Chalara dictyoseptata Nag Raj & S. Hughes 1974
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Chalara dictyoseptata Nag Raj & S. Hughes, New Zealand J. Bot. 12 128 (1974)
Chalara dictyoseptata Nag Raj & S. Hughes 1974
Nag Raj & S. Hughes
Nag Raj & S. Hughes
Chalara dictyoseptata Nag Raj & S. Hughes 1974
NZ holotype
Chalara dictyoseptata
Chalara dictyoseptata Nag Raj & S. Hughes 1974
Colonies effuse, brown, hairy or tufted. Mycelium mostly immersed, composed of hyaline to pale brown, smooth, septate, cylindrical hyphae 2.5-3.5 µm wide, with cells here and there irregularly rounded and up to 10 µm wide, pale brown to brown, and forming loose stromatic aggregations from which the conidiophores arise. Conidiophores usually in loose or compact clusters, more or less lageniform, brown, 125-160 µm long, composed of a 1- or 2-celled darker coloured stalk and a terminal phialide. Stalk usually 1-celled 9-18 µm long and 11-15 µm wide or 2-celled and 25-33 x 16 µm. Phialides more or less lageniform, irregularly and sparsely roughened, 110-140 µm long, 16-23 µm wide at the slightly inflated venter, merging into a cylindrical collarette which is 15-20 µm wide. Phialoconidia more or less cylindrical, bluntly rounded at the apex with a marginally frilled, flattened base, transversely up to 14-septate, mostly 7-septate, with l to 8 of the cells longitudinally septate, subhyaline to pale brown, smooth or irregularly roughened, up to 62 µm long with the 7-septate conidia (38-) 43-50 (-55) x 12-13.5 (-14.5) µm. The first-formed conidia taper toward the distal end which is thicker-walled and more rounded here than in subsequent conidia.
HABITAT: on decayed stems of Ripogonum scandens.
Coloniae effusae, brunneae, velutinae vel caespitosae. Mycelium plerumque immersum, ex hyphis hyalinis vel pallide brunneis, laevibus, septatis, cylindricis, 2.5-3.5 µm lat. compositum, cellulis hic illic irregulariter rotundatis et ad 10 µm lat., brunneis vel pallide brunneis, in stromate laxiter aggregatis. Conidiophora plerumque in fasciculis laxis vel compactis in stromatibus oriunda, plus minusve lageniformia, brunnea, 125-160 µm long., ex stipite univel bicellulata, fusco et phialide terminali desinentes. Stipes plerumque unicellulata, 9-18 µm long. et 11-15 µm lat., aut bicellulata et 25-33 x 16 µm. Phialides plus minusve lageniformes, irregulariter et sparse asperae, 110-140 µm long., 16-23 µm lat., ex ventro parum inflato, et collo cylindrico, 15-20 µm lat. desmentes. Phialoconidia plus minusve cylindracea, apice obtusi-rotundato, basi plana eµmarginali fimbriata, transverse ad 14-septata, vulgo 7-septata, cellulis 1 ad 8 longitudinaliter septatis, subhyalina vel pallide brunnea, laevia vel irregulariter asperata, ad 62 µm long., conidiis 7- septatis (38-) 43-50 (-55) x 12-13.5 (-14.5) µm. Phialoconidium princeps apicem versus attenuatum, in apice crassotunicata et rotundata. HABITAT: in caulibus cariosis Ripogoni scandentis. Typus: New Zealand, Westland, Little Wanganui River, Harihari, 6.IV.1963, PDD 30407 (DAOM 93336 a).
COLLECTION: New Zealand, Westland, Little Wanganui River, Harihari, 6.IV.1963, PDD 30407 (type) (DAOM 93336 a).
Taxonomic concepts
Chalara dictyoseptata Nag Raj & S. Hughes 1974
Chalara dictyoseptata Nag Raj & S. Hughes (1974)
Chalara dictyoseptata Nag Raj & S. Hughes 1974
Chalara dictyoseptata Nag Raj & S. Hughes (1974)
Chalara dictyoseptata Nag Raj & S. Hughes 1974
Chalara dictyoseptata Nag Raj & S. Hughes (1974)
Chalara dictyoseptata Nag Raj & S. Hughes 1974
Chalara dictyoseptata Nag Raj & S. Hughes (1974)
Chalara dictyoseptata Nag Raj & S. Hughes 1974
Chalara dictyoseptata Nag Raj & S. Hughes
Global name resources
taxonomic status
Septate conidia suggest that this may be Nagrajchalara species, but no genetic data to confirm this.
New Zealand, Westland, Little Wanganui River, Harihari, 6.IV.1963, Holotype PDD 30407, isotype DAOM 93336a
scientific name
10 December 1992
9 January 2003