Erysiphe orontii Castagne 1851

Erysiphe orontii Castagne, Cat. Pl. Marseille, Suppl. 52 (1851)
Erysiphe orontii Castagne 1851
Erysiphe orontii
has host
Erysiphe orontii Castagne 1851
Type: Powdery Mildews; Description: Mycelium well developed, superficial, moderately dense to dense, white, hyphae 5–7 μm wide; on leaves and twigs. Appressoria nipple-shaped, often poorly developed. Ascomata (not found in New Zealand) cleistothecial, scattered or gregarious, superficial, globose, dark brown, 0.08–0.14 mm in diameter, with numerous, rarely branched, basally inserted appendages 0.5–2 times as long as the cleistothecial diameter, hyaline at the tips to dark brown at base. Asci 5–14 per ascoma, oval to subglobose, stalked, 45–75 × 25–40 μm. Ascospores 2–4 per ascus, oval, 0-septate, 14 × 20 μm, smooth, hyaline or yellowish. Conidiophores 70–170 × 10–13 μm, foot cell straight or often curved in the basal half. Conidia produced in short chains, cylindrical, never barrel-shaped, 0-septate, 25–40 × 15–23 μm, length/width ratio < 2, smooth, hyaline.
Distribution: Northland, Auckland, Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Taranaki, Taupo, Wanganui, Wellington, Nelson, Westland, Marlborough, North Canterbury, Mid Canterbury, Chatham Islands.; 1st Record: Salmon (1900).
Notes: This polyphagous species has previously been confused with Erysiphe cichoracearum (p. 219).
Significance: Recorded in nursery seedlings of species of Eucalyptus (Boesewinkel 1981, as Erysiphe cichoracearum). Since fungi causing powdery mildews are difficult to distinguish in the field, significance of E. orontii as a pathogen of eucalypts is discussed under Sphaerotheca aphanis, the most common powdery mildew of eucalypts.; Host(s): Carica ×heilbornii nm. pentagona, C. papaya, C. pubescens, Cyphomandra betacea, C. fragrans, Eucalyptus crebra, E. leucoxylon, E. moluccana, Hibiscus mutabilis, Penstemon hartwegii, Rosmarinus officinalis, Solanum aviculare, S. laciniatum.
Taxonomic concepts
Erysiphe orontii Castagne 1851
Erysiphe orontii Castagne (1851)
Erysiphe orontii Castagne 1851
Erysiphe orontii Castagne 1851
Erysiphe orontii Castagne 1851
Erysiphe orontii Castagne (1851)
Erysiphe orontii Castagne 1851
Erysiphe orontii Castagne (1851)
Erysiphe orontii Castagne 1851
Erysiphe orontii Castagne (1851)
Global name resources
scientific name
1 January 2001
23 October 2023