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Nectria manuka Dingley 1951

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Nectria manuka Dingley, Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 79 183 (1951)
Nectria manuka Dingley 1951

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Nectria manuka Dingley 1951
NZ holotype
Nectria manuka

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Nectria manuka Dingley 1951

Leptospermum ericoides A. Rich. Auckland, Mt. Albert, September 1948, D. W. McKenzie, type collection. Unknown host. Auckland city, December 1948, D. W. McKenzie.
Perithecia gregarious, aggregated on an effuse, byssoid subiculum, globose collapsing, becoming pezizoid when dry 0.15-0-35mm. diameter, cream or light brown, hairy, ostiole minute; perithecial wall pseudoparenchymatous 20-301, thick, cells rectangular or cuboid 5-8 x 5-101, walls lightly pigmented, rarely thickened. Asci cylindrical, sometimes elliptical 35-60 x 5-6, thin-walled, 8 spored. obliquely uniseriate at apex, pseudoparaphyses absent. Spores one-septate, oval or elliptical 5-9 x 2-5-4 µm, smooth, hyaline.
New Zealand.
Leptospermum ericoides A. Rich.
Perithecia gregaria in subiculo effilso et hyalino, globosa 0 - 15-0 - 35mm. cremea vel pallide brunnea, pilosa ; ostiolo minuto et umbilicato ; pariete perithecii pseudoparenchymato 20-301, crasso ; cellulis 5-8 x 5-101,t; parietibus leviter tinctis, raro densatis. Asci cylindrici, interduet elliptici 35-60 x 5-6/1; 8 sporis, in apice oblique uniseriatis; pseudoparaphysibus absentibus. Sporae uniseptatae, ovatae vel ellipticae 5-9 x 2-5-4p, leves, hyalinae.
The species resembles N. peziza but spores are smaller and perithecia are covered with hairs. This species and the following two are characteristic of Maire's genius Nectriopsis (syn. Hyphonectria Petch) in that they possess the growth habit of a Hypomces, but spores are typical of Nectria.
LOCALITY: Mt. Albert, Auckland.

Nectria manuka Dingley 1951

Type: Corticolous Fungi; Description: Ascomata stromatic, perithecial, solitary or aggregated in clusters of a few, or densely gregarious, globose, cream becoming yellow orange later, hairy, 0.2–0.3 mm in diameter, ostiole non-papillate, superficial, on a thin, white, flat subiculum; on stipes of tree ferns or on bark of Leptospermum. Asci cylindrical to clavate, 35–60 × 5–6 μm. Ascospores elliptical to fusiform, 1-septate, 5–11 × 2–4 μm, smooth to striate, hyaline. Conidia (in culture only) elliptical, 0-septate, 5–7 × 2–3 μm, smooth, hyaline, held in a drop of liquid.
Distribution: Northland, Auckland, Coromandel, Taranaki.; 1st Record: Dingley (1951).
Significance: None.; Host(s): Cyathea dealbata, C. medullaris, Leptospermum scoparium.

Nectria manuka Dingley 1951

ADDITIONAL SPECIMENS EXAMINED: NEW ZEALAND: Auckland Province, Hobson County, Waipoua Kauri Reserve, on rachis of Cyathea dealbata, Dingley et. al., 28 Nov. 1973 (PDD 32559, Samuels 73-275) ; Thames County, Coromandel Forest Park, vic. Kauaeranga R., NE of Thames, on rachis of Cyathea dealbata, Dingley et al., 8 Mar. 1973 (PDD 30642, Samuels 73-7), Samuels 73-172, 15 Aug. 1973 (PDD 32548), Samuels 73-173, 15 Aug. 1973 (PDD 32549), on rachis of Cyathea medullaris, Dingley et al., 27 Aug. 1974 (PDD 32585, Samuels 74-116) ; Waitemata County, Waitakere Ranges. Cascade Kauri Park, on rachis of Cyathea medullaris, Samuels 73-248, 8 Nov. 1973 (PDD 32558) ; Piha Rd; Kauri Grove Track, on rachis of Cyathea dealbata, G. J. Samuels 73-181 & C. S. Samuels, 27 Aug. 1973 (PDD 32547) ; vic. Waiatarua, Nature Track, on rachis of Cyathea dealbata, Dingley et al., 22 Mar. 1973 (PDD 30640, Samuels 73-12) ; vic. Waiatarua, Rangemore Track, on rachis of Cyathea medullaris, Samuels 74-105, 10 Jul. 1974 (PDD 32557). Taranaki Province, Inglewood County, Everett Park, on rachis of Cyathea medullaris, G. J. Samuels 73-218 & C. S. Samuels, 1 Oct. 1973 (PDD 32556).

CONIDIAL STATE: Acremonium sp.

Mycelium flat, white, spreading slightly away from the perithecia or restricted as a white fringe surrounding the base of each perithecium. Perithecia solitary, in groups of a few or densely gregarious and forming extensive orange areas; at first white, becoming yellow, then orange; wall smooth to granular, dull; urniform, 140-180 µm high x (150-) 200-220 (-280) µm wide, becoming collabent when dry, ferrugineous in 3% potassium hydroxide. Perithecial wall 15-20 (-25) µm thick. Surface view: cells angular to prosenchymatous, 5-10 µm in greatest dimension, walls 1-2 µm thick and pig mented. Longitudinal section: cells elliptic to flattened, 5-7 µm long, 2-3 µm wide, walls 1-2 µm thick and pigmented, cells becoming progressively more flattened toward the interior. Perithecial hairs composed of solitary or catenulate, short, globose to ellipsoidal cells with walls c. 1 µm thick; (10-) 20-30 (-50) µm long, arising from the surface of the perithecia) wall. Perithecial papilla lacking, ostiolar opening formed by narrow hyphal elements arising from the inner region of the perithecia) wall; ostiolar canal periphysate. Asci clavate, (35-) 45-56 x (6-) 7-9 µm, 8-spored; apices flat, with a frequently indistinct ring; bases rounded; ascospores biseriate, forming throughout the length. Ascospores fusiform to fusiform-ellipsoidal, (8-) 9-11 (-14) x 2.5-3 (-4) µm, equally 2-celled, 2 drops in each cell, smooth to punctate-striate to striate, not constricted at the septum, hyaline.

CHARACTERISTICS IN CULTURE CMD: Ascospores germinating in low percentage overnight or after 4 days; a single, short germ tube arising from each end of each ascospore. Colonies 1.5-2 cm diam., translucent, white; aerial mycelium sparse or as hyphal, rope-like strands; margin slightly undulate to dissected, aromatic, medium non-pigmented. ME: 1-1.5 cm diam., opaque, white; aerial mycelium as hyphal, rope-like strands; margin undulate, aromatic, medium non-pigmented. OA: 2-2.5 cm diam., opaque, white to light tan; aerial mycelium dense, flat; hyphal, rope-like strands frequently forming; aromatic; medium non-pigmented. WAS: 2 cm diam., transparent, grey to white. aerial mycelium sparse, margin entire., non-aromatic, medium non-pigmented. Phialophores arising on CMD, ME, OA, and WAS, forming from the surface of the agar and from the aerial mycelium; monophialidic unbranched. 0 (-3) septate, straight, smooth, (31-) 35-45 (-50) µm long, 2-3 µm basally, subtending hypha 1.5-2 µm wide, A solitary phialide constitute ing the terminal (31-) 35-45 (-50) µm of each phialophore, 1-1.5 µm wide at the unflared tip. Phialoconidia ellipsoidal to nearly cylindrical 5-7 (-11) x 1.5-2.5 (-3) µm, unicellular, hyaline without a basal abscission scar. Arising in basipeta succession, held in a solitary, hyaline drop of liquid

HABITAT: On rachises of Cyathea spp., on bark of Leptospermum scoparium J. R. & G. Forst.
NOTES: Nectria manuka is closely related to N. vulpina and N. sylvana, differing from both in its distinctive perithecial hairs and by the reaction of the perithecia in 3% potassium hydroxide.
HOLOTYPE: NEW ZEALAND: Auckland Province, Mt Albert Borough, on Leptospermum scoparium, McKenzie, Sep. 1948 (PDD 7490!).

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Nectria manuka Dingley 1951
Nectria manuka Dingley (1951)
Nectria manuka Dingley 1951
Nectria manuka Dingley (1951)
Nectria manuka Dingley 1951
Nectria manuka Dingley (1951)

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Nectria manuka Dingley 1951
New Zealand
Nectria manuka Dingley 1951
New Zealand
Nectria manuka Dingley 1951
New Zealand
Nectria manuka Dingley 1951
New Zealand

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15 December 2003
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