Nag Raj, T.R.; Hughes, S.J. 1974: New Zealand fungi. 21. Chalara (Corda) Rabenhorst. New Zealand Journal of Botany 12(1): 115-129.

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Nag Raj, T.R.; Hughes, S.J. 1974: New Zealand fungi. 21. Chalara (Corda) Rabenhorst. New Zealand Journal of Botany 12(1): 115-129.
Colonies effuse, black, hairy, or densely tufted. Mycelium partly immersed, partly superficial, composed of hyaline to brown, smooth hyphae 1.8-5.0 µm wide with cells cylindrical or irregularly rounded. Hyphae frequently aggregated into thin, effuse stromata within cracks and cavities in the corky layers of the bark, particularly around sunken ostioles of effete perithecia or pycnidia. Conidiophores solitary and scattered or arising in pairs from a single basal cell, or densely aggregated, simple, erect, straight, or variously bent, subcylindrical, dark brown below, progressively paler to pale brown toward the apex, smooth, with walls 1-1.5 µm thick, 67-100 µm long, 6.3-7.5 µm wide below and 2- to 10-septate, terminating in a phialide; conidiophores frequently very long, up to 285 µm long, through linear extension by percurrent proliferation of stalk one to three times through successive terminal phialides which may have suffered damage. Phialides lageniform, 50-69 (-72) µm long, composed of a poorly differentiated venter about 20-30 µm long and 8.1-11.7 µm wide, merging into a cylindrical collarette about 30-40 µm long and 5.2-6.3 µm wide. Phialoconidia cylindrical with a bluntly rounded apex and flattened marginally frilled base, hyaline, medially 1-septate, 13.5-18 (-20) X 3.6-4.5 (-5) µm, sometimes observed in readily seceding chains.
HABITAT: on bark of dead Aristotelia serrata.
Coloniae effusae, nigrae, velutinae vel confertim caespitosae. Mycelium ex hyphis parte immersis, parte superficialibus, hyalinis vel brunneis, laevi, 1.8-5.0 µm lat., cellulis cylindricis vel irregulariter rotundatis. Hyphae saepe in stromata tenuia, effusa, intra fissuras et cavitas in stratiis suberosis corticis, praesertim circa ostiola immersa peritheciorum vel pycnidiorum effoetorum aggregatae. Conidiophora solitaria et sparsa, vel binatim cellula una basali exorientia, vel confertim aggregata, simplicia, recta vel varie flexa, subcylindrica, basim versus atrobrunnea apicem versus pallescenti, laevia (parietibus 1-1.5 µm cr.), 67-100 µm. long., basi 6.3-7.5 µm lot. et 2- ad 10-septata, in phialidem desinentia; saepe per prolificationes percurrentes elongascentia et dein ad 285 µm long. Phialides lageniformes, 50-69 (-72) µm long., ex ventro debiliter proprio c. 20-30 µm long. et 8.1-11.7 µm lot., et collo terminali, cylindrico, c. 30-40 µm long. et 5.2-6.3 µm lot. compositae. Phialoconidia cylindracea, apice obtusi-rotundato, basi plana eµmarginali fimbriata, hyalima, media 1-septata, 13.5-18 (-20) x 3.6-4.5 (-5) µm, nonnunquam in catenas facile secedentes observata. HABITAT: in corticibus emortuis Aristoteliae serratae. Typus: New Zealand, Westland, Little Wanganui River, Harihari, 6.IV.1963, J. Dingley, PDD 30405 (DAOM 110033 b).
COLLECTION: New Zealand, Westland, Little Wanganui River, Harihari, 6.IV.1963, J. Dingley, PDD 30405 (type) (DAOM 110033 b).
COLLECTIONS: New Zealand, (1) on Podocarpus spicatus, Wellington Province, Tongariro National Park, Erua, 6.111.1963, PDD 30411 (DAOM 109585 a), (2) on unidentified wood, Auckland Province, Pureora, 21.111.1963, PDD 30410 (type) (DAOM 110018).
Colony effuse, brown, hairy. Mycelium immersed, composed of subhyaline to brown hyphae 2-4.7 µm, wide. Conidiophores solitary and scattered, occasionally in groups of 2 or 3, erect, usually straight, but sometimes irregularly bent, composed of a stalk and a terminal phialide. The stalk is dark brown, cylindrical, up to 12-septate and 170 µm long, 11-14 µm wide, thick-walled (up to 3.2 µm) but transversely thin-walled, occasionally very long and up to 23septate and 400 µm long through successive damage and regeneration: the stalk is somewhat swollen (up to 16 µm) at the base and may be lobed and associated with l to 3 brown cells. Phialides are 132-165 µm long, composed of a slightly inflated, pale brown to brown, slightly to coarsely roughened thin-walled venter about 50-55 µm long and (12.5-) 14.4-16.2 (-18) µm wide, merging into a cylindrical, dark brown, thick-walled (up to 2 µm) collarette which is 7-9 µm wide at its base and which broadens imperceptably toward the apex which is up to 10.8 µm wide; the distal part of the collarette is roughened, with the roughnesses appearing in circumferential rows. Phialoconidia cylindrical, bluntly rounded at the apex and at the marginally frilled base, hyaline, 7-septate, smooth, (45-) 50-66 (-72) x 5.9-6.6 µm, sometimes observed in chains.
HABITAT: on decayed wood of Podocarpus spicatus and unidentified host.
Coloniae effusae, brunneae, velutinae. Mycelium ex hyphis immersis, subhyalinis vel brunneis, 2-4.7 µm lat. compositum. Conidiophora solitaria et sparsa, interdum 2 vel 3 fasciculata, erecta, plerumque recta aliquando irregulariter flexa, ex stipito et phialide apicali composita. Stipes atrobrunneus, cylindricus, ad 12-septatus et 170 µm long., 11-14 µm lat., pariete incrassato (ad 3.2 µm), aliquando ad basas lobata et ad 16 µm inflata: aliquando stipes per proliferationes percurrentes successivas elongascentes et ad 23-septata et ad 400 µm long. Phialides 132-165 µm long., ex ventro parum inflato, brunneo vel pallide brunneo, leniter vel fortiter asperato, c. 50-55 µm long., (12.5-) 14.4- 16.2 (-18) µm lat., et collo cylindrico, atrobrunneo, pariete incrassato (ad 2 µm), basim versus 7-9 µm lat., apicem versus ad 10.8 µm lat., compositae. Pars distalis colli asperata, asperitatibus in seriebus peripheralibus visis. Phialoconidia cylindracea, utrinque obtusi-rotundata, basi marginali fimbriata, hyalina, 7-septata, laevia, (45-) 50-66 (-72) x 5.9-6.6 µm, interdum in catenas observata. HABITAT: in ligno putrescenti Podocarpi spicati nec non in ligno plantae ignotae. Typus: New Zealand, Auckland Province, Pureora, 21.111.1963, PDD 30410 (DAOM 110018).
Chalara inflatipes (Preuss) Sacc., C. insignis (Sacc., Rouss. & Bomm.) Hughes, and C. bicolor share some common features: the phialides of each species have multicellular, dark brown stalks, paler, rough-walled venters, and dark brown collarettes with somewhat circumferential roughenings towards the apex. C. bicolor may be distinguished from C. inflatipes by its 7-septate and longer conidia; in authenticated material of C. inflatipes the conidia are all 3- septate and measure 25-32.5 x 4.5-5.0 µm. In preparation from the type, and in two other collections of C. insignis preserved in DAOM, mature conidia are 7-septate and 32.5--46 X 6.0-7.2 µm; in C. bicolor the conidia are longer and slightly narrower.
Colonies effuse, brown, hairy or tufted. Mycelium mostly immersed, composed of hyaline to pale brown, smooth, septate, cylindrical hyphae 2.5-3.5 µm wide, with cells here and there irregularly rounded and up to 10 µm wide, pale brown to brown, and forming loose stromatic aggregations from which the conidiophores arise. Conidiophores usually in loose or compact clusters, more or less lageniform, brown, 125-160 µm long, composed of a 1- or 2-celled darker coloured stalk and a terminal phialide. Stalk usually 1-celled 9-18 µm long and 11-15 µm wide or 2-celled and 25-33 x 16 µm. Phialides more or less lageniform, irregularly and sparsely roughened, 110-140 µm long, 16-23 µm wide at the slightly inflated venter, merging into a cylindrical collarette which is 15-20 µm wide. Phialoconidia more or less cylindrical, bluntly rounded at the apex with a marginally frilled, flattened base, transversely up to 14-septate, mostly 7-septate, with l to 8 of the cells longitudinally septate, subhyaline to pale brown, smooth or irregularly roughened, up to 62 µm long with the 7-septate conidia (38-) 43-50 (-55) x 12-13.5 (-14.5) µm. The first-formed conidia taper toward the distal end which is thicker-walled and more rounded here than in subsequent conidia.
HABITAT: on decayed stems of Ripogonum scandens.
Coloniae effusae, brunneae, velutinae vel caespitosae. Mycelium plerumque immersum, ex hyphis hyalinis vel pallide brunneis, laevibus, septatis, cylindricis, 2.5-3.5 µm lat. compositum, cellulis hic illic irregulariter rotundatis et ad 10 µm lat., brunneis vel pallide brunneis, in stromate laxiter aggregatis. Conidiophora plerumque in fasciculis laxis vel compactis in stromatibus oriunda, plus minusve lageniformia, brunnea, 125-160 µm long., ex stipite univel bicellulata, fusco et phialide terminali desinentes. Stipes plerumque unicellulata, 9-18 µm long. et 11-15 µm lat., aut bicellulata et 25-33 x 16 µm. Phialides plus minusve lageniformes, irregulariter et sparse asperae, 110-140 µm long., 16-23 µm lat., ex ventro parum inflato, et collo cylindrico, 15-20 µm lat. desmentes. Phialoconidia plus minusve cylindracea, apice obtusi-rotundato, basi plana eµmarginali fimbriata, transverse ad 14-septata, vulgo 7-septata, cellulis 1 ad 8 longitudinaliter septatis, subhyalina vel pallide brunnea, laevia vel irregulariter asperata, ad 62 µm long., conidiis 7- septatis (38-) 43-50 (-55) x 12-13.5 (-14.5) µm. Phialoconidium princeps apicem versus attenuatum, in apice crassotunicata et rotundata. HABITAT: in caulibus cariosis Ripogoni scandentis. Typus: New Zealand, Westland, Little Wanganui River, Harihari, 6.IV.1963, PDD 30407 (DAOM 93336 a).
COLLECTION: New Zealand, Westland, Little Wanganui River, Harihari, 6.IV.1963, PDD 30407 (type) (DAOM 93336 a).
COLLECTIONS: New Zealand, (1-3) Canterbury Dist., near Little River, Okitu Valley, 17.V.1963, S. J. Hughes; (1) on Hoheria angustifolia, PDD 21027 (DAOM 110037); (2,3) on unidentified wood, PDD 21030 (DAOM 110038), PDD 21055 (DAOM 93533 b); (4) Auckland Province, Epsom, on Viburnum sp., 13.1.1963, S. Davison, PDD 20491 (DAOM 93848 b).
Colony effuse, brown, hairy, covered with white masses of conidia. Conidiophores solitary or loosely aggregated, composed of phialides sessile and borne directly on mycelium or on a few-celled stalk which is 33-54 µm long and 4.5-5.5 µm wide at the base, pale brown to brown. Phialides lageniform, 25.5-48 µm long, composed of an ellipsoidal venter 10-16.5 x 5.5-7.5 µm and a cylindrical collarette 19-29.5 x 2-3 µm, wall smooth. Phialoconidia cylindrical, with obtuse ends, 1-septate, hyaline, smooth-walled, 12-17 x 2-2.5 µm; seen singly or in easily dispersible chains.
HABITAT: on rotten wood of Hoheria angustifolia, Viburnum sp., and of unidentified hosts.
Coloniae effusae, brunneae, velutinae, massis albidis conidiorum obtectae. Conidiophora solitaria vel laxe aggregata, ex phialidibus sessilibus proxime super mycehis portatis aut super stipitibus pauci-cellularibus et 33-54 µm long; 4.5-5.5 µm lat. in basi composita, pallide brunnea ad brunnea. Phialides lagemformes, 25.5-48 µm long., ex ventere unico ellipsoideo, 10-16.5 x 5.5-7.5 µm et collo unico cylindrico 19-29.5 x 2-3 µm, compositae, laeviae. Phialoconidia cylindracea, extremitatibus obtusis, bicellularia, hyalina, laevia, 12-17 x 2-2.5 µm; singulatim vel in catenis facile secedentibus observata. HABITAT: in Hoheriae angustifoliae, specie indet. Viburni et in ligno. TYPUS: in ligno, U.S.A., New York, Lloyd Cornell Preserve, 6.IX.1952, S. J. Hughes, DAOM 29354.
Colony effuse, brown, hairy, with thin white bloom of conidia. Mycelium immersed and also, here and there, thinly aggregated at the surface, composed of subhyaline to brown hyphae 1.2-2.5 µm wide with some cells swollen up to 3.5 µm wide. Conidiophores solitary and scattered, straight or variously bent, subcylindrical, dark brown below, progressively paler toward the apex, with walls thickened (to 1.8 µm) below and thinner above, 95-190 µm long, usually somewhat inflated up to 10 µm and 2- or 3-lobed at the immediate base then cylindrical, 3.7-5.0 µm wide and 9- to 15-septate, the septa being closer together toward the distal end; the Conidiophoee terminates in a phialide. Phialides lageniform, 34-47 µm long, composed of a subcylindrical venter about half the length of a phialide, and a terminal, cylindrical collarette 2.3-3.1 µm wide. Phialoconidia cylindrical with a bluntly rounded apex and a flattened, marginally frilled base, hyaline, 1-celled, (3.5-) 4.5-5.5 (-6.0) x 1.5-2.0 µm, observed in long chains.
HABITAT: on decayed Cyathea medullaris.
Coloniae effusae, brunneae, velutinae, strato tenui, albido conidiorum obtectae. Mycelium immersum et hic illic superficiale tenuiter aggregatum, ex hyphis subhyalinis vel brunneis, 1.2-2.5 µm lat., aliquot cellulis inflatis ad 3.5 µm lat., compositum. Conidiophora solitaria et sparsa, recta vel varie flexa, subcylindrica, infra atrobrunnea, apicem versus pallescentia, 95-190 µm long., ad bassas 2-3-lobata et ad 10 µm lat. inflata, supra basim 3.7-5.0 µm lat., 9-15-septata, in phialidem desinentia. Phialides lageniformes, 34-47 µm long., ex ventro subcylindrico, dimidio longitudinis phialidis, et collo terminali, cylindrico 2.3-3.1 µm lat. desinentes. Phialoconidia cylindracea, apice obtusi-rotundato, basi plana eµmarginali fimbriata, hyalina, unicellularia, (3.5-) 4.5-5.5 (-6.0) x 1.5-2.0 µm, in catenas longas observata. HABITAT: in Cyatheae medullaris putrescentibus. Typus: New Zealand, Auckland Province, Upper Piha Valley, Waitakere Range, 2.V.1963, J. Dingley, PDD 30406 (DAOM 110036).
COLLECTION: New Zealand, Auckland Province, Upper Piha Valley, Waitakere Range, 2.V.1963, J. Dingley, PDD 30406 (type) (DAOM 110036).
Colony discrete, about 1 cm diam., brown with cream-coloured layer of persistent chains of conidia. Mycelium partly immersed, partly superficial, composed of hyaline to pale brown, smooth, septate, cylindrical hyphae, 1.5-3.5 µm wide, with cells here and there irregularly roughened, 6-7.5 µm wide, pale brown to dark brown and forming thin, superficial, stromatic aggregations from which conidiophores arise. Conidiophores in loose or compact clusters, subcylindrical, pale brown to brown, 105-150 µm long, composed of sessile or shortly stalked phialides borne directly on the thin stromata. Phialides 12.5-16.2 µm wide at the barely differentiated venter, merging into a cylin drical collarette which is 10.8-12.5 µm wide: stalks when present, onecelled, 7.9-9 µm long and 6-9 µm wide. Phialoconidia cylindrical, bluntly rounded at the apex and somewhat flattened at the marginally frilled base, predominantly 7-septate, hyaline to subhyaline, smooth, (40-) 45-50 (-57) x 8.5-9.5 (-10) µm, observed in readily seceding chains.
HABITAT: on inner surface of bark of Weinmannia racemosa.
Coloniae discretae, c. 1 cm diam., brunneae, strato ochroleuco catenarum persistentium conidiorum. Mycelium partim immersum, partim superficiale, ex hyphis hyalinis vel pallide brunneis, laevis, septatis, cylindricis, 1.5-3.5 µm lot. compositum, cellulis hic illic asperis, 6-7.5 µm lot., pallide brunneis vel atrobrunneis et in stromate tenui superficie aggregatis. Conidiophora in fasciculis laxis vel compactis in stromatibus oriunda, cylindrica, brunnea vel pallide brunnea, 105-150 µm long., ex phialidibus sessilibus vel breviter stipitatis compositae. Phialides 12.5-16.2 µm lot. ex ventro vix inflato et collo cylindrico, 10.8-12.5 µm lot. compositae: stipes unicellularis 7.9-9 µm long., 6-9 µm lot. Phialoconidia cylindracea, apice obtusi-rotundata, basi plana eµmarginali fimbriata, valde 7-septata, hyalina vel subhyalina, laevia (40-) 45-50 (-57) x 8.5-9.5 (-10) µm, in catenas facile secedentes observata. HABITAT: in pagina interiore corticis Weinntanniae racemosae. Typus:New Zealand, Westland Province, Lake lanthe, Pukekura, 8.IV.1963, PDD 30408 (DAOM 110020).
COLLECTION: New Zealand, Westland Province, Lake Ianthe, Pukekura, 8.IV.1963, PDD 30408 (type) (DAOM 110020).
Colony effuse, brown, hairy, with a thin white bloom of conidial chains. Mycelium immersed, here and there thinly aggregated, composed of subhyaline to brown hyphae 2-4.5 µm wide. Conidiophores solitary or loosely aggregated, erect, straight, subcylindrical, uniformly brown, smooth, walls thickened somewhat below and thinner above, 115-155 µm long, composed of a 1-celled occasion ally lobe-bearing stalk cell, 9-10.5 µm wide, terminating in a phialide. Phialides 105-140 µm long, composed of a slightly inflated venter about 50-60 µm long and 11.5-16.5 µm wide merging into a cylindrical collarette (7-) 8-9 µm wide. Phialoconidia cylindrical, barely rounded at the apex and flattened at the marginally frilled base, hyaline, 3-septate, smooth, (20-) 34-40 (-45) x (6.5-) 7.2 (-8.0) µm, sometimes observed in readily seceding chains. Conidia with more rounded distal ends are generally the sort ones (20-30 µm) and each is the first-farmed conidium in the phialides.
HABITAT: on decayed wood of Leptospermum scoparium.
Coloniae effusae, brunneae, velutinae, strato tenui, albido, catenarum conidiorum obtectae. Mycelium immersum, hic illic tenuiter aggregatum, ex hyphis subhyalinis vel brunneis, 2-4.5 µm lot., compositum. Conidiophora solitaria vel laxe aggregata, recta, subcylindrica, aeque brunnea, laevia, 115-155 µm long., stipito unicellulari, subinde lobifero, 9-10.5 µm lat. et phialide terminali composita. Phialides 105-140 µm long., ex ventro leniter inflato, c. 50-60 µm long. et 11.5-16.5 µm lat., et collo terminali, cylindrico (7-) 8-9 µm lat. desinentes. Phialoconidia cylindracea, apice vix rotundato, basi plana eµmarginali fimbriata, hyalina, 3-septata, laevia, (20-) 34-40 (-45) x (6.5-) 7.2 (-8.0) µm, nonnunquam in catenas facile secedentes observata. Phialoconidium princeps apice rotundatum plerumque brevior, 20-30 µm long. HABITAT: in ligno putrescenti Leptospermii scoparii. Typus: New Zealand, Auckland Province, Kitikiti Stream, Waitakere Range, 31.1.1963, PDD 30409 (DAOM 110019).
COLLECTION: New Zealand, Auckland Province, Kitikiti Stream, Waitakere Range, 31.1.1963, PDD 30409 (type) (DAOM 110019).
Colony superficial, effuse, brown, hairy. Conidiophores arising from a thin stroma, scattered or in small clusters, simple, erect or variously bent, cylindrical, multiseptate, brown to dark brown or reddish brown in the basal part, becoming paler above, 78-230 µm long and 4.5-8 µm wide at the slightly swollen base, terminating in a phialide. Phialides 70-100 µm long, pale brown, composed of a venter narrow at the base and 8-13 µm wide at its apex, abruptly merging into a cylindrical collarette which is 3-6 µm wide. Phialoconidia cylindrical with both ends rounded or basal end alone flattened, 1-septate, hyaline, smooth, 10.5-18 x 2.5-4 µm; observed singly or in persistent chains.
HABITAT: on Rhopalostylis sapida, and undetermined Rumex sp.
Coloniae superficiales, effusae, brunneae, velutinae. Conidiophora ex stromate tenui exorientia, dissita vel in fasciculis pusillis, simplicia, erecta vel varie flexa, cylindrica, pluri-septata, brunnea ad atrobrunnea vel rufobrunnea subter, insuper pallescentia, 78-230 µm long. et 4.5-8 µm lat., in basi parum infiata, in phialidem unicam desinentia. Phialides 70-100 µm long., pallide brunneae, ex ventere unico contracto in basi, et 8-13 µm lat. in apice commiscenti in collum unicum, cylindricum, longum, 3-6 µm lat., compositae. Phialoconidia cylindracea, utrinque rotundata vel tantum in basi complanata, 1-septata, hyalina, laevia, 10.5-18 x 2.5-4 µm; singulatim vel in catenis persistentibus observata. HABITAT: ad Rhopalostylidis sapidae, et specie indet. Rumicis. Typus: ad specie indet. Rumicis, Pickering, Yorks., U.K., 7.VII.1963, W. G. Bramley, IMI 102891.
COLLECTION: New Zealand, Auckland Province, Cossy's Creek Dam, 12.11.1963, Hunua, J. Dingley, PDD 20529 (DAOM 110039).
Cited scientific names
- Aristotelia serrata (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) W.R.B.Oliv.
- Chalara aotearoa Nag Raj & S. Hughes 1974
- Chalara bicolor S. Hughes 1974
- Chalara dictyoseptata Nag Raj & S. Hughes 1974
- Chalara hughesii Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr. 1974
- Chalara parvispora Nag Raj & S. Hughes 1974
- Chalara pulchra Nag Raj & S. Hughes 1974
- Chalara unicolor S. Hughes & Nag Raj 1974
- Chalara urceolata Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr. 1974
3 April 2001