Rhagadolobium bakerianum Sacc. 1916

Rhagadolobium bakerianum Sacc. 1916
Rhagadolobium bakerianum Sacc. 1916
Ascomata occur in small superficial clusters on the undersurface of fronds of Cyathea. It is common in the Auckland Province but of no economic importance.
Rhagadolobium bakerianum Sacc. 1916
Part of the type of R. bakerianum labelled Fungi Malayana CF. Baker 282'' in the Kew herbarium has been examined. Saccardo (1916) gives the type locality as Mt Maquiling, Philippines Is., April 1915 (Baker 3841); also in Kew but filed under Pachypatella alsophilae there is a collection labelled Fungi Malayana CF. Baker 569, Pachypatella alsophilae (Rac.) Theiss. & Syd. on Cyathea caudata, Mt Maquiling summit, near Los Banos, Prov. Laguna, June, 1914, Det. Sydew. Both these collections appear to be on the same host and from the same place but collected at different times. Examination of this material has shown the two to be collections of the same fungus. Since Sydow (1915) listed this species as Pachypatella alsophilae it is no wonder that he (Sydow, 1922) regarded Rhagadolobium bakerianum as a synonym of Pachypatella alsophilae.
Unfortunately the type of P. alsophilae has not been examined but in the species description no mention is made of the pseudoparaphyses which are always present in the hymenium of Rhagadolobium bakerianum. Therefore Rhagadolobium bakerianum is regarded as a distinct species; no doubt Pachypatella alsophilae is congeneric with it.
R. bakerianum differs from R. hemiteliae in that fructifications are larger, the ascomata is always well developed, and each loculus is formed in a separate tubercle; ascospores are larger and pseudoparaphyses are always present in the hymenium