Chalara bicolor S. Hughes 1974
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Chalara bicolor S. Hughes in Nag Raj & Hughes, New Zealand J. Bot. 12 122 (1974)
Chalara bicolor S. Hughes 1974
S. Hughes
S. Hughes
Chalara bicolor S. Hughes 1974
NZ holotype
Chalara bicolor
Chalara bicolor S. Hughes 1974
COLLECTIONS: New Zealand, (1) on Podocarpus spicatus, Wellington Province, Tongariro National Park, Erua, 6.111.1963, PDD 30411 (DAOM 109585 a), (2) on unidentified wood, Auckland Province, Pureora, 21.111.1963, PDD 30410 (type) (DAOM 110018).
Colony effuse, brown, hairy. Mycelium immersed, composed of subhyaline to brown hyphae 2-4.7 µm, wide. Conidiophores solitary and scattered, occasionally in groups of 2 or 3, erect, usually straight, but sometimes irregularly bent, composed of a stalk and a terminal phialide. The stalk is dark brown, cylindrical, up to 12-septate and 170 µm long, 11-14 µm wide, thick-walled (up to 3.2 µm) but transversely thin-walled, occasionally very long and up to 23septate and 400 µm long through successive damage and regeneration: the stalk is somewhat swollen (up to 16 µm) at the base and may be lobed and associated with l to 3 brown cells. Phialides are 132-165 µm long, composed of a slightly inflated, pale brown to brown, slightly to coarsely roughened thin-walled venter about 50-55 µm long and (12.5-) 14.4-16.2 (-18) µm wide, merging into a cylindrical, dark brown, thick-walled (up to 2 µm) collarette which is 7-9 µm wide at its base and which broadens imperceptably toward the apex which is up to 10.8 µm wide; the distal part of the collarette is roughened, with the roughnesses appearing in circumferential rows. Phialoconidia cylindrical, bluntly rounded at the apex and at the marginally frilled base, hyaline, 7-septate, smooth, (45-) 50-66 (-72) x 5.9-6.6 µm, sometimes observed in chains.
HABITAT: on decayed wood of Podocarpus spicatus and unidentified host.
Coloniae effusae, brunneae, velutinae. Mycelium ex hyphis immersis, subhyalinis vel brunneis, 2-4.7 µm lat. compositum. Conidiophora solitaria et sparsa, interdum 2 vel 3 fasciculata, erecta, plerumque recta aliquando irregulariter flexa, ex stipito et phialide apicali composita. Stipes atrobrunneus, cylindricus, ad 12-septatus et 170 µm long., 11-14 µm lat., pariete incrassato (ad 3.2 µm), aliquando ad basas lobata et ad 16 µm inflata: aliquando stipes per proliferationes percurrentes successivas elongascentes et ad 23-septata et ad 400 µm long. Phialides 132-165 µm long., ex ventro parum inflato, brunneo vel pallide brunneo, leniter vel fortiter asperato, c. 50-55 µm long., (12.5-) 14.4- 16.2 (-18) µm lat., et collo cylindrico, atrobrunneo, pariete incrassato (ad 2 µm), basim versus 7-9 µm lat., apicem versus ad 10.8 µm lat., compositae. Pars distalis colli asperata, asperitatibus in seriebus peripheralibus visis. Phialoconidia cylindracea, utrinque obtusi-rotundata, basi marginali fimbriata, hyalina, 7-septata, laevia, (45-) 50-66 (-72) x 5.9-6.6 µm, interdum in catenas observata. HABITAT: in ligno putrescenti Podocarpi spicati nec non in ligno plantae ignotae. Typus: New Zealand, Auckland Province, Pureora, 21.111.1963, PDD 30410 (DAOM 110018).
Chalara inflatipes (Preuss) Sacc., C. insignis (Sacc., Rouss. & Bomm.) Hughes, and C. bicolor share some common features: the phialides of each species have multicellular, dark brown stalks, paler, rough-walled venters, and dark brown collarettes with somewhat circumferential roughenings towards the apex. C. bicolor may be distinguished from C. inflatipes by its 7-septate and longer conidia; in authenticated material of C. inflatipes the conidia are all 3- septate and measure 25-32.5 x 4.5-5.0 µm. In preparation from the type, and in two other collections of C. insignis preserved in DAOM, mature conidia are 7-septate and 32.5--46 X 6.0-7.2 µm; in C. bicolor the conidia are longer and slightly narrower.
Taxonomic concepts
Chalara bicolor S. Hughes 1974
Chalara bicolor S. Hughes (1974)
Chalara bicolor S. Hughes 1974
Chalara bicolor S. Hughes (1974)
Global name resources
taxonomic status
Septate conidia perhaps indicate this is a Nagrajchalara species, although no genetic data to confirm that
New Zealand, Auckland Province, Pureora, 21.III.1963, holotype PDD 30410, isotype DAOM 110018
scientific name
10 December 1992
9 January 2003