Hughes, S.J. 1989: New Zealand fungi 33. Some new species and new records of dematiaceous hyphomycetes. New Zealand Journal of Botany 27(3): 449-459.

=Exosporium biformatum Hohnel Sitzungsb. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien. Math.-nat. Cl Ill(l): 1032. 1902.
=Bactrodesmium submoniliforme Holubova Jechova Folia Geobot. Phylotax., Praha 7: 416. 1972
This collection has been compared with the type collections of B. biformatum from Austria (Herb. FH) and of its synonym B. submoniliforme from Czechoslovakia (Herb. Pr), and also single collections from Canada (DAOM 182347), Scotland (DAOM 38970) and another from Czechoslovakia (DAOM 51725) (Hughes 1983). Characteristic features of B. biformatum are the small and paler apical cell of the conidia and the slight constrictions at the septa of mature conidia.
New Zealand. (1-3) on bark of Nothofagus fusca, Wellington Prov., Tongariro National Park, Ohakune Mt. Road (750 m), 7.111.1963, S.J.H. DAOM 109972d, 178615b (holotype), 178616b ; (4,5) on bark of Nothofagus truncata, Auckland Prov., Orere, (4) 20.11.1963, S.J.H., DAOM 97317; (5) 24 . IX. 1963, S.J.H. DAOM 119773b.
mixtus cum Pseudospiropede novaezelandiae in cortice putrido Notho/agi fuscae, Wellington Prov., Tongariro National Park, Obakune Mt. Road (750m), Nova Zelandia, 7.111.1963, S.J.H. DAOM 178615b (holotypus).
Trichocladium macrosporum was described originally on dead wood from Devon, England. During my sojourn in New Zealand in 1963 I found the large conidia of the then undescribed fungus firequently on dead wood of various plants, particularly of Ripogonum scandens, but seldom in such numbers to provide adequate herbarium specimens. The transversely multiseptate conidia of T. macrosporum are massive compared with those of the type species, T. asperum Ham, which are predominantly 1 -septate and smaller, 16-25 X 10-15 um.
The roughness of the wall of conidia of T. macrosporum arises from small blister-like inflations of an outer wall layer as found in T. asperum (Hughes 1952), but in the former the inflations are soon torn so that the conidium surface appears irregularly coarse.
Conidia of T. macrosporum, and those of T. novae-zelandiae Hughes(1969), lack the germ pores which are characteristic of the conidia of T. asperum, T. canadense Hughes, and T. pyriforme Dixon.
Cited scientific names
- Bactrodesmiella novae-zelandiae S. Hughes 1989
- Bactrodesmium biformatum (Höhn.) S. Hughes 1983
- Brachysporiella gayana Bat. 1952
- Cordana abramovii E.O. Semen & Davydkina 1983
- Pseudospiropes novae-zealandiae S. Hughes 1989
- Pseudospiropes variabilis S. Hughes 1989
- Trichocladium macrosporum P.M. Kirk 1981