturia carpophila E.E. Fisher 1961
Venturia carpophila

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Venturia carpophila E.E. Fisher 1961

Type: Foliicolous Fungi; Description: Ascomata stromatic, perithecial, scattered, immersed at first but erumpent later, globose to subglobose, olive brown, 0.1–0.2 mm in diameter, ostiolate; on both sides of fallen leaves. Asci saccate-cylindrical, 48–56 × 5–6 μm. Ascospores somewhat clavate, 1-septate, 12–16 × 3–5 μm, smooth, yellowish green. Conidia bluntly fusiform, 0-septate, 12–18 × 4–5 μm, smooth, yellowish brown.
Distribution: Auckland, Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Wellington, Gisborne, Nelson, Central Otago.; 1st Record: Kirk (1904: as Cladosporium carpophilum).
Significance: On living leaves, shoots, and fruit, only the Fusicladium state is found. Only fruit infection (causing the disease known as ‘scab’) is of economic significance. Infected fruit has sharply defined, dark green to black spots, 2–3 mm in diameter, often with distortion and cracking. When no control measures are taken, scab may cause serious loss (Atkinson 1971). The teleomorph is produced on fallen leaves during the winter.; Host(s): Prunus armeniaca, P. cerasifera, P. ×domestica, P. dulcis, P. mume, P. persica, P. persica var. nucipersica, P. salicina.

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Cladosporium americanum H.C. Greene
Venturia carpophila E.E. Fisher 1961
Cladosporium carpophilum Thüm.
Venturia carpophila E.E. Fisher 1961
Fusicladium carpophilum (Thüm.) Oudem. 1900
Venturia carpophila E.E. Fisher 1961
Fusicladosporium carpophilum (Thüm.) Partridge & Morgan-Jones
Venturia carpophila E.E. Fisher 1961
Venturia carpophila E.E. Fisher 1961
Venturia carpophila E.E. Fisher (1961)
Venturia carpophila E.E. Fisher 1961
Venturia carpophila E.E. Fisher (1961)
Venturia carpophila E.E. Fisher 1961
Venturia carpophila E.E. Fisher (1961)
Venturia carpophila E.E. Fisher 1961
Venturia carpophila E.E. Fisher (1961)
Venturia carpophila E.E. Fisher 1961
Venturia carpophila E.E. Fisher (1961)
Venturia carpophila E.E. Fisher 1961
Venturia carpophila E.E. Fisher (1961)
Venturia carpophila E.E. Fisher 1961
Venturia carpophila E.E. Fisher (1961)
Venturia carpophila E.E. Fisher 1961
Venturia carpophila E.E. Fisher (1961)
Venturia carpophila E.E. Fisher 1961
Venturia carpophila E.E. Fisher (1961)
Venturia carpophila E.E. Fisher 1961
Venturia carpophila E.E. Fisher (1961)
Venturia carpophila E.E. Fisher 1961
Venturia carpophila E.E. Fisher (1961)
Venturia carpophila E.E. Fisher 1961
Venturia carpophila E.E. Fisher
Venturia carpophila E.E. Fisher 1961
Venturia carpophila E.E. Fisher 1961
Venturia carpophila E.E. Fisher
Venturia carpophila E.E. Fisher 1961
Venturia carpophila E.E. Fisher (1961)

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Venturia carpophila E.E. Fisher 1961
Venturia carpophila E.E. Fisher 1961
New Zealand
Venturia carpophila E.E. Fisher 1961
New Zealand
Bay of Plenty
Venturia carpophila E.E. Fisher 1961
New Zealand
Central Otago
Venturia carpophila E.E. Fisher 1961
New Zealand
Venturia carpophila E.E. Fisher 1961
New Zealand
Venturia carpophila E.E. Fisher 1961
New Zealand
Venturia carpophila E.E. Fisher 1961
New Zealand
Venturia carpophila E.E. Fisher 1961
United States

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taxonomic status
Has anamorph taxon Fusicladium carpophilum

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scientific name
24 April 2023
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