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Brachysporiella gayana Bat. 1952

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Fig. 8 Brachysporiella gayana. A, simple and compound conidiophores bearing conidia; B, conidiophore with lateral branch, and conidium on terminal percurrent proliferation; C, simple conidiophore with conidium on fourth percurrent proliferation. A, B, from DA0M 109268; C, from DA0M 109267. A, X 160; B, C, X 640.

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Brachysporiella gayana Bat., Bol. Secr. Agric. Ind. Com. Est. Pernambuco 19 109 (1952)
Brachysporiella gayana Bat. 1952

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
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Brachysporiella gayana Bat. 1952
Brachysporiella gayana
Type Brazil

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Brachysporiella gayana Bat. 1952

On dead wood and bark, ( 1 ) Leptospermum ericoides, Auckland Prov., Cornwallis, 3 XI.1962, -J.M.D., PDD 20402 (DAOM 93568); (2) Nothofagus fusca Auckland Prov., Mangorewa Gorge, 20.111.1963, J.M.D., DAOM 109268; (3) Podocarpus totara, Wellington Prey., Tongariro National Park. Ohakune, 6.111.1963, DAOM 93837; (4, 5) Weinmannia racemosa (4) Wellington Prov., Tongiriro National Park, Erua, 6.111.1963. DAOM 94158; (5) Westland, Lake Ianthe, Pukekura. 8.1V.1963, DAOM 96020: (6. 7) unidentified hosts, Auckland Prov., Waitakere Range, (6) Rangemore Track, Waiatarua, 15.11.1963, DAOM 93566; M Home Track, Upper Piha Valley, 9.X.1963, DAOM 109267.

The conidiophores are composed of a simple main stalk which bears a single terminal conidiumat its apex and presumably on successive terminal ovoid to obpyriform percurrent proliferations. Some, but not all conidiophores, bear a few lateral 1- or a few-celled scattered or paired branches which bear a solitary terminal conidium with subsequent conidia produced on successive percurrent proliferations. Conidia are obovoid to obpyriform, uniformly pale brown to brown. predominantly 3-septate (pseudo-septate), with the walls progressively thinner toward the unfringed basal scar which is 2.7-4 um wide. Conidia measure 23.5-38 x 11.7-21.6um mostly 27-36 X 12.5-18um. The larger conidia are those which develop terminally on the main stalk. the lateral ones being smaller and somewhat paler.

The presence of branches on the main stalk of the conidiophore is evidently a variable character. In the type collection, and the other collections at my disposal, branches may be absent on some conidiophores which are robust and apparently mature. In one collection (DA0M 109267) only simple conidiophores were found: conidium characters match those of conidia produced on branched conidiophores in other collections.

Successive ovoid to obpyriform percurrent proliferations are usually present on the apex of themain stalk and its branches and it is likely that the apex of each proliferation was the site of a solitary conidium. Most proliferations seem to have arisen. it the apex of a conidiogenous cell, presumably from a half septum left by the seceded conidium. The wall of the proliferation may also extend down to the lower septum of a conidiogenous cell

Brachysporiella gayana Bat. 1952

Associated with Endophragmiella novae-zelandiae Hughes on the inner surface of bark of Nothofagus truncata, New Zealand, Westland Granville Forest, Mt Elliott, Ahaura, 2.IV.1963, S.J.H. DAOM 93818g (holotype) PDD 36107 (isotype).
Colonies effuse, dark brown. Mycelium partly superficial, partly immersed, composed of subhyaline to pale brown hyphae 2.0-3.3 um wide. Sporodochia punctiform, crowded, 70-150 um wide, composed of aggregated, subhyaline to brown, closely branched hyphae. Conidiophores straight or flexuous, up to 30 um long, 3.2-5.0 um wide, and at maturity they bear terminally up to 9 successive percurrent proliferations (annelIations). Each proliferation, which arises by the extension of the half-septum remaining after schizolytic secession of the conidium, is hyaline to subhyaline, 2.0-4.5 um long, somewhat cuneiform with thickened lateral walls. Thin secondary septa are formed more or less regularly as the conidiophores proliferate. Conidia arise singly, holoblastically at the apex of conidiophores and of their successive proliferations: they are dry, straight, mostly ellipsoidal, 6- to 8- but predominantly 8-septate rounded at the apex and tapered toward the base, with the distal cells brown and thick-walled and the basal cell hyaline to subhyaline and thin-walled with a flat basal scar. Conidia measure 27-36 X 9-10(-11.8) um (6-septate), 32.4-35.1 x 9-10 um (7-septate) and 31.5-39.5 X 9.0-10.8 um (8-septate).
: in cortice putrido Nothofagi truncatae Nova Zelandia
(Fig. 1) Coloniae effusae, atrobrunneae. Mycelium ex hyphis subhyalinis vel pallide brunneis, 2.0-3.3 um crassis compositum. Sporodochia punctifomia, congesta, 70-150 gin lata ex hyphis ramosis aggregatis composita Conidiophora recta vel flexuosa, subhyalina, ad 30 um longa, 3.2-5.0 um crassa, per usque ad 9 proliferationes successivas (2.0-4.5 um longas) elongascentia. Conidia sicca, singula, primo in apice conidiophori et dein proliferationequoque successive oriunda, recta, plerumque ellipsoidea, 6- ad 8-septata, plerumque 8-septata, cellulis distalibus crasso-tunicatis brunneisque; cellula basalis hyalina vel subhyalina, tenui-tunicata, basicicatrice plana praedita. Conidia 27-36 X 9-10(-11.8) um 32.4-35.1 X 9-10 um (7-septata), 31.5-39.5 X 9.0-10.8 um (8-septata) schizolytice secedentia
Besides the type species, B. masonii (Hughes) M.B. EHis, two additional species have been included in Bactrodesmielia M.B. Ellis up to the present time: these are B. aspidiospermatis Batista, Peres and Gamier, and B. tecotmae Batista and Peres. Both were described from Brazil in Batista et al. (1962) on leaf spots of Aspidiosperma sp. and Tecoma carnaiba respectively. From the illustrated accounts it seems that neither species produces conidia on successive percurrent proliferations of the conidiophores so their disposition in Bactrodesmiella is questionable
mixtus cum Endophragmiellae novaczelandiae interius in cortice putrido Nothtifagi trancatae, Nova Zelandia, 'Westland, Granville Forest, Mt Elliott, Ahaura, 2.1V.1963, S.J.H. DAOM93818g(holotypus), PDD36107(isotypus).

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Brachysporiella gayana Bat. 1952
Brachysporiella gayana Bat. (1952)
Brachysporiella gayana Bat. 1952
Brachysporiella gayana Bat. (1952)
Brachysporiella gayana Bat. 1952
Brachysporiella gayana Bat. (1952)
Brachysporiella gayana Bat. 1952
Brachysporiella gayana Bat. (1952)
Brachysporiella gayana Bat. 1952
Brachysporiella gayana Bat. (1952)
Brachysporiella gayana Bat. 1952
Brachysporiella gayana Bat. (1952)
Brachysporiella gayana Bat. 1952
Brachysporiella gayana Bat. 1952

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Brachysporiella gayana Bat. 1952
[Not available]

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Type Brazil

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scientific name
10 December 1992
7 August 2002