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Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker 1964

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(Schwein.) Shoemaker
Botryosphaeria obtusa

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Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker 1964

Type: Caulicolous Fungi; Description: Conidiomata pycnidial, aggregated, subepidermal at first, becoming erumpent, globose, black, up to 0.4 mm in diameter; on twigs, leaves, and fruit. Conidia cylindrical, 0-septate (occasionally 1-septate), 20–26 × 10–16 µm, apex obtuse, verruculose, brown.
Distribution: Hawkes Bay, Wellington, Nelson.; 1st Record: Cunningham (1921).
Notes: This species was synonymised under a broad concept of Botryosphaeria quercuum (Schweinitz) Saccardo in earlier literature (Laundon 1977).
Significance: Only the anamorph is known in New Zealand. A wound pathogen associated with, but not necessarily the primary cause of, stem cankers, leaf spots, and fruit rot in fruit trees.; Host(s): Cydonia oblonga, Malus ×domestica, Pyrus communis, Quercus ilex, Rubus idaeus, Rubus × (hybrid berry).

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Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker 1964
Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker (1964)
Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker 1964
Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker (1964)
Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker 1964
Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker (1964)
Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker 1964
Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker (1964)
Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker 1964
Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker (1964)
Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker 1964
Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker
Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker 1964
Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker (1964)
Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker 1964
Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker (1964)
Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker 1964
Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker (1964)
Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker 1964
Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker (1964)
Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker 1964
Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker (1964)
Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker 1964
Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker (1964)
Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker 1964
Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker (1964)
Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker 1964
Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker (1964)
Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker 1964
Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker (1964)
Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker 1964
Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker (1964)
Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker 1964
Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker (1964)
Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker 1964
Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker (1964)
Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker 1964
Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker 1964
Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker 1964
Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker 1964
Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker 1964
Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker 1964
Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker 1964
Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker (1964)

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Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker 1964
Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker 1964
New Zealand
Hawkes Bay
Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker 1964
New Zealand
Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker 1964
New Zealand
North Island
Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker 1964
New Zealand
Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker 1964
New Zealand

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taxonomic status
Included under Botryosphaeria quercuum by Dingley (1969) [following Arx & Müller 1954]

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scientific name
14 November 2013
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