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Gerronema waikanaense (G. Stev.) J.A. Cooper 2014

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Gerronema waikanaense (G. Stev.) J.A. Cooper, Mycosphere 5 282 (2014)
Gerronema waikanaense (G. Stev.) J.A. Cooper 2014

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New Zealand
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J.A. Cooper
G. Stev.
(G. Stev.) J.A. Cooper
Gerronema waikanaense

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The systematic position of this species remains doubtful because there are several characters such as structure of the cuticle and the cheilo- and caulocystidia which indicate that it is near Hydropus or Gerronema.
SPECIMEN: NZ: W, Waikanae, in humus around rotting standing tree, 1 i l951, Stevenson, K-797 (holotype).
ICON.: Stevenson (1962: 375).

The type material is in poor condition and no spores have been recovered. - Basidia 50-60 x 5-6 um, 4-spored. - Pileipellis a cutis of repent-suberect cylindrical hyphae (2-8 um diam.), in KOH with dark brown plasmatic and/or encrusting pigment, membranes not gelatinised. Clamp connections not observed.

The material probably represents a species of Hydropus (cf. Singer, 1981).

Pileus 0.5-2.5 cm. diam., lilac, with sparse appressed, velvety black fibrils, planoconvex with downrolled margin, sometimes depressed at centre; flesh greyish blue-green. Gills decurrent, greyish flax blue, shallow, triangular in section, occasionally forking. Stipe 1-3 X 0.2-0.5 cm., lilac with scattered whitish fibrils, some showing blue-green striations, hollow, rather brittle. Spore print white. Basidia 40-45 X 4-5 µm., four-spored. Scent strong, of musk-vanilla.
habitat: in humus in a dense group round the base of a rotting standing tree, Waikanae, 1,1.1951, Stevenson.
Typus: Stevenson 797 (PI. 8/2)
Pileus 0.5-2.5 cm. diam., lilacinus, fibrillis nigris velutinis sparse adpressis, plano-convexus, margine involuto, interdum medio depressus; came griseo-veneta. Lamellae decurrentes, griseo-lineae, angustae, medio sectae triangulae, nonnunquam furcatae. Stipes 1-3 X 0.2-0.5 cm., lilacinus, fibrillis sparsis albidis (nonnullis viridi-striatis) ornatus, cavus, subfragilis. Sporae in cumulo albidae. Odor fortis, moschatus vel vanillae.
At the time of collection the spore print was noted to be white but the spores were not examined with a microscope. A later search revealed many mould spores; a very few spores, 4x5μm., ovoid, were seen attached to basidia but these may have been immature.

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Gerronema waikanaense (G. Stev.) J.A. Cooper 2014
Gerronema waikanaensis (G. Stev) J.A. Cooper 2014
Gerronema waikanaense (G. Stev.) J.A. Cooper 2014
Gerronema waikanaense (G. Stev.) J.A. Cooper 2014
Gerronema waikanaensis J.A. Cooper
Hygrophorus waikanaensis G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
Hygrophorus waikanaensis G. Stev. (1963) [1962]
Hygrophorus waikanaensis G. Stev. (1963) [1962]
Hygrophorus waikanaensis G. Stev. (1963) [1962]

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Gerronema waikanaense (G. Stev.) J.A. Cooper 2014
New Zealand
Gerronema waikanaense (G. Stev.) J.A. Cooper 2014
New Zealand
Bay of Plenty
Gerronema waikanaense (G. Stev.) J.A. Cooper 2014
New Zealand
Hawkes Bay
Gerronema waikanaense (G. Stev.) J.A. Cooper 2014
New Zealand
Mid Canterbury
Gerronema waikanaense (G. Stev.) J.A. Cooper 2014
New Zealand
Gerronema waikanaense (G. Stev.) J.A. Cooper 2014
New Zealand
Gerronema waikanaense (G. Stev.) J.A. Cooper 2014
New Zealand

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taxonomic status
recombination into Gerronema proposed on basis of ITS analysis of spceimens clearly conspecific with Stevenson's taxon [JAC]

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scientific name
16 February 2012
13 February 2015
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