Hygrophorus waikanaensis G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
Hygrophorus waikanaensis G. Stev., Kew Bull. 16 375 (1963 [1962])
G. Stev.
G. Stev.
Hygrophorus waikanaensis G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
NZ holotype
Hygrophorus waikanaensis
Hygrophorus waikanaensis G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
The systematic position of this species remains doubtful because there are several characters such as structure of the cuticle and the cheilo- and caulocystidia which indicate that it is near Hydropus or Gerronema.
Hygrophorus waikanaensis G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
SPECIMEN: NZ: W, Waikanae, in humus around rotting standing tree, 1 i l951, Stevenson, K-797 (holotype).
ICON.: Stevenson (1962: 375).
The type material is in poor condition and no spores have been recovered. - Basidia 50-60 x 5-6 um, 4-spored. - Pileipellis a cutis of repent-suberect cylindrical hyphae (2-8 um diam.), in KOH with dark brown plasmatic and/or encrusting pigment, membranes not gelatinised. Clamp connections not observed.
The material probably represents a species of Hydropus (cf. Singer, 1981).
Hygrophorus waikanaensis G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
[Notes from Kew Type specimen, PRJ 2010] Kew images.
Hygrophorus waikanaensis G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
Pileus 0.5-2.5 cm. diam., lilac, with sparse appressed, velvety black fibrils, planoconvex with downrolled margin, sometimes depressed at centre; flesh greyish blue-green. Gills decurrent, greyish flax blue, shallow, triangular in section, occasionally forking. Stipe 1-3 X 0.2-0.5 cm., lilac with scattered whitish fibrils, some showing blue-green striations, hollow, rather brittle. Spore print white. Basidia 40-45 X 4-5 µm., four-spored. Scent strong, of musk-vanilla.
habitat: in humus in a dense group round the base of a rotting standing tree, Waikanae, 1,1.1951, Stevenson.
Typus: Stevenson 797 (PI. 8/2)
Pileus 0.5-2.5 cm. diam., lilacinus, fibrillis nigris velutinis sparse adpressis, plano-convexus, margine involuto, interdum medio depressus; came griseo-veneta. Lamellae decurrentes, griseo-lineae, angustae, medio sectae triangulae, nonnunquam furcatae. Stipes 1-3 X 0.2-0.5 cm., lilacinus, fibrillis sparsis albidis (nonnullis viridi-striatis) ornatus, cavus, subfragilis. Sporae in cumulo albidae. Odor fortis, moschatus vel vanillae.
At the time of collection the spore print was noted to be white but the spores were not examined with a microscope. A later search revealed many mould spores; a very few spores, 4x5μm., ovoid, were seen attached to basidia but these may have been immature.
Taxonomic concepts
Hygrophorus waikanaensis G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
Hygrophorus waikanaensis G. Stev. (1963) [1962]
Hygrophorus waikanaensis G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
Hygrophorus waikanaensis G. Stev. (1963) [1962]
Hygrophorus waikanaensis G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
Hygrophorus waikanaensis G. Stev. (1963) [1962]
Hygrophorus waikanaensis G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
Hygrophorus waikanaensis G. Stev. (1963) [1962]
Hygrophorus waikanaensis G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
Hygrophorus waikanaensis G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
Hygrophorus waikanaensis G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
Hygrophorus waikanaensis G. Stev. (1963) [1962]
Hygrophorus waikanaensis G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
Hygrophorus waikanaensis G. Stev. (1963) [1962]
Hygrophorus waikanaensis G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
Hygrophorus waikanaensis G. Stev. (1963) [1962]
Hygrophorus waikanaensis G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
Hygrophorus waikanaensis G. Stev. (1963) [1962]
Hygrophorus waikanaensis G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
Hygrophorus waikanaensis G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
Hygrophorus waikanaensis G. Stev. (1963) [1962]
Hygrophorus waikanaensis G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
Hygrophorus waikanaensis G. Stev. (1963) [1962]
Global name resources
taxonomic status
type material in poor condition and lacking spores, but probably = a Hydropus sp., fide Horak, 1990
HABITAT : in humus in a dense group round the base of a rotting standing tree, Waikanae, [New Zealand], 1.1.1951, Stevenson 797 K
scientific name
1 January 2000
16 February 2012