Ranunculus macropus Hook.f.

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Ranunculus macropus Hook.f., Icon. Pl. 7, 634 (1844)
Ranunculus macropus Hook.f.
Ranunculus macropus Hook.f.
Ranunculus macropus
Vernacular names
Ranunculus macropus Hook.f.
Glab. succulent sparingly branched herb, up to ± 6 dm. long, creeping and rooting at nodes; stems long, fistulose, often floating in water; stock rather short, roots slender. Petioles of radical lvs 15-50 cm. long, narrowed to lamina and membr. sheath. Lamina ± reniform in outline 3-9 cm. diam.; 3-5-flabellately divided to or near base into broad- or narrow-obcuneate divisions; these again ± deeply cut or toothed. Cauline lvs 2-4, smaller. Peduncles simple or branched, lf-opposed, up to 15 cm. long; bracts narrow-lanceolate, up to 2 cm. long. Fls 1-2 cm. diam.; sepals 5, oblong, ± 4 mm. long; petals (3)-5-(7), narrow-oblong, us. ± 7 mm. long but sts much shorter, yellow; gland 1 basal. Fruiting heads globose to ovoid, 6-7 mm. long; achenes 1·5-2-(3) mm. long, obliquely ovoid, ± compressed to ± turgid, keeled; style ± 2 mm. long, slender, flattened and widened at base.
Ranunculus macropus Hook.f.
2n = 96
Ranunculus macropus Hook.f.
Perennial; rosettes tufted on long creeping stems. Basal lvs on stout erect petioles (7)-15-30-(40) cm long, arising from somewhat bulbous nodes; lamina ternate, glabrous, (1.5)-2-4 cm wide; leaflets sessile or shortly stalked, cuneiform, shallowly 3-fid, crenate or bluntly dentate at tips; lateral leaflets longer than terminal; cauline lvs few, similar to basal but smaller. Fls (1)-3-5 per stem, 10-15 mm diam.; pedicels glabrous. Sepals spreading or weakly recurved, glabrous. Petals 5-7, yellow, narrowly oblong, shortly clawed; nectary single, 1-1.5 mm from petal base, with a short semilunar scale. Receptacle with a basal collar of bristles. Achenes 15-50, hardly flattened, glabrous; body 1.5-2 mm long, slightly rugulose; beak straight, 1-1.5 mm long.
Taxonomic concepts
Ranunculus longipetiolatus Colenso
Ranunculus macropus Hook.f.
Ranunculus macropus Hook.f.
Ranunculus macropus Hook.f.
Ranunculus macropus Hook.f.
Ranunculus macropus Hook.f.
Ranunculus macropus Hook.f.
Ranunculus macropus Hook.f.
Ranunculus macropus Hook.f.
Ranunculus macropus Hook.f.
Ranunculus macropus Hook.f.
Ranunculus macropus Hook.f.
Ranunculus macropus Hook.f.
scientific name
1 January 2000
1 March 2007