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Rhagadolobium bakerianum Sacc. 1916

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Rhagadolobium bakerianum Sacc., Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., n.s. 23 206 (1916)
Rhagadolobium bakerianum Sacc. 1916

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
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Rhagadolobium bakerianum Sacc. 1916
Rhagadolobium bakerianum
Type Philippines

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Rhagadolobium bakerianum Sacc. 1916

On the lower surface of pinnules of Cyathea dealbata, Little Barrier I., Auckland, 5.10.1945, Dingley 19035.
Ascomata solitary or in small clusters, black, irregular but ± cup shaped with inrolled margin when dry, 1-2 mm. across, margin split into numerous short, thick, obtuse lobes; hymenium exposed on the inner surface of the ascoma, annular, surrounding a central sterile area which tends to be depressed or may be perforate. Flesh a homogeneous tissue of reddish brown, agglutinated, ± isodiametric cells; basal and marginal tissue composed of similar but more prismatic cells arranged in rows almost at right angles to the surface. Asci cylindric-clavate, 8-spored, short-stalked, apex rounded and thickened, without a visible pore, 70-85 x 11-13 µ; ascospores elliptical to ovoid, scarcely constricted at the median septum, hyaline, ultimately becoming pale brown, 12-15 x 5-7 µ, interascal hyphae cylindrical, septate, not much longer than the asci, apex rounded, up to 5 µ wide, strongly agglutinated. The whole hymenium turns blue with iodine.
The type was on Cyathea caudata in the Philippines. Rh. hemitheliae P. Henn. & Lind., the type species of the genus, on Hemithelia samoensis in Upulu, apparently differs in its smaller ascospores, 8-10 x 3.5-4 µ.

Rhagadolobium bakerianum Sacc. 1916

Ascomata occur in small superficial clusters on the undersurface of fronds of Cyathea. It is common in the Auckland Province but of no economic importance.

Rhagadolobium bakerianum Sacc. 1916

on Cyathea sp. Philippine Is.: Mt Maquiling, Luzon, April, 1915 leg. Baker, 3841. (Fungi Malayana 282) (K) on C. caudata (J. Smith) Copeland: Philippine Is.: Mt Maquiling, Luzon June, 1914, leg. Baker (Fungi Malayana 569) (K) on C. dealbata (Forst, f.) Swartz New Zealand: Auckland; Hunua Ra., L. B. Cranwell -1X/32 (PDD 19430) (PDD 19432); LM.D. -1111158 (PDD 19431); Waitakere Ra., Swanson, LM.D. -/1V/54 (PDD 19808); Waitakere Ra., Waiatarua, J.M.D. -/V1/58 (PDD 19433); Waltakere Ra., Waiatarua, Parker's Rd., J.M.D. 28/VII/69 (PDD 26565); Waitakere Ra., Henderson Valley, Sharp's Bush, J.M.D. 30/VIII/69 (PDD 28417); Waitakere Ra., Huia, Karamatua St., P. J. Brook, 5/1X/68 (PDD 28104); Manurewa, J.D.M. Il/VIII/69 (PDD26564); Little Barrier Isl. J.M.D. -/X/45 (PDD 19035); Thames, Kaueranga R., -/VIII/64 (PDD 23725), J.M.D. 2/VIII/70 (PDD 28542); Coromandel, Whitianga Rd., Kauri Grove, J.M.D. 22/XII/69 (PDD 28139) (PDD 28410); Wellington, Wairarapa, L. Pounui, L. B. Moore -/IX/60 (PIDD 19484); Mt Pihinga, near Tokaanu, J.M.D. 27/1X/69 (PM 28416) (PDD 28418).
Ascomata solitary or in clusters 1-2 mm diam., hypophyllous, superficial 200-350 um thick, grey black, concentric or cupshaped when mature, margins inrolled, often splitting into a number of irregular lobes, centrally attached to leaf, associated with grey brown angular necrotic lesions 2-3 mm diam. Ascomata pseudoparenchymatous, at first subcuticular then erumpent, outer cells radially arranged, pigmented and agglutinated; hypostroma prosenchymatous, light coloured, agglutinated, continuous with intercellular mycelium in leaf. Loculi annular embedded in lobes surrounding a sterile disc; at maturity annular cracks are formed in centre of loculi; margins becoming inrolled to expose the disclike hymenium. Hymenium 60-80 g, composed of asci and pseudoparaphyses; small clusters of dark cells of outer cover often adhering to it. Asci bitunicate, elliptical or clavate, eight spored, ascospores obliquely uniseriate, often biseriate at apex. Pseudoparaphyses filamentous, septate, terminal cells swollen, club shaped, up to 5 11 diam. Ascospores one septate, elliptical, occasionally pyriform, slightly pigmented
Philippine Is., New Zealand.
Hypophyllous on leaves Of Cyathea spp.

Part of the type of R. bakerianum labelled Fungi Malayana CF. Baker 282'' in the Kew herbarium has been examined. Saccardo (1916) gives the type locality as Mt Maquiling, Philippines Is., April 1915 (Baker 3841); also in Kew but filed under Pachypatella alsophilae there is a collection labelled Fungi Malayana CF. Baker 569, Pachypatella alsophilae (Rac.) Theiss. & Syd. on Cyathea caudata, Mt Maquiling summit, near Los Banos, Prov. Laguna, June, 1914, Det. Sydew. Both these collections appear to be on the same host and from the same place but collected at different times. Examination of this material has shown the two to be collections of the same fungus. Since Sydow (1915) listed this species as Pachypatella alsophilae it is no wonder that he (Sydow, 1922) regarded Rhagadolobium bakerianum as a synonym of Pachypatella alsophilae.

Unfortunately the type of P. alsophilae has not been examined but in the species description no mention is made of the pseudoparaphyses which are always present in the hymenium of Rhagadolobium bakerianum. Therefore Rhagadolobium bakerianum is regarded as a distinct species; no doubt Pachypatella alsophilae is congeneric with it.

R. bakerianum differs from R. hemiteliae in that fructifications are larger, the ascomata is always well developed, and each loculus is formed in a separate tubercle; ascospores are larger and pseudoparaphyses are always present in the hymenium

On Cyathea sp. Mt Maquiling, Luzon, Philippine Is., April 1915 (Baker, 3841)

Rhagadolobium bakerianum Sacc. 1916

Type: Foliicolous Fungi; Description: Ascomata stromatic, apothecial, solitary or in small clusters, superficial, more or less cup-shaped, dark grey to black, margin inrolled and split into numerous short, thick obtuse lobes, centre sterile and depressed, 1–2 mm in diameter; on grey brown necrotic leaf spots, 2–3 mm in diameter, on lower surfaces of fronds. Asci elliptical to clavate, 70–85 × 11–13 μm. Ascospores elliptical, 1-septate, 12–15 × 5–7 μm, smooth, hyaline becoming pale brown.
Distribution: Northland, Auckland, Coromandel, Bay of Plenty, Taranaki, Taupo, Wellington, Wairarapa, Nelson.; 1st Record: Dennis (1961).
Significance: None.; Host(s): Cyathea dealbata.

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Rhagadolobium bakerianum Sacc. 1916
Rhagadolobium bakerianum Sacc. (1916)
Rhagadolobium bakerianum Sacc. 1916
Rhagadolobium bakerianum Sacc. (1916)
Rhagadolobium bakerianum Sacc. 1916
Rhagadolobium bakerianum Sacc. (1916)
Rhagadolobium bakerianum Sacc. 1916
Rhagadolobium bakerianum Sacc. (1916)
Rhagadolobium bakerianum Sacc. 1916
Rhagadolobium bakerianum Sacc. (1916)
Rhagadolobium bakerianum Sacc. 1916
Rhagadolobium bakerianum Sacc. (1916)
Rhagadolobium bakerianum Sacc. 1916
Rhagadolobium bakerianum Sacc. (1916)

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Rhagadolobium bakerianum Sacc. 1916
New Zealand
Rhagadolobium bakerianum Sacc. 1916
New Zealand
Bay of Plenty
Rhagadolobium bakerianum Sacc. 1916
New Zealand
Rhagadolobium bakerianum Sacc. 1916
New Zealand
Rhagadolobium bakerianum Sacc. 1916
New Zealand
Rhagadolobium bakerianum Sacc. 1916
New Zealand
Rhagadolobium bakerianum Sacc. 1916
New Zealand
Rhagadolobium bakerianum Sacc. 1916
New Zealand
Rhagadolobium bakerianum Sacc. 1916
New Zealand

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Type Philippines

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scientific name
16 July 1993
21 August 2000
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