Chlorovibrissea phialophora Samuels & L.M. Kohn 1989

Chlorovibrissea phialophora Samuels & L.M. Kohn 1989
Chlorovibrissea phialophora Samuels & L.M. Kohn 1989
The formation of ascoconidia is not uncommon in the Helotiales. Species of Geoglossum Pers.: Fr., Cudonia Fr., Spathularia Pers. (Berthet, 1964), Ascocoryne Groves & Wilson (Roll-Hansen & Roll-Hansen, 1979), Tympanis Tode: Fr. (Groves, 1952), and Rutstroemia Karsten (White, 1941) among others, are known to produce conidia from ascospores still in the ascus. Conidiogenesis in C. phialophora is unusual because the tip of the ascospore is converted into a more or less complex phialide. In the other genera, conidia are produced laterally or terminally on barely differentiated conidiogenous loci. Discharged ascospores of Encoelia pruinosa (Ell. & Everh.) Torkelson & Eckblad sometimes produce phialidic openings through which microconidia develop (Juzwik & Hinds, 1984), and phialides arise directly from the surface of discharged ascospores of some species of Rutstroemia (White, 1941).