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Hysterangium rupticutis Castellano & Beever 1994

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Hysterangium rupticutis Castellano & Beever, New Zealand J. Bot. 32 318 (1994)
Hysterangium rupticutis Castellano & Beever 1994

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New Zealand
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New Zealand type, but known only under Eucalyptus.

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Castellano & Beever
Castellano & Beever
Hysterangium rupticutis Castellano & Beever 1994
NZ holotype
Hysterangium rupticutis
TYPE: NEW ZEALAND, AUCKLAND, Hunua Ranges, Orere Point, R.E. Beever 228 & G.R . Beever, 2 Jul 1983 (holotype PDD 48322, isotype OSC).

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Hysterangium rupticutis Castellano & Beever 1994

Basidiomata up to 2.5 cm diam., depressed globose to irregularly shaped, dingy white when fresh, bruising µmk, grey where exposed, glabrous, exposed portion cracked into irregular plates. Gleba dark greenish grey when fresh, dark olive when dried; locules more or less radially arranged, sometimes lamellate, usually elongate, partially filled. Rhizomorph single, stout, c. 1 mm diam., soon branched, concolorous with peridium. Columella dendroid, gelatinous, white, not well developed, sometimes inconspicuous. Taste not noted. Odour perfumed to musty. Peridium not separable from gleba, 2-layered, 500-600 µm thick; epicutis 400-450 µm thick, of hyaline, thin-walled, irregularly shaped, inflated cells up to 50 µm diam., cells becoming gradually smaller and pale brown near subcutis, clamp connections absent, epicutis overlain with a thin (< 10 µm), loosely interwoven layer of crystal-encrusted hyphae 2-3 µm diam.; subcutis 40-50 µm thick, of hyaline, thin-walled, somewhat agglutinated, compactly interwoven, irregularly shaped hyphae 2-3(-7.5) µm diam., clamp connections absent. Trama 70-100 µm thick, of hyaline, thin-walled, compactly interwoven hyphae, 2-3 µm diam., in a gelatinised matrix, clamp connections absent. Basidia hyaline, elongate with a constricted base, somewhat swollen centrally, 40-55 x 6-8 µm, 4-spored, clamp connections common. Spores minutely verrucose, 14-16 x 5-6 µm, ellipsoid to broadly ellipsoid, apex acute to occasionally subpapillate, base with a slight sterigmal attachment; wall c. 1 µm thick. Utricle distinct, wrinkled, more or less adhering to spore wall, occasionally inflated to 1 µm. Spore colour in KOH hyaline singly, pale olive in mass.
New Zealand.
Habitat: hypogeous to subepigeous in modified communities, putatively mycorrhizal with Eucalyptus spp. including E. fastigiata. Season: July.
Basidiomata usque ad 2.5 cm diam., depresse globosa vel irregularia, sordide alba, contundentibus rosea, glabra, in patellis irregularibus rupta. Gleba obscure glauca, loculis plerumque elongatis, plus minusve radiantibus, partialiter repletis. Rhizomorpha singularis, crassa, plus minusve 1 mm diam., peridio concolor. Columella dendroidea, gelatina, alba, interdum inconspicua. Odor fragrans vel mucidus. Peridium non separabile, 500-600 µm crassum; epicute 400-450 µm crassa, cellulis irregularibus, inflatis usque ad 50 µm diam., hyphis ]axe intertextis tecta; subcute 40-50 µm crassa, hyphis hyalinis, aliquantum agglutinatis, compacte intertextis, irregularibus, 2-3(-7.5) µm diam. Trama 70-100 µm crassa. Basidia hyalina, elongata, aliquantum ventricosa, 4-spora, 40-55 x 6-8 µm. Sporae minute verrucosae, 14-16 x 5-6 µm, ellipsoideae vel late ellipsoideae, apice acuto vel aliquando subpapillato; paries I µm crassus; utriculus distinctus, rugosus, plus minusve ad parietem sporae adhaerens, aliquando usque ad 1 mm inflatus; singulariter hyalinae, aggregatae pallide olivaceae. Holotypus PDD 48322.
ETYMOLOGY: From Latin ruptus, ruptured, and cubs, skin, referring to the cracked peridium of exposed specimens.
REMARKS: Known only from New Zealand, but the host association suggests that the species has been introduced from Australia. Chu-Chou & Grace (1983) illustrate this species as "Hysterangium sp 2".
TYPE: NEW ZEALAND, AUCKLAND, Hunua Ranges, Orere Point, R.E. Beever 228 & G.R. Beever, 2 Jul 1983 (holotype PDD 48322, isotype OSC).

Hysterangium rupticutis Castellano & Beever 1994

Type: Mycorrhizal Fungi; Description: Basidiomata hypogeous to subepigeous, depressed globose to irregularly shaped, dirty white, pink when bruised, surface cracked when exposed, up to 25 mm in diameter, with a single, stout rhizomorph; peridium composed of two layers, pale brown in section. Gleba greenish grey to dark olive; locules elongate, more or less radially arranged, partially filled with basidiospores; tramal plates composed of hyaline interwoven hyphae; columella not well developed, branched. Basidiospores broadly elliptical, 0-septate, 14–16 × 5–6 μm, verrucose, hyaline; utricle distinct, wrinkled, more or less adhering to the spore wall.
Distribution: Auckland, Bay of Plenty.
Significance: Putatively mycorrhizal (Castellano & Beever 1994). NEW ZEALAND RECORD OF PLANT ASSOCIATION: Chu-Chou & Grace (1983b: as Hysterangium sp. 2).; Host(s): Eucalyptus fastigata.

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Hysterangium rupticutis Castellano & Beever 1994
Hysterangium rupticutis Castellano & Beever (1994)
Hysterangium rupticutis Castellano & Beever 1994
Hysterangium rupticutis Castellano & Beever (1994)
Hysterangium rupticutis Castellano & Beever 1994
Hysterangium rupticutis Castellano & Beever (1994)
Hysterangium rupticutis Castellano & Beever 1994
Hysterangium rupticutis Castellano & Beever (1994)
Hysterangium rupticutis Castellano & Beever 1994
Hysterangium rupticutis Castellano & Beever (1994)
Hysterangium sp. 2 sensu Chu-Chou & Grace (1983)
Hysterangium rupticutis Castellano & Beever 1994

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Hysterangium rupticutis Castellano & Beever 1994
New Zealand
Hysterangium rupticutis Castellano & Beever 1994
New Zealand
Bay of Plenty

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TYPE: NEW ZEALAND, AUCKLAND, Hunua Ranges, Orere Point, R.E. Beever 228 & G.R . Beever, 2 Jul 1983 (holotype PDD 48322, isotype OSC).

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1 January 2000
5 March 2007
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