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Dingley, J.M. 1965: New records of fungous diseases of plants in New Zealand, 1962-64. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 8: 905-920.

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Dingley, J.M. 1965: New records of fungous diseases of plants in New Zealand, 1962-64. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 8: 905-920.

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Lesions irregular, 1 cm or more in diam., fuscus brown; mycelium ramifying through intercellular spaces of tissues within the leaf lesion, hyphae up to 2 µm diam., septate, pigmented, and branched. Pseudothecia subepidermal, mostly epiphyllous, globose or obpyriform, 55-100 X 55-85 µm, ostiole papillate through the cuticle surrounded by a ring of few, short, stout hairs; walls of pseudothecia one-two cells thick, pseudo- parenchymatous, cells 6-8 µm diam. with pigmented and thickened walls. Asci clavate bitunicate, 30-45 X 5.5-7.5 µm, eight-spored, spores obliquely uniseriately or biseriately arranged in asci, pseudoparaphyses absent; ascospores elliptical, smooth, hyaline, one septate, often constricted at septa, more or less evenly divided, 8.5-12 X 1.5-2.5 µm. No conidial stage present in the collection.

Laesiones atrobrunneae irregulares 1 cm circiter diametro in foliis vivis. Pseudothecia plerumque epiphylla subepidermatalia, globosa vel obpyriformalia, 55-100 X 55-88 µm, ostiolata, papillata, paucis circa et brevibus capillis. Pseudotheciales muri, ad 1 vel 2 cellas alti colorati. Asci clavati, bitunicati 30-45 X 5.5-7.5 µm 8 sporosi. Spori oblique uniseriatim vel biseriatim ordinati. Ascospori elliptici leves, hyalini, unus septatus 8.5-12 X 1.5-2.5 µm. Typus in folliis Enteleae arborescentis.
As fungi classified within this genus are host-specific, and as no species of Venturia appear to have been recorded on a host in the family Tiliaceae, this species is described as new. The host belongs to a monotypic endemic New Zealand genus.

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22 August 2003
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