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Mycosphaerella enteleae (Dingley) Sivan. 1977

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Mycosphaerella enteleae (Dingley) Sivan. 1977
Mycosphaerella enteleae (Dingley) Sivan. 1977

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New Zealand
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(Dingley) Sivan.
Mycosphaerella enteleae

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Mycosphaerella enteleae (Dingley) Sivan. 1977

ITS tree from top ex-type BLAST matches to ICMP 21726/PDD 108768, Mycosphaerella enteleae. Results suggest this fungus perhaps represents another genus.

Lesions irregular, 1 cm or more in diam., fuscus brown; mycelium ramifying through intercellular spaces of tissues within the leaf lesion, hyphae up to 2 µm diam., septate, pigmented, and branched. Pseudothecia subepidermal, mostly epiphyllous, globose or obpyriform, 55-100 X 55-85 µm, ostiole papillate through the cuticle surrounded by a ring of few, short, stout hairs; walls of pseudothecia one-two cells thick, pseudo- parenchymatous, cells 6-8 µm diam. with pigmented and thickened walls. Asci clavate bitunicate, 30-45 X 5.5-7.5 µm, eight-spored, spores obliquely uniseriately or biseriately arranged in asci, pseudoparaphyses absent; ascospores elliptical, smooth, hyaline, one septate, often constricted at septa, more or less evenly divided, 8.5-12 X 1.5-2.5 µm. No conidial stage present in the collection.

Laesiones atrobrunneae irregulares 1 cm circiter diametro in foliis vivis. Pseudothecia plerumque epiphylla subepidermatalia, globosa vel obpyriformalia, 55-100 X 55-88 µm, ostiolata, papillata, paucis circa et brevibus capillis. Pseudotheciales muri, ad 1 vel 2 cellas alti colorati. Asci clavati, bitunicati 30-45 X 5.5-7.5 µm 8 sporosi. Spori oblique uniseriatim vel biseriatim ordinati. Ascospori elliptici leves, hyalini, unus septatus 8.5-12 X 1.5-2.5 µm. Typus in folliis Enteleae arborescentis.
As fungi classified within this genus are host-specific, and as no species of Venturia appear to have been recorded on a host in the family Tiliaceae, this species is described as new. The host belongs to a monotypic endemic New Zealand genus.

Mycosphaerella enteleae (Dingley) Sivan. 1977

Type: Foliicolous Fungi; Description: Ascomata stromatic, perithecial, scattered, subepidermal, globose to obpyriform, black, 0.1 mm in diameter, ostiole papillate, surrounded by a few short hairs; on grey brown, irregular leaf spots, 10 mm in diameter, on the upper surfaces of leaves. Asci clavate, 30–45 × 6–8 μm. Ascospores elliptical, 1-septate, 8–12 × 1–3 μm, smooth, hyaline.
Distribution: Auckland.; 1st Record: Dingley (1965: as Venturia enteleae).
Significance: None.; Host(s): Entelea arborescens.

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Mycosphaerella enteleae (Dingley) Sivan. 1977
Mycosphaerella enteleae (Dingley) Sivan.
Mycosphaerella enteleae (Dingley) Sivan. 1977
Mycosphaerella enteleae (Dingley) Sivan. (1977)
Mycosphaerella enteleae (Dingley) Sivan. 1977
Mycosphaerella enteleae (Dingley) Sivan. (1977)
Mycosphaerella enteleae (Dingley) Sivan. 1977
Mycosphaerella enteleae (Dingley) Sivan. (1977)
Mycosphaerella enteleae (Dingley) Sivan. 1977
Mycosphaerella enteleae (Dingley) Sivan. (1977)
Mycosphaerella enteleae (Dingley) Sivan. 1977
Mycosphaerella enteleae (Dingley) Sivan. (1977)
Mycosphaerella enteleae (Dingley) Sivan. 1977
Mycosphaerella enteleae (Dingley) Sivan. (1977)

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Mycosphaerella enteleae (Dingley) Sivan. 1977
[Not available]

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17 August 2000
17 August 2000
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