New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research

New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research
Related references
- Arnst, B.J.; Sheridan, J.E.; Grbavac, N. 1978: Two important fungal seed-borne diseases of barley in New Zealand: net blotch caused by Drechslera teres (Sacc.) Shoemaker and leaf stripe caused by Drechslera graminea (Rabenh. ex Schlecht.) Shoemaker. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 21: 697-701.
- Austwick, P.K.C. 1976: Environmental aspects of Mortierella wolfii infection in cattle. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 19(1): 25-33.
- Bansal, R.K.; Menzies, S.A.; Broadhurst, P.G. 1986: Screening of Asparagus species for resistance to Stemphylium leaf spot. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 29: 539-545.
- Beever, R.E.; Elvidge, J. 1986: Green fruit rot of apricot caused by Botrytis cinerea resistant to benzimidazole fungicides. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 29: 299-304.
- Beresford, R.M. 1982: Races of mint rust (Puccinia menthae Pers.) on cultivated peppermint and other hosts in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 25: 431-434.
- Boesewinkel, H.J. 1977: New plant disease records in New Zealand: records in the period 1969-76. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 20: 583-589.
- Brien, R.M.; Dingley, J.M. 1959: Fourth supplement to "A revised list of plant diseases recorded in New Zealand", 1957-1958. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 2(2): 406-413.
- Brook, P.J. 1968: Pre-harvest lenticel spot of apples. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 11: 237-244.
- Brook, P.J. 1973: Epidemiology of grapevine anthracnose, caused by Elsinoe ampelina. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 16: 333-342.
- Brook, P.J. 1976: Seasonal pattern of maturation of Venturia inaequalis ascospores in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 19: 103-109.
- Brook, P.J. 1977: Glomerella cingulata and bitter rot of apple. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 20: 547-555.
- Buchanan, P.K. 1984: Systemic growth of Ascochyta paspali in paspalum. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 27: 451-457.
- Canter-Visscher, T.W. 1970: Verticillium wilt of grapevine, a new record in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 13: 359-361.
- Canter-Visscher, T.W.; Over de Linden, A.J. 1972: Root and basal stem rot of grapevine caused by Thielaviopsis basicola (Berk. & Br.) Ferraris. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 15: 184-185.
- Chan, M.K.Y.; Close, R.C. 1987: Aphanomyces root rot of peas. 1. Evaluation of methods for assessing inoculum density of Aphanomyces euteiches in soil. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 30: 213-217.
- Chan, M.K.Y.; Close, R.C. 1987: Aphanomyces root rot of peas. 2. Some pasture legumes and weeds as alternative hosts for Aphanomyces euteiches. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 30: 219-223.
- Chan, M.K.Y.; Close, R.C. 1987: Aphanomyces root rot of peas. 3. Control by the use of cruciferous amendments. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 30: 225-233.
- Chee, K.H.; Newhook, F.J. 1965: Variability in Phytophthora cinnamomi Rands. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 8: 96-103.
- Chee, K.H.; Newhook, F.J. 1965: Variability in sexual reproduction of Phytophthora cinnamomi Rands. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 8: 947-950.
- Christensen, M.J. 1979: Rhizoctonia species associated with diseased turf grasses in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 22: 627-629.
- Cromey, M.G. 1987: Pathogenic variation in Rhynchosporium secalis on barley in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 30: 95-99.
- Cromey, M.G.; Mulholland, R.I. 1987: Host specialisation of Rhynchosporium secalis in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 30: 345-348.
- Cromey, M.G.; Mulholland, R.I. 1988: Blackpoint of wheat: fungal associations, cultivar susceptibility, and effects on grain weight and germination. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 31: 51-56.
- di Menna, M.E. 1959: Yeasts from the leaves of pasture plants. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 2: 394-405.
- di Menna, M.E. 1960: Biological studies of some tussock-grassland soils. XIV. Yeasts of two cultivated soils. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 3: 207-213.
- di Menna, M.E. 1960: Yeasts from soils under forest and under pasture. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 3: 623-632.
- di Menna, M.E. 1966: Yeasts in soils spray-irrigated with dairy factory wastes. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 9: 576-589.
- Di Menna, M.E.; Smith, B.L.; Miles, C.O. 2009: A history of facial eczema (pithomycotoxicosis) research. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 52: 345-376.
- Dingley, J.M. 1959: New records of fungous diseases in New Zealand, 1957-58. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 2: 380-386.
- Dingley, J.M. 1960: New records of fungous diseases in New Zealand, 1958-59. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 3: 461-467.
- Dingley, J.M. 1961: New records of fungous diseases in New Zealand, 1960-1. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 4: 336-347.
- Dingley, J.M. 1962: Pithomyces chartarum, its occurence, morphology and taxonomy. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 5: 49-61.
- Dingley, J.M. 1965: New records of fungous diseases of plants in New Zealand, 1962-64. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 8: 905-920.
- Dingley, J.M. 1970: Records of fungi parasitic on plants in New Zealand 1966-68. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 13(2): 325-337.
- Dingley, J.M. 1973: 'Eye spot' disease of maize in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 16: 325-328.
- Dye, D. W.; Wilkie, J. Paula 1973: Angular leafspot of strawberry in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 16(3): 311-314.
- Falloon, P.G. 1982: Baiting, pathogenicity, and distribution of Phytophthora megasperma var. sojae in New Zealand asparagus soils. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 25: 425-429.
- Falloon, R.E. 1976: Curvularia trifolii as a high-temperature turfgrass pathogen. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 19: 243-248.
- Fry, P.R. 1958: The relationship of Olpidium brassicae (Wor.) Dang. to the big-vein disease of lettuce. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 3: 301-304.
- Fullerton, R.A. 1977: New plant disease record in New Zealand. Two smuts of barnyard grass. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 20: 113.
- Hampton, J.G.; Matthews, B.D. 1976: New plant disease record in New Zealand. Covered smut of ryegrass. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 19: 545.
- Hampton, J.G.; Matthews, B.D. 1978: Drechslera spp. on New Zealand certified cereal seed. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 21: 539-542.
- Hampton, J.G.; Scott, D.J. 1980: Blind seed disease of ryegrass in New Zealand. I. Occurrence and evidence for the use of nitrogen as a control measure. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 23: 143-147.
- Hampton, J.G.; Scott, D.J. 1980: Blind seed disease of ryegrass in New Zealand. II. Nitrogen fertiliser: effect on incidence, and possible mode of action. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 23: 149-153.
- Hampton, J.G.; Scott, D.J. 1981: Blind seed disease of ryegrass in New Zealand. III. Urea: effect on apothecial production in the field and on blind seed infection - a note. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 24: 233-234.
- Harman, J.E. 1983: Preliminary studies on the postharvest physiology and storage of babaco fruit (Carica X heilbornii Badillo nm. pentagona (Heilborn) Badillo). New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 26: 237-243.
- Hartill, W.F.T.; Campbell, J.M. 1976: Some host-parasite relationships of verticillium wilt in flue-cured tobacco. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 19: 377-381.
- Hartill, W.F.T.; Campbell, J.M. 1977: Effects of leaf maturation on development of the Sclerotinia/Botrytis complex of tobacco. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 20: 415-420.
- Harvey, I.C.; Braithwaite, M. 1982: Records of fungal plant diseases in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 25: 435-442.
- Hawthorne, B.T. 1974: Sclerotinia minor on lettuce: effect of plant growth on susceptibility to infection. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 17: 387-392.
- Hawthorne, B.T. 1988: Pathogenicity of Pythium spp. to lucerne seedlings and relationships between seed weight, seedling vigour, and infection by Pythium. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 31: 359-364.
- Hill, C.F. 1979: New plant disease records in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 22: 641-645.
- Jackson, R.M. 1965: Studies of fungi in pasture soils. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 8(4): 865-877.
- Jafar, H. 1959: Discovery of the genus Basidiophora Roze et Cornu in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 2: 249-251.
- Jafar, H. 1962: Some new records in Peronosporaceae in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 5: 512-515.
- Jafar, H. 1963: Studies on downy mildew (Peronospora matthiolae (Roumeguerre) Gaumann) on stock (Matthiola incana R.Br.). New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 6: 70-82.
- Latch, B.J. 1980: Weeping willow rust in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 23: 535-538.
- Latch, G.C.M. 1964: Ramularia pusilla Ung. and Ramulaspera holci-lanati (Cav.) Lind. in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 7: 405-416.
- Latch, G.C.M. 1965: Fungous diseases of brome grasses in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 8: 959-976.
- Latch, G.C.M. 1966: Fungous diseases of ryegrasses in New Zealand. I. Foliage diseases. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 9: 394-409.
- Latch, G.C.M. 1966: Fungous diseases of ryegrasses in New Zealand. II. Foliage, root, and seed diseases. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 9: 808-819.
- Latch, G.C.M. 1976: Stripe rust, Puccinia striiformis f.sp. dactylidis, on Dactylis glomerata in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 19: 535-536.
- Latch, G.C.M.; Christensen, M.J. 1982: Ryegrass endophyte, incidence, and control. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 25: 443-448.
- Latch, G.C.M.; Christensen, M.J.; Hickson, R.E. 1988: Endophytes of annual and hybrid ryegrasses. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 31: 57-63.
- Latch, G.C.M.; Hunt, W.F.; Musgrave, D.R. 1985: Endophyic fungi affect growth of perennial ryegrass. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 28: 165-168.
- Latch, G.C.M.; Wenham, H.T. 1958: Fungal leaf-spot diseases of cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.) in the Manawatu. I. Leaf streak caused by Scolecotrichum graminis Fckl. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 1: 182-188.
- Latch, G.C.M.; Wenham, H.T. 1959: Fungal leaf-spot diseases of cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.) in the Manawatu. III. Eyespot caused by Selenophoma donacis var. stomaticola (Baueml.) Sprague et A.G.Johnson, and scald caused by Rhynchosporium orthosporum Caldwell. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 2: 544-551.
- Lau, K.H.; Sheridan, J.E. 1975: Mycoflora of rice (Oryza sativa L.) seed in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 18: 237-250.
- Laundon, G.F. 1978: New host records of plant disease fungi in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 21: 705-707.
- Laundon, G.F. 1979: New plant disease record in New Zealand. Alternaria dichondrae on Dichondra repens. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 22: 647-648.
- Laundon, G.F.; McCully, A.J. 1978: New plant disease record in New Zealand. Uromycladium simplex on Acacia pycnantha. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 21: 703-704.
- Lim, L.L.; Cole, A.L.J. 1984: Infection and colonisation of white clover seedling roots by fungi. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 27: 459-465.
- Lloyd, A.B. 1959: The endophytic fungus of perennial ryegrass. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 2: 1187-1194.
- Lucas, R. 1977: New plant disease record. Phytophthora erythroseptica Pethy. wilt of cineraria (Senecio cruentus D.C.) cultivars. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 20: 253-254.
- Manning, M.A.; Menzies, S.A. 1980: Root rot of peas in New Zealand caused by Aphanomyces euteiches. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 23: 263-265.
- Manning, M.A.; Menzies, S.A. 1984: Pathogenic variability in isolates of Aphanomyces euteiches from New Zealand soils. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 27: 569-574.
- Matthews, B.D. 1965: A note on the occurrence of Fusarium nivale (Fr.) Ces. on cereal seed in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 8: 718-720.
- Matthews, B.D. 1971: A survey of certified ryegrass seed for the presence of Drechslera species and Fusarium nivale (Fr.) Ces. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 14: 219-226.
- McArthur, G.W.F.M. 1959: Cercospora leaf spot on rhododendron (Cercospora handelii Bubak). New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 2: 86-89.
- McKenzie, E.H.C. 1978: Occurrence of Drechslera and Curvularia on grass seed in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 21: 283-286.
- McKenzie, E.H.C. 1986: New plant disease record in New Zealand: fig rust (Cerotelium fici) on Ficus carica. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 29: 707-710.
- McKenzie, E.H.C. 1987: New plant disease records in New Zealand: miscellaneous fungal pathogens. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 30: 361-366.
- McKenzie, E.H.C.; Latch, G.C.M. 1980: Occurrence of Uromyces danthoniae and U. macnabbii, and additions to the graminicolous rust fungi of New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 23: 393-397.
- McKenzie, E.H.C.; Latch, G.C.M. 1981: New plant disease record in New Zealand: Entyloma dactylidis and E. brizae on grasses. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 24: 397-400.
- McKenzie, E.H.C.; Latch, G.C.M. 1984: New plant disease records in New Zealand: graminicolous fungi. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 27: 113-123.
- McLeod, A.G.; Thomson, R. 1959: Verticillium wilt of tobacco. II. Field and glasshouse trials to determine resistance of varieties and species to Verticillium dahliae Kleb. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 2: 792-796.
- McNabb, R.F.R.; Laurenson, J.B. 1965: A rust of cultivated fuchsias. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 8: 336-339.
- Menzies, S.A. 1973: Root rot of clover caused by Codinaea fertilis. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 16: 239-245.
- Newhook, F.J. 1959: The association of Phytophthora spp. with mortality of Pinus radiata and other conifers. I. Symptoms and epidemiology in shelterbelts. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 2: 808-843.
- Parle, J.N.; di Menna, M.E. 1966: The source of yeasts in New Zealand wines. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 9: 98-107.
- Rainbow, A.F.; Laundon, G.F.; Soteros, J.J. 1981: Two new fungus diseases of rhubarb in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 24: 77-78.
- Robertson, G.I. 1968: A laboratory assay for determining pathogenicity of Phytophthora spp. to tomato. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 11: 211-214.
- Robertson, G.I. 1970: Susceptibility of exotic and indigenous trees and shrubs to Phytophthora cinnamomi Rands. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 13: 297-307.
- Robertson, G.I. 1973: Occurrence of Pythium spp. in New Zealand soils, sands, pumices, and peat, and on roots of container-grown plants. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 16: 357-365.
- Robertson, G.I. 1973: Pathogenicity of Pythium spp. to seeds and seedling roots. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 16(3): 367-372.
- Robertson, G.I. 1976: Pythium species in market gardens and their pathogenicity to fourteen vegetable crops. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 19: 97-102.
- Robertson, G.I. 1982: New plant disease records in New Zealand: additional host records of fungal pathogens. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 25: 109-111.
- Robertson, G.I.; Dance, H.M. 1971: The association of Phytophthora megasperma with crown rot of apple trees. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 14: 509-514.
- Robinson, J.A. 1961: Wilt and dieback of the carnation in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 4: 660-666.
- Ross, D.J. 1960: A note on the occurrence of Azotobacter beijerinckii in a market garden soil. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 3(1): 137-140.
- Samuels, G.J.; Johnston 1980: Benomyl and the Verticillium diseases of cultivated mushrooms. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 23: 155-157.
- Sanderson, F.R. 1965: New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 8(1)
- Scott, D.J.; Wenham, H.T. 1973: Occurrence of two seed-borne pathogens, Alternaria radicina and Alternaria dauci, on imported carrot seed in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 16: 247-250.
- Sheridan, J.E. 1977: Drechslera spp. and other seed-borne pathogenic fungi in New Zealand cereals. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 20: 91-93.
- Skipp, R.A.; Christensen, M.J. 1981: Invasion of white clover roots by fungi and other soil microorganisms. I. Surface colonisation and invasion of roots growing in sieved pasture soil in the glasshouse. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 24: 235-241.
- Skipp, R.A.; Christensen, M.J. 1982: Invasion of white clover roots by fungi and other soil microorganisms. III. The capacity of fungi isolated from white clover roots to invade seedling root tissue. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 25: 97-101.
- Skipp, R.A.; Christensen, M.J. 1983: Invasion of white clover roots by fungi and other soil micro-organisms. IV. Survey of root-invading fungi and nematodes in some New Zealand pastures. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 26: 151-155.
- Skipp, R.A.; Christensen, M.J. 1988: Fungi invading roots of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) in pasture. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 32: 423-431.
- Skipp, R.A.; Christensen, M.J.; Caradus, J.R. 1982: Invasion of white clover roots by fungi and other soil micro-organisms. II. Invasion of roots in grazed pastures. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 25: 87-95.
- Skipp, R.A.; Christensen, M.J.; Nan, Z.B. 1986: Invasion of red clover (Trifolium pratense) roots by soilborne fungi. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 29: 305-313.
- Skipp, R.A.; Lambert, M.G. 1984: Damage to white clover foliage in grazed pastures caused by fungi and other organisms. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 27: 313-320.
- Skipp, R.A.; Watson, R.N. 1987: Pot experiments with pasture soils to detect soilborne pathogens of white clover and lucerne, and effects of field applications of fungicides. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 30: 85-93.
- Skipp, R.A.; Yeates, G.W.; Chen, L.Y.; Glare, T.R. 2002: Occurrence, morphological characteristics and ribotyping of New Zealand isolates of Duddingtonia flagrans, a candidate for biocontrol of animal parasitic nematodes. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 45: 187-196.
- Smith, H.C. 1965: The morphology of Verticillium albo-atrum, V. dahliae, and V. tricorpus. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 8: 450-478.
- Sutherland, C.F.; Newhook, F.J.; Levy, J. 1959: The association of Phytophthora spp. with mortality of Pinus radiata and other conifers. II. Influence of soil drainage on disease. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 2: 844-858.
- Taylor, J.B.Taylor, J. B. 1981: The selection of Aotea apple rootstocks for resistance to woolly aphis and to root canker, a decline and replant disease caused by basidiomycete fungi. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 24(3-4): 373-377.
- Thomas, W. 1973: A necrotic disease of glasshouse beans caused by bean stipple streak virus. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 16: 150-154.
- Thomas, W.; Fry, P.R. 1972: Cucumber systemic necrosis caused by a strain of tobacco necrosis virus. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 15: 857-866.
- Thomson, R.; McLeod, A.G. 1959: Verticillium wilt of tobacco. I. A new disease of tobacco caused by Verticillium dahliae Kleb. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 2: 785-791.
- Thornton, R.H. 1958: Biological studies of some tussock-grassland soils. II. Fungi. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 1: 922-938.
- Thornton, R.H. 1965: Studies of fungi in pasture soils. I. Fungi associated with live roots. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 8: 417-449.
- Uljee, A.H. 1964: Ammonium nitrogen accumulation and root injury to tomato plants. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 7: 343-356.
- Versluys, W.S. 1977: New plant disease record in New Zealand. Puccinia oxalidis on Oxalis. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 20: 429-430.
- Wenham, H.T. 1960: Black root disease of radishes caused by Aphanomyces raphani Kendr. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 3: 179-184.
- Wenham, H.T.; Latch, G.C.M. 1958: Fungal leaf-spot diseases of cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.) in the Manawatu. II. Purple leaf-spot caused by Stagonospora maculata (Grove) Sprague, and leaf fleck caused by Mastigosporium rubricosum (Dearn et Barth.) Sprague. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 1: 800-808.
- Woodhead, C.E. 1958: A survey of collar rot and root rot of Cox's Orange Pippin and other apple varieties in Nelson and Marlborough. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 1: 462-476.
- Wright, J.M.; Parle, J.N. 1974: Brettanomyces in the New Zealand wine industry. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 17(2): 273-278.
- Young, B.R. 1970: Root rot of passionfruit vine (Passiflora edulis Sims.) in the Auckland area. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 13: 119-125.
- Young, J. M.; Dye, D. W.; Bradbury, J. F.; Panagopoulos, C. G.; Robbs, C. F. 1978: A proposed nomenclature and classification for plant pathogenic bacteria. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 21(1): 153-177.
23 October 2007