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Dingley, J.M. 1951: The Hypocreales of New Zealand. II. The genus Nectria. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand 79(2): 177-202.

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Dingley, J.M. 1951: The Hypocreales of New Zealand. II. The genus Nectria. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand 79(2): 177-202.

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Auckland, Waitakere Ra., Huia, August 1947, J.M.D. ; Ana¬whata Rd., August 1947, J.M.D. (type collection) ; Septem¬ber 1947, J.M.D. ; Waitakere Ra., Rua-te-whenua August, 1949, J.M.D.
Perithecia scattered or caespitose, globose, occasionally pyriform 0-15-0-35mm., light red darkening to brown vinaceous when mature, scabrid, ostiole minute, papillate, perithecial wall pseudoharenchymatous 40 µm, thick, outer cells 10-20tt, lightly pigmented and thickened, sub-hymenial cells small 4-5 µm diameter, densely pigmented and thickened. Asci cylindrical or clavate 20-50 x 4-7 µm, ends truncate, 6-8 spored, biseriate,' occasionally obliquely uniseriate; pseudopara-physes filamentous forming a network within the perithecia. Spores elliptical, filiform, ends truncate 9-13 x 3-4 µm, smooth, hyaline.
New Zealand.
Coprosma grandifolia Hook. f.
Perithecia sparsa vel caespitosa, globosa 0 - 15-0 -3mm. pallide rubra vel brunneo-vinosa, scabrida, ostiolo papillato ; pariete perithecii pseudoparenchymato 401, crasso; cellulis exterioribus 10--201-t leviter densatis; cellulis iuterior.ibus parvis, 4-51, diam.; solide densatis et tinetis. Asci cylindrici vel clavati 20-50 x 4-7,u; terminis truneatis ; 6-8 sporis biseriatis ; pseudoparapbysibus filamentosis. Sporae uniseptatae, ellipticae vel filiformes; terminis truneatis 9-13 x 3-41,; leves hyalinae.
Perithecia were collected on bark damaged by insects. Spores are larger than those of X. tawa and the ends are truncated, pyriform and often irregularly divided by a septum.

LOCALITY: Auckland, Waitakere Ra., Anawhata Rd.

Pseudowintera colorada (Raoul) Dandy. Otago, Lower Hollyford, January 1950, J.M.D. (2 col. one being type).
Perithecia gregarious in erumpent clusters of 10 or more, stroma absent; globose 0.2-0.4mm. diameter, scarlet, fading to ferruginous, wrinkled occasionally with irregular tubercles, ostiole distinct, papillate and surrounded by a disc of smooth tissue; perithecial wall pseudoparenchymatons 40-501, thick, cells 5-15 x 5-101, rectangular or cuboid, pigmented and thickened. Asci elliptical or clavate, 74-110 x 10-14p,, 8 spored, spores biseriate, occasionally uniseriate at base, pseudoparaphyses filamentous, branched. Spores one-septate, elliptical, filiform 15-22 x 4-5-6'x, smooth, hyaline. Conidial stage; conidiophores stout, compacted to form a pale salmon stroma,. Conidia globose or elliptical 3-7 x 3-4 µm Tubercalaria sp.
New Zealand.
Pseudowintera colorada. (Raoul) Dandy.

Perithecia rearia in corona erumpenti, globosa 0-2-0-4min. diam., miniata ad colorem ferrugirienrn pallescentia; ostiolo papillato; pariete perithecii pseudoparenchymato 40-50p, crasso; cellulis 5-151, diam., parietibus densatis et tinctis. Asci clavati vel elliptici; 8 spores biseriatis. Sporae uniseptatae, ellipticae, filiformes,. 15-22 x 4-5-61, leves, hyalinae. Status conidialis. Conidia globosa vel elliptica, 3-7 x 3-4µm.

Perithecia are globose, never oval as in N. galligena and sometimes covered with scalelike tubercles. Spores are arranged biseriately in the ascus, elliptical, or broadly elliptical, never oval.
LOCALITY: Lower Hollyford, Otago.

Carmichaelia sp.

Auckland, Little Barrier Isl., December 1947, J.M.D. type collection.

Perithecia scattered or aggregated into groups of 2-10 seated on a poorly developed erumpent stroma, globose 0-3-0-5mm. coral or salmon pink, collapsing when dry, ostiole umbilicate ; perithecial wall pseudoparenchymatous 120, thick, outer cells 10-20, diameter, walls lightly thickened and pigmented, subhymenial cells 3-4,ri. diameter, walls thickened and pigmented. Asci elavate or cylindrical 50-90 x 8-10A, 4-8 spored, biseriate; pseudoparaphyses filamentous, branched. Spores one-septate, sometimes unequally divided by septa, fusiform, elliptical or oval, occasionally allantoid, rarely spherical, 9-26 x 4-8µm smooth, hyaline.
New Zealand.
Carmichaelia sp.
Perithecia libere sparsa vel gregaria, in stromate parvo et erumpenti, globosa 0 - 3-0 - 5mm. diameter, corallina, corruentia ; ostiolo umbilicato ; pariete perithecii pseudoparenchymato 120, crasso ; cellulis densatis et leviter tinctis. Asci cylindrici vel clavati 50-90 x 8-10,u; 4-8 sporis biseriatis; pseudoparaphysibus. Sporae uniseptatae, fusiformes, ellipticae vel ovatae, 9-26 x 4-8,t, leves, hyalinae.
Similar to N. cinnabarina differing in that Perithecia are lighter coloured and spores irregular in shape and size. Perithecia collapse when dry. They are aggregated into clusters of 3 to 10 on a small erumpent stroma.
LOCALITY: Little Barrier Island, New Zealand.
Leptospermum ericoides A. Rich. Auckland, Mt. Albert, September 1948, D. W. McKenzie, type collection. Unknown host. Auckland city, December 1948, D. W. McKenzie.
Perithecia gregarious, aggregated on an effuse, byssoid subiculum, globose collapsing, becoming pezizoid when dry 0.15-0-35mm. diameter, cream or light brown, hairy, ostiole minute; perithecial wall pseudoparenchymatous 20-301, thick, cells rectangular or cuboid 5-8 x 5-101, walls lightly pigmented, rarely thickened. Asci cylindrical, sometimes elliptical 35-60 x 5-6, thin-walled, 8 spored. obliquely uniseriate at apex, pseudoparaphyses absent. Spores one-septate, oval or elliptical 5-9 x 2-5-4 µm, smooth, hyaline.
New Zealand.
Leptospermum ericoides A. Rich.
Perithecia gregaria in subiculo effilso et hyalino, globosa 0 - 15-0 - 35mm. cremea vel pallide brunnea, pilosa ; ostiolo minuto et umbilicato ; pariete perithecii pseudoparenchymato 20-301, crasso ; cellulis 5-8 x 5-101,t; parietibus leviter tinctis, raro densatis. Asci cylindrici, interduet elliptici 35-60 x 5-6/1; 8 sporis, in apice oblique uniseriatis; pseudoparaphysibus absentibus. Sporae uniseptatae, ovatae vel ellipticae 5-9 x 2-5-4p, leves, hyalinae.
The species resembles N. peziza but spores are smaller and perithecia are covered with hairs. This species and the following two are characteristic of Maire's genius Nectriopsis (syn. Hyphonectria Petch) in that they possess the growth habit of a Hypomces, but spores are typical of Nectria.
LOCALITY: Mt. Albert, Auckland.
Pinus radiata D. Don. Auckland, Whakarewarewa, September 1949; G. B. Rawlings.
Perithecia gregarious on a dark coloured, pulvinate prosenchy-matous stroma, globose 0-2-0.3mm. diameter, red, black when mature, ostiole papillate and surrounded by a distinct, often flattened zone 8-101, diameter; perithecial wall pseudoparenchymatous, 15-20 µm thick, cells 5-10,u diam., densely thickened and pigmented. Asci cylindrical sometimes clavate 75-100 x 6-10,u, 8 spored, obliquely uniseriate, bi-seriate at apex pseudoparaphyses filamentous. Spores one-septate, elliptical or oval 13-5-16 x 4-5-6µt, smooth, hyaline.
Europe, North America, New Zealand.
Pinus radiata.
Perithecia gregaria in stroinate fusco, pulverato, prosenchymato ; globosa, 0-2-0-3mm. diam., maturitate atrorubra; ostiolo papillato; pariete perithecii 15-201, crasso ; cellulis 5-10tt solide densatis et tinctis. Asci cylindrici interdum clavati 75-100 x 6-10[t; 8 sporis oblique uniseriatis, in apice biseriatis ; pseudoparaphysibus filamentous. Spores uniseptatae, ellipticae vel ovatae 13-5-16 x 4.5-6,u, leves, hyalinae.
There seems to have been some confusion in the literature as to the name of this species. Saccardo (1883) described sporidia within the immature ascus of N. cucurbitula and suggested that the species was synonymous with Chilonectria cucurbitula (Curr.) Sacc. and with Calonectria cucurbitula (Fr.) Sacc. Ellis and Everhart (1892) when recording N. cucurbitula stated that no sporidia were observed as described by Saccardo, while Seaver (1909) stated that the species Creonectria cucurbitula is not N. cucurbitula (Tode) Fr. but N. cucurbitula Sacc. Petch (7.938) noted that this species has been confused with N. coryli. N. cucurbitula (Tode) Fr. referred to two species of Nectria, one where sporidia were produced within the ascus i.e., N. coryli Fuckel (syn. Chilonectria cucurbitula (Curr.) Sacc.) and another species which Seaver described as Creonectria cucurbitula and Petch as Nectria cucurbitula Sacc. This is a case of `nomen eonfusum ' and the later species has been renamed and redescribed. As in N. tasinanica spores are smooth and hyaline, and perithecia are accompanied by tufts of hyaline mycelium but perithecia are smaller, thinner walled. Spores are elliptical and not as broad as the preceding species. As the species was found only on an introduced host, it seems probable that it has been introduced.
LOCALITY: Whakarewarewa, Rotorua.
Hoheria glabrata Sprag. & Summerh. Otago : L. McKellar, February 1948, J.M.D. ; Arthur R. Mil¬ford, February 1948. Plagianthus betulinus A. Cunn. Otago, Upper Hollyford Valley, February 1950, J.M.D. (type col.) ; Arthur R. Milford, February 1948.
Perithecia caespitose on an erumpent stroma, up to 1 cm. dia¬meter globose or ovate, 0 - 3-0 - 4mm. tuberculate, orange or latericius, ostiole papillated, often collapsed in dried specimens; perithecial wall 1201, thick, cells 10-15 x 12-22 µm, walls thickened and pigmented, inner cells smaller and rectangular 10-12 x 5-101,, walls lightly pigmented. Asci thin walled, elliptical, clavate ends pointed 140-200 x 18-241, 4-8 spored, uniseriate. Spores one-septate ovate or obovate 22-38 x 10-16,u, striate, lightly pigmented yellow.
New Zealand.
Perithecia caespitosa in stromate erumpenti ad 1 cm. diam., globosa vel ovata 0 - 3-0 - 4mm. diam., tubereulata, aurantiaca vel testacea ; ostiolo papillato, pariete perithecii 120,u crasso, cellulis 10-15 x 12-221 µm parietibus densatis et tinctis. Asci parietibus tenuibus, clavati vel elliptiei 140-200 x 18-241cc, 4-8 sporis uniseriatis. Sporae ovatae vel obovatae, uniseptatae 22-38 x 10-16 µm striatae, pallide luteae.
The perithecia are similar to N. balsanae and are arranged on a large pulvinate stroma but the spores are much larger and are biseriately arranged at the apex of the clavate asci.

LOCALITY: Otago, Upper Hollyford Valley.

Coprosma pseudocuneata Oliver. Wellington, Mangatoratoru Stream, Mt. Ruapehu, March 1948, J.M.D. type collection; Whakapapa-iti Stream; October 1949, J.M.D.

Perithecia gregarious or caespitose on or immersed in a poorly developed pseudoparenchymatous stroma, globose 0-2-0-5mm. diameter, coral coloured darker when mature, translucent, ostiole small, indistinct, perithecial wall pseudoparenchymatoas 55-60pt thick, cells 8-1O µm, diameter, outer cells thick walled but hyaline, inner cells pigmented. Asci cylindrical 45-65 x 6p,, 8 spored, obliquely uniseriate ; pseudoparaphyses diffluent. Spores one-septate, broadly elliptical constricted at septa 8-11 x 5-6p,, sometimes non-septate, globose, 6-8p, diameter, verrucose, yellow, thick walled.

New Zealand.

Coprosma pseudocuneata Oliver.

Perithecia gregaria vel caespitosa in strornate parvo et pseudoparenchymato; globosa, 0-2-0-5 µm. diam., corallina, translucida; ostiolo obscuro ; pariete perithecii pseudoparenchymato 55-60p, crasso ; cellalis exterioribus hyalinis; cellulis interioribus leviter tinctis. Asci cylindrici 45-65 x 6t k; parientibus tenuibus; 8 sporis, oblique uniseriatis; pseudoparaphysibus absentibus. Sporae uni-septatae, late ellipticae, S-11 x 5-6p., verrncosae, pallide luteae.

Perithecia appear in small clusters of 3-10 often on an old leaf scar at the base of a lateral branch. Spores are broader than those of N. hauturu, and perithecia are immersed in the stroma similar to a Hypocrea. The perithecial wall consists of thick walled, almost hyaline cells.

LOCALITY: Mangatorutoru Stream, Mt. Ruapehu.

Beilschmeidia tawa Bentb. & Hook. Auckland, Titirangi, May 1940, J.M.D. (type collection) ; Waitakere Ra., Rua-te-whenua, August 1949, J.M.D. Coprosma grandifolia Hook. f. Auckland, Bay of Islands, June 1948, J.ALD. Coprosma lucida Forst. Auckland, Waipoua, September 1949, J.M.D. Coprosma robusta Raoul. Auckland, Hunua Ra., October 1946; J.M.D. ; Waitakere Ra., Mountain Rd., Henderson, May 1948, J.M.D. Hoheria glabrata Sprag. and Summerh. Otago, Wilmott Pass, Manapouri, February 1948, J.M.D.; Ij. McKellar, February 1948, J.M.D. Olearia rani (A. Cunn.) Ckn. Auckland, Hunua Ra., Moumoukai Valley, October 1946, J.M.D. Phormium tenax Forst. Wellington, Kelburn, November 1945, G. H. Cunningham. Bhopalostglis sapida Wendl. & Drude. Auckland, Waitakere Ila., Waiatarua, November 1948, J.M.D. Scheflera digitata Forst. Auckland, Bay of Islands, Paihia, June 1948. J.M.D.; Puketi State Forest, June 1.948, J.M.D. Otago, Doubtful Sound, February 1948, J.M.D.
Perithecia scattered, globose or pyriform collapsing when dry 0 - 1-0 - 25mm. diameter, scarlet or blood coloured, scabrid, ostiole papillate surrounded by a flattened disc up to 10µt diameter; perithecial wall pseudoparenchymatous 30-40µt thick, outer cells thin walled, hyaline or lightly tinted, cuboid 15-201,, collapsed in dried specimens which give perithecia a wrinkled appearance, inner cells 4-51, diameter, pigmented and thickened. :1sci elliptical or clavate 30-60 x 5-10[c, 8 spored, obliquely uniseriate, sometimes biseriate at apex; pseudoparaphyses filamentous, forming network within perithecia. Spores uniseptate, fusiform or elliptical 7-5-10 x 2-5-4µm, verrucose hyaline.

New Zealand.

Perithecia libere sparsa, globosa vel pyriformia, 0 - 1-0 - 25mm. diam., sanguinea vel ferruginea, scabrida; ostiolo papillato; pariete perithecii 30-401, crasso; cellulis exterioribus parietibus tenuibus 15-20,u diam. ; cellulis interioribus parvis 4-51, diam., densatis. Asci clavati 30-60 x 5-101 µm, 8 sporis oblique uniseriatis, in apice biseri¬atis. Sporee uniseptatae, fusiformes vel ellipticae 7-5-10 x 2-5-41,, verrueosae, hyalinae.
Perithecia are small, bright red, similar in appearance to those of N. sanguinea but spores are smooth, fusiform or elliptical.
LOCALITY: Titirangi, Auckland.
Olearia avieenniaefolia Hook. f. Westland, Wailio, November 1946. Type collection.
Perithecia gregarious, globose 0-5-0-8min. dark red, brown, vinpiceous irregularly tuberculate.. ostiole papillate, perithecial wall 501, thick, pseudoparenchymatous but structure masked by thickened densely pigmented walls; tubercles hyaline, pseudoparenchymatous, cells thin walled and hyaline 10-12µm diameter. Asci elliptical 95-140 x 10-16µm 8 spored, spores biseriate or obliquely uniseriate, pseudo-paraphyses evanescent. Spores one-septate, elliptical or naviculate, sometimes falcate 30-42 x 9-121, smooth, hyaline.
New Zealand.
Olearia avieenniaefolia Hook. f.
Perithecia gregaria, globoso 0-5-0 -8 mru., brunueo-vinosa, inaequale tuberculata; ostiolo hapillato; pariete perithecii 50/-, crasso; pseudoparenchymato sed structura occulta parietibus cellulorum den¬satis et solide tinctis. Asci elliptici 95-140 x 10-1.6~t, evanescentes. Sporae uniseptatae, ellipticae vel naviculatae 30-42 x 9-12,., loves, hyalinae.
A species easily identified by its large elliptical spores and dense perithecial wall with small scale-like tubercles. When immature perithecia are smaller and scarlet.
LOCALITY: Westland, Waiho.
Polyporus hyalinus Berk., Fl. Tasm. 2: 255, 1860.

Hymenophore annual, adherent, membranous, forming irregularly linear areas 4-10 x 2-4 cm, 0.1-3 mm thick. Hymenial surface at first white, becoming cream or honey yellow with a glassy appearance, even, often creviced; margin adherent, thinning out when sterile, or in some specimens terminating abruptly in a fertile face, arachnoid, irregular. Pores not in strata, round or angular, often oblique, 6-9 per mm (6-7 when young), 100-200 µm diameter, to 2.5 mm deep; dissepiments 50-75 µm thick, not toothed, even, equal. Context white, 100-200 µm thick, a densely intertwined layer of hyphae embedding numerous crystals; generative hyphae 2-2.5 µm diameter, walls 0.2 µm thick, branched, septate, with abundant clamp connections, embedded in mucilage. Hymenial layer to 15 µm deep, a dense palisade of basidia and paraphyses embedded in mucilage. Basidia clavate, 8-12 x 3-4 µm bearing 4 spores; sterigmata erect, delicate, to 3 µm long. Paraphyses ovate, oval, or clavate, 6-10 x 3-3.5 µm, Spores allantoid, 3-4 x 0.75-1 µm walls smooth, hyaline, 0.1 µm thick.
DISTRIBUTION: Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand.

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Nectria - species

Perithecial wall pseudoparenchymatous cell wall hyaline, pigment present as globules within the cells.
Perithecial wall pseudoparenchymatous cell wall lightly pigmented, not thickened translucent when fresh
Perithecial wall pseudoparenchymatous, cell wall pigmented. thickened
Perithecia wall darkly pigmented and thickened, pseudoparenchymatous difficult to discern
Perithecial wall pseudoparenchymatous, outer cells thin walled, 10-20um diameter, inner cell., -5-7um diameter, densely pigmented and thickened
Spores under 15 um long.
Spores 12-20 x 4-7 um
spores smooth. 8-14 x 2-4 um
Spores verrucose, 9-13 x 4-6 um
Perithecia freely scattered on surface of host
Perithecia gregarious on a byssoid stroma
Perithecia caespitose oil a small poorly developed erumpent stroma.
Spores elliptical or fusiform
Spores oval ends blunt
Spores 5-9 x 2.5-4 um
Spores 7.5-10 x 3-4um
Spore 12-20 x 4-6um
Spore smooth, 8-16 x 4-6um
Spore smooth, 9-26 x 4-8um
Spores verrucose11 x 5-6um
Perithecia smooth.
Perithecia tuberculate.
Spores smooth.
Spores verrucose.
Spores echinulate. Spores fusiform or elliptical, 14-20 x5-7um
Spores tuberculate
Stroma absent or poorly developed.
Stroma present; perithecia semi-immersed
Spores broadly elliptical, 14-20 x 4-7um
Spores fusiform, 15-22 x 4-6um
Parasitic on scale insects.
Saprophytic on dead bark
Spores oval, rarely elliptical, 8-15 x 4-6u
Spores elliptical, 16-24 x 6-10um
Spores smooth.
Spores striate.
12-20 x 3-6um
15-20 x 5-8um
Perithecia scattered, sometime., gregarious.
Perithecia caespitose on an erumpent stroma.
Spores 10-20 x 6-10um
Spores 20-32 x 10-14um
Spores 16-24 x 6-10um
Spores 22-38 x 10-16um
Spores verrucose
spores smooth
12-16 x 5-7um
12-2.5 x 6-10um
12-17 x 6-8 um
13.5-16 x 5-6um
Spores small under 15um
Spores, over 20um long
spores elliptical. fusiform 7-10 x 2.5-3.5um
Spore, elliptical ends; truncate. 9-13 x 3-4um

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