Cunningham, G.H. 1957: Thelephoraceae of New Zealand. XIV. The genus Hymenochaete. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand 85(1): 1-51.
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Cunningham, G.H. 1957: Thelephoraceae of New Zealand. XIV. The genus Hymenochaete. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand 85(1): 1-51.
Nothofagus cliffortioides (Hook.f.) Oerst. Wellington: Mt. Holdsworth, Tararua Ranges, 3,500ft, September 1952, G.H.C.; Kaimanawa Ranges, 2,800ft, September 1956, G.H.C. Canterbury: Christchurch Botanic Gardens, October 1921, W.K.Dallas. Otago: Routebourne Valley, Lake Wakatipu, 2,500ft, February 1948, J.M.Dingley. Nothofagus fusca (Hook.f.) Oerst. Auckland: Lake Waikaremoana, 2,800ft, November 1955, J.M.Dingley. Nelson: Staircase Creek, Reefton, 2,000ft, November 1952, S.D.Baker; Lake Rotoiti, 2,000ft, April 1956, S.D.Brook, type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 16548. Westland: Orwell Creek, Ahaura, November 1954, J.M.Dingley. Nothofagus menziesii (Hook.f.) Oerst. Hawke's Bay: Poronui, Kaimanawa Ranges, 2,000ft, June 1953, J.M.Dingley. Otago: Otautau, 3,000ft, November 1946, G.B.Rawlings. Nothofagus truncata (Col.) Ckn. Auckland: Lake Waikaremoana, 3,560ft, September 1950, G.H.C.
Hymenophore pileate, annual, membranous, effused reflexed with broad resupinate base and narrow marginal pilei, or resupinate, loosely attached and readily peeling away from the substratum, forming irregularly linear areas 0.5-16 x 0.5-4 cm. Pilei either reflexed or narrow upturned edges of broad resupinate areas, to 3 mm across, surface tan or chestnut-brown, finely hirsute with adpressed radiately arranged hairs; margin crenate, often torn, fawn; hymenial surface at first fulvous, then chestnut or umber, becoming deeply creviced when the cinnamon context becomes exposed, velutinate; margin thinning out slightly, lifting readily and becoming incurved, concolorous, lacerate. Context cinnamon or chestnut-brown, 150-250 µ thick, composed of radiately arranged parallel hyphae bordered by the cortex and a colour zone beneath the subhymenium, sometimes with islands of similar tissue between; hyphal system monomitic; generative hyphae varying from 2.5 µ to 6 µ, walls 0.25 µ thick, golden yellow or hyaline, collapsing readily, freely branched and septate. Setal layer to 150 µ deep, setae crowded into two overlapping rows, arising in the base of the subhymenium, sometimes limited to one row, projecting to 80 µ, subulate or as often narrowly fusiform, a few slightly falcate, 65-145 x 8-10 µ, walls naked, reddish-brown, lumina narrow. Hymenial layer to 50 µ deep, a dense palisade of basidia and paraphyses. Basidia subclavate, 18-25 x 4.5-6 µ, 1-2 spored; sterigmata erect, slender, to 8 µ long. Paraphyses subclavate, the same diameter but shorter than the basidia, walls usually tinted yellow. Spores elliptical, or oval, 7-8 x 4.5-5 µ, walls smooth, hyaline, 0.2 µ thick.
HABITAT: On bark of dead fallen branches associated with a white rot.
Pileata, annua, membranacea. Pilei effuso-reflexi, ex partibus latis, resupinatis orti; superficie alutacea vel castanea, pilis appressis radiatim ordinatis tecta; margine crenato, hinnuleo. lacerato. Superficies hymenii fulva deinde castanea vel umbrina, rimosa; margine libero, incurvato, concolori, lacerato. Contextus hypharum hymenio parallelarum, cinnamomeus; cortex adest. Hypharum systema monomiticum. Setarum stratum 2 ordinibus, subulatis vel anguste fusiformibus, nudis, 65-145 x 8-10 µ, partim superimpositis, ad 80 µ eminentibus. Basidia subclavata, 18-25 x 4.5-6 µ, 1-2 sporis ellipticus vel ovalibus, 7-8 x 4.5-5 µ.
Two structures aid in separating the species from others examined. The hyphal system is monomitic, an unusual feature in species with the context composed of radiately arranged parallel hyphae. Basidia bear 1 or 2 broadly elliptical spores, instead of the usual 4.
Pilei are usually upturned margins of broadly resupinate areas, with chestnut-brown surface clothed in adpressed hairs. Fructifications are loosely attached and tend to peel from the substratum and curl upwards or inwards, exposing the abhymenial surface, which is clothed throughout with hairs. The hymemal surface is coloured a rich vandyke-brown, with broad fulvous margins, and so deeply creviced that the cinnamon context is exposed. Setae are arranged usually in two overlapping rows; in young plants, or peripheral areas of actively growing specimens, they are confined to one row. They are soft and flaccid, tending to bend rather than break when crushed. At first the cortex is scantily developed, but in fertile specimens attains a thickness of about 30 µ. A second colour zone is tardily developed, although in mature plants it may form a thick layer of closely intertwined deeply coloured hyphae lying beneath the subhymenium.
Pilei are usually upturned margins of broadly resupinate areas, with chestnut-brown surface clothed in adpressed hairs. Fructifications are loosely attached and tend to peel from the substratum and curl upwards or inwards, exposing the abhymenial surface, which is clothed throughout with hairs. The hymemal surface is coloured a rich vandyke-brown, with broad fulvous margins, and so deeply creviced that the cinnamon context is exposed. Setae are arranged usually in two overlapping rows; in young plants, or peripheral areas of actively growing specimens, they are confined to one row. They are soft and flaccid, tending to bend rather than break when crushed. At first the cortex is scantily developed, but in fertile specimens attains a thickness of about 30 µ. A second colour zone is tardily developed, although in mature plants it may form a thick layer of closely intertwined deeply coloured hyphae lying beneath the subhymenium.
Lake Rotoiti, 2,000ft, April 1956, S.D.Brook, type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 16548
Brachyglottis repanda Forst. Auckland: Clevedon, 150ft, August 1949, J.M.Dingley. Leptospermum ericoides A.Rich. Auckland: Great King Island, Three Kings, January 1952, E.E.Chamberlain; same locality, December 1955, P.J.Brook. Leptospermum scoparium Forst. Auckland: Rereatukahia Reserve, Katikati, 300ft, September 1954, G.H.C., type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 16604. Myrtus pedunculata Hook.f. Auckland: Woodhill, 100ft, July 1953, J.M.Dingley.
Hymenophore resupinate, annual, membranous, adnate, at first appearing as numerous small elliptical colonies 1-2.5 cm long, merging to form effused linear areas 5-20 x 1-2.5 cm. Hymenial surface at first olivaceous, becoming reddish-brown, velutinate, tardily laterally creviced; margin thinning out, adnate, fibrillose, fulvous or concolorous. Context ferruginous, 70-130 µ thick, of mainly upright hyphae becoming partly cemented and somewhat cellular when old, embedding setae and coarse irregular crystals; hyphal system monomitic; generative hyphae 2-2.5 µ diameter, walls 0.5 µ thick, golden yellow, branched, septate. Setal layer at first confined to a single row arising from the abhymenial zone, in older plants composed of 3-5 overlapping irregular rows; setae projecting to 140 µ, acicular, 95-190 x 8-12 µ, walls naked, reddish-brown, sometimes embedded in hyphal sheaths, lumina narrow. Hymenial layer to 30 µ deep, a close palisade of basidia and paraphyses. Basidia subclavate, 18-24 x 5-6 µ, 4-spored; sterigmata arcuate, slender, to 7 µ long. Paraphyses subclavate, shorter and narrower than the basidia. Spores suballantoid, 8-9 x 3.5-5 µ, walls smooth, hyaline, 0.1 µ thick.
HABITAT: Effused on bark of dead branches associated with a pocket rot.
Resupinata, annua, membranacea, adnata. Superficies hymenii primo olivacea deinde brunneo-rubra, tarde rimosa; margine fulvo vel concolori, fibrilloso, adnato. Contextus ferrugineus, hypharum maxime erectarum, partim conglutinarum; cortex abest. Hypharum systema monomiticum. Setarum stratum 3-5 ordinibus, acicularibus, nudis, 95-190 x 8-12 µ, partim superimpositis, ad 140 µ eminentibus. Basidia subclavata, 18-24 x 5-6 µ, 4 sporis sub-allantoidibus, 8-9 x 3.5-4.5 µ.
Separated from other species placed under Section III by the large setae and spores. At first fructifications consist of a thin cemented layer lying upon the substratum. From this the setae arise; at first in a single row, in older plants setae are arranged in several overlapping rows embedded in intertwined hyphae. The hymenial surface of young plants is olivaceous with a narrow fulvous border; in older specimens, because of the projecting setae it becomes velutinate and reddish-brown with a reddish tinge. Spores vary in form, even in the same collection. They may be elliptical or suballantoid, and in diameter range from 3-5 µ to 4-5 µ, though fairly constant as to length.
Leptospermum scoparium Forst. Auckland: Rereatukahia Reserve, Katikati, 300ft, September 1954, G.H.C., type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 16604.
Hymenophore resupinate, annual, reviving a second season, membranous, becoming brittle, adnate, at first composed of numerous irregularly orbicular colonies 2-10 mm diameter, becoming merged to form linear areas to 7 x 2 cm. Hymenial surface bright cinnamon, darker towards the centre, finely tuberculate, velutinate, becoming deeply areolately creviced; margin thinning out, fibrillose, light cinnamon or fulvous, adnate. Context fulvous, 110-250 µ thick, of loosely intertwined hyphae bordered on the abhymenial surface by a narrow coloured cortex of loosely intertwined hyphae, without abhymenial hairs; hyphal system monomitic; generative hyphae 2-2.5 µ diameter, walls 0.25 µ thick, pallid yellow brown, freely branched, septate. Setal layer to 130 µ deep, composed of fascicles of 4-12 setae arising in the subhymenium, mainly in the tubercules, of scattered setae forming 2-3 vague overlapping rows, and of setae scattered in the context and arising from its base; setae projecting to 50 µ, subulate, some narrowly fusiform, 40-80 x 6-9 µ, walls naked, yellow brown, lumina narrow. Hymenial layer to 30 µ deep, hyaline, a close palisade of basidia and paraphyses. Basidia subclavate, 14-18 x 4-5 µ, 4-spored; sterigmata slender, arcuate, to 6 µ long. Paraphyses subclavate, same diameter but shorter than the basidia. Spores elliptical or obovate, 5-6.5 x 3-3.5 µ, walls smooth, hyaline, 0.2 µ thick.
HABITAT: Effused on bark of dead branches associated with a white rot.
Resupinata, annua, iterum renascens, membranacea, deinde fragilis, adnata. Superficies hymenii clare cinnamomea, subtiliter tuberculata, alte areolata rimosa; margine fibrilloso, fulvo vel pallide cinnamomeo, adnato. Contextus hypharum laxe intertextarum, fulvus; cortex hypharum parallelarum laxe ordinatarum adest. Hypharum systema monomiticum. Setarum stratum 2-3 ordinibus partim superimpositis. Setae superiores partim in fasciculis 4-12 ordinatae, subulatae vel anguste fusiformes, ad 50 µ eminentes, nudae, 40-80 x 6-9 µ. Basidia subclavata, 14-18 x 4-5 µ, 4 sporis ellipticas vel obovatis, 5-6.5 x 3-3.5 µ.
Fascicles of setae arise mainly from tubercules in bundles of 3-12, with solitary setae between; scattered setae are also present in the context. The cortex is without abhymenial hairs, and composed of compacted, partly cemented parallel hyphae. From H. lictor the species is separated by the tuberculate surface of different colour, narrower context hyphae with thinner walls, different structure of the cortex, greater number of setae in the fascicles, differently shaped basidia and paraphyses.
Beilschmiedia tawa (A.Cunn.) Hook.f. & Benth. Wellington: Carter's Bush, Carterton, 150ft, December 1952, G.H.C., type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 12466
Beilschmiedia tawa (A.Cunn.) Hook.f. & Benth. Auckland: Huia, 100ft, November 1945, G.H.C. Leptospermum ericoides A.Rich. Auckland: Rereatukahia Reserve, Katikati, 300ft, October 1956, G.H.C. Leptospermum scoparium Forst. Auckland: Huia, 200ft, January 1954, E.E.Chamberlain. Metrosideros excelsa Sol. ex Gaertn. Auckland: Rangitoto Island, July 1950, J.M.Dingley. Metrosideros robusta A.Cunn. Auckland: Lake Okataina, 1,500ft, September 1954, G.H.C.Nothofagus fusca (Hook.f.) Oerst. Westland: Totara Flats, Granville Forest, April 1955, J.M.Dingley. Nothofagus menziesii (Hook.f.) Oerst. Otago: Alton Valley, Tuatapere, 400ft, February 1954, J.M.Dingley. Nothofagus truncata (Col.) Ckn. Auckland: Lake Waikaraeiti track, 2,800ft, September 1950, G.H.C., type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 7644.
Hymenophore resupinate, perennial, membranous-woody, adnate, following closely the irregularities of the substratum, effused forming irregular linear areas 3-15 x 3-5 cm. Hymenial surface sepia, chocolate or black when old, velutinate, deeply irregularly creviced; margin abrupt, often cliff-like, adnate, concolorous. Context sepia, 300-750 µ thick, composed of masses of setae arranged in overlapping rows, embedded in upright hyphae, pseudoparenchymatous when old and containing numerous groups of coarse crystals, abhymenial area reduced to a delicate cemented zone lying upon the substratum; hyphal system dimitic; skeletal hyphae 3-4 µ diameter, walls 1 µ thick, golden brown, freely branched, septate; generative hyphae 2-2.5 µ diameter, walls 0.25 µ thick, hyaline, branched, septate. Setae projecting to 40 µ, subulate, 50-75 x 7-9 µ, walls naked or finely verruculose, reddish-brown, lumina narrow. Hymenial layer to 30 µ deep, a dense palisade of basidia and paraphyses. Basidia subclavate, 16-20 x 4-4.5 µ, 4-spored; sterigmata arcuate, slender, to 6 µ long. Paraphyses subclavate, shorter and slightly narrower than the basidia. Spores suballantoid, 4-5.5 x 2.5-3 µ, walls smooth, hyaline, 0.l µ thick.
HABITAT: Effused on bark or decorticated dead wood of branches and trunks, associated with a pocket rot.
Resupinata, perennis, membranacea vel lignosa, adnata. Superficies hymenii sepiacea, badia vel nigra, rimosa; margine abrupto, adnato, concolori. Contextus sepiaceus multarum setarum in ordinibus partim superimpositis, in hyphis erectis mature pseudoparenchymatis inclusis. Hypharum systema dimiticum. Setae subulatae, ad 40 µ eminentes, nudae vel subtiliter verruculosae, 50-75 x 7-9 µ. Basidia subclavate, 16-20 x 4-4.5 µ, 4 sporis suballantoidibus, 4-5.5 x 2.5-3 µ.
Specific features are the coffee-coloured or chocolate surface, thick context composed entirely of numerous overlapping rows of setae and masses of crystals embedded in upright hyphae cemented to form a pseudoparenchyma; suballantoid somewhat small spores and absence of a cortex and intermediate tissue. The species shows a general resemblance to H. unicolor, and produces a similar pocket rot; it differs in surface colour, setal arrangement, suballantoid spores, presence of masses of crystals and absence of definite strata. In a few collections some setae of the hymenial layer are grouped in small fascicles of 2-5; in other collections this feature is absent, so is not of diagnostic value. Setae vary in length in different collections, in some being almost as short as those of H. vallata, in others exceeding slightly the dimensions for those of typical plants. Plants growing horizontally upon the sides of trunks become thickened on the upper margin, simulating specimens of slightly reflexed species. Their margins are glabrous and black, and in sections show the typical thick setal layer, so are evidently accidental growth conditions.
Auckland: Lake Waikaraeiti track, 2,800ft, September 1950, G.H.C., type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 7644.
Weinmannia racemosa L.f. Auckland: Wairongomai Valley, Te Aroha, October 1948, J.M.Dingley; Lake Waikaraemoana, 2,500ft, March 1949, M.Ambler; Waiotapu, 1,600ft, June 1950, J.M.Dingley; Earthquake Flat, Rotorua, 1,800ft, September 1950, G.H.C.; Trig Track, Lake Waikaraemoana, 2,250ft, September 1950, G.H.C.; Mamaku Forest, 1,800ft, September 1956, G.H.C. Taranaki: Mt. Emont, 3.500ft, January 1953, J.M.Dingley, type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 12461. Wellington: Ohakune, 2,500ft, December 1953, J.M.Dingley. Weinmannia sylvicola Sol. ex A.Cunn. Auckland: Chelsea Bush, Birkenhead, July 1950, J.M.Dingley.
Hymenophore pileate, annual, membranous-coriaceous, commonly composed of broad resupinate areas with narrow marginal pilei, sometimes umbonate sessile and orbicular with narrow reflexed edges, or occasionally resupinate, loosely attached, irregularly linear, 4-20 x 3-6 cm. Pileus surface chestnut-brown to umber, with lighter chestnut margin, tomentose, sometimes radiately zonate; hymenial surface date brown with umber periphery and fulvous margin, not creviced, even or more usually following irregularities of the pileus surface, velutinate with the dark setae; margin acuminate, lobed, slightly incurved or erect, bright fulvous. Context chestnut brown with darker abhymenial hairs, 0.25-0.4 mm thick, of mainly radiately arranged hyphae parallel with the hymenium, bordered by a conspicuous intertwined and cemented coloured cortex, and sometimes a fragmental colour zone beneath the subhymenium; hyphal system dimitic; skeletal hyphae chestnut brown, 3-4 µ diameter, walls 0.5-1 µ thick, naked, sparsely branched, sparsely septate; generative hyphae 2-3 µ diameter, walls 0.2 µ thick, hyaline, freely branched and septate. Setae confined to a single row, arising from the base of the subhymenium, projecting to 150 µ, aculeate, sometimes curved at the base, 95-200 x 10-16 µ, walls naked, reddish brown, lumina narrow. Hymenial layer to 40 µ deep, a close hyaline palisade of basidia and paraphyses. Basidia subclavate, 22-26 x 4-5 µ, 2-4-spored; sterigmata slender, upright, to 6 µ long. Paraphyses mostly cylindrical, the same diameter and about two-thirds the length of the basidia. Spores allantoid, 7-9 x 2-2.5 µ, walls smooth, hyaline, 0.1 µ thick.
HABITAT: Effused on bark of dead branches associated with a pocket rot.
Pileata, annua, membranaceo-coriacea. Pilei effuso-reflexi, ex partibus latis resupinatis orti; superficies castanea vel umbrina, pilosa, margine castaneo, lobato. Superficies hymenii spadicea, non rimosa; margine fulvo, lobato. Contextus hypharum hymenio parallelarum, castaneus; cortex adest. Hypharum systema dimiticum. Setarum stratum unius ordinis, aculeati, nudi, 95-200 x 10-16 µ, cuius major pars eminet. Basidia subclavata, 22-26 x 4-5 µ, 2-4 sporis, allantoidibus, 7-9 x 2-2.5 µ.
Readily identified among species with a cortex by the unusually long, aculeate, naked setae which arise in a single row and project for the greater part of their length, and the narrow allantoid spores.
Fructifications commence as numerous small orbicular colonies. These soon merge to form (a) linear resupinate areas, (b) umbonate orbicular colonies with erect margins, or (c) umbonate-sessile patelliform plants with free plane margins. At first the pileus surface is bright chestnut, and darkens with age; the hymenial surface is date-brown, changing to chestnut where rubbed, and remains even or may become tardily creviced. Margins are broad and fulvous or chestnut. Sometimes an interrupted colour zone develops beneath the subhymenium, but is as often absent. Other noteworthy features are the limited host range, and pocket rot produced in the host tissues.
The species possesses setae similar to those of H. sallei Berk. & Curt., and some pilei resemble those of H. berkeleyana (Mont.) Cke. From both it differs in possessing a conspicuous cortex.
Fructifications commence as numerous small orbicular colonies. These soon merge to form (a) linear resupinate areas, (b) umbonate orbicular colonies with erect margins, or (c) umbonate-sessile patelliform plants with free plane margins. At first the pileus surface is bright chestnut, and darkens with age; the hymenial surface is date-brown, changing to chestnut where rubbed, and remains even or may become tardily creviced. Margins are broad and fulvous or chestnut. Sometimes an interrupted colour zone develops beneath the subhymenium, but is as often absent. Other noteworthy features are the limited host range, and pocket rot produced in the host tissues.
The species possesses setae similar to those of H. sallei Berk. & Curt., and some pilei resemble those of H. berkeleyana (Mont.) Cke. From both it differs in possessing a conspicuous cortex.
Taranaki: Mt. Emont, 3.500ft, January 1953, J.M.Dingley, type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 12461
Fuchsia excorticata L.f. Otago: Morrison's Creek, Dunedin, 500ft, June 1952, G.T.S.Baylis. Griselinia littoralis Raoul. Hawke's Bay: Ahimanawa Range, 2,500ft, November 1955, J.M.Dingley. Griselinia lucida Forst.f. Wellington: Mt. Hauhangatahi, 3,000ft, February 1952, G.H.C., type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 16627.
Hymenophore resupinate, annual, membranous, adnate, at first developing as numerous small orbicular colonies 2-5 mm across, merging to form linear areas to 8 x 3 cm. Hymenial surface ferruginous, becoming umber or reddish-brown, velutinate, not creviced, margin thinning out, bay or fawn, fibrillose, adnate. Context ferruginous, together with the hymenium 50-100 µ thick, a narrow zone of intertwined partly cemented hyphae embedding the setae; hyphal system monomitic, generative hyphae 2.5-3 µ diameter, walls 0.5 µ thick, golden brown, branched, septate. Setal layer occupying most of the fructification, composed of 2-3 overlapping rows of setae which arise from the subhymenium and context, project to 65 µ, are subulate, 55-80 x 8-10 µ, with walls naked, reddish-brown, lumina narrow. Hymenial layer to 25 µ deep, a close palisade of basidia, paraphyses and paraphysate hyphae. Basidia subclavate, 14-18 x 3.5-4 µ, 4-spored; sterigmata arcuate, slender, to 5 µ long. Paraphyses clavate, same diameter but shorter than the basidia. Paraphysate hyphae brown, filiform, to 3 µ diameter. Spores elliptical, apiculate, 5.5-7 x 2.5-3 µ, walls.smooth, hyaline, 0.1 µ thick.
HABITAT: Effused on bark of dead branches associated with a white rot.
Resupinata, annua, membranacea, adnata. Superficies hymenii ferruginea, deinde umbrina vel brunneo-rubra, non rimosa; margine badio vel hinnuleo, fibrilloso, adnato. Contextus ferrugineus, 2-3 ordinibus setarum partim superimpositis, hyphis intertextis in medio. Hypharum systema monomiticium. Setae subulatae, ad 65 µ eminentes, nudae, 55-80 x 8-10 µ. Basidia subclavatis, 14-18 x 3.5-4 µ, 4 sporis ellipticas, 5.5-7 x 2.5-3 µ.
There are few outstanding features separating the species from others of this section. The hymenial surface is ferruginous, becoming umber or reddish-brown because of projecting setae, and tardily or not creviced. The context is composed of 2-3 overlapping rows of setae embedded in intertwined, partly cemented hyphae. Setae project to 65 µ, are naked, fairly broad for their length, and associated with coloured paraphysate hyphae. Spores are elliptical and vary somewhat in size; in one collection they are 7 x 3 µ, in a second 6 x 2.5 µ. The fungus produces a soft white rot in the host tissues. It has the largest setae of the four related species H. innexa, H. minuscula, H. corrugata and H. separata. The interwoven hyphae free from crystals separates it from H. minuscula and H. separata; and narrower setae and different spores separate it from H. corrugata.
Griselinia lucida Forst.f. Wellington: Mt. Hauhangatahi, 3,000ft, February 1952, G.H.C., type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 16627.
Hymenophore resupinate, perennial, stratose, woody and indurated, adnate, effused forming irregular linear areas to 10 x 4 cm. Hymenial surface even, finely floccose, umber, black and shining where rubbed, each layer tending to recede slightly, not creviced; margin dark umber, almost black, cliff-like, to 10 mm thick, often striated with parallel bands representing lateral margins of the strata, coarsely lobed. Context umber, to 10 mm thick, showing irregular parallel growth zones, brittle, hard and indurated like the stroma of a Hypoxylon, composed of many parallel layers of overlapping setae (sometimes with bands of context hyphae between) and mainly upright hyphae compacted and cemented, towards the base context hyphae cemented into a fuscous amorphous tissue; hyphal system monomitic; generative hyphae 4-5 µ diameter, walls 0.5-l µ thick, golden brown, freely branched and septate. Setal layers overlapping and poorly defined, to 80 µ deep, some demarked by persistent palisades of paraphyses or context hyphae; setae projecting to 30 µ, narrowly fusiform, 32-55 x 6-8 µ, larger in the context, walls naked, bright reddish-brown, lumina narrow. Hymenial layer a scanty palisade of basidia, paraphyses and scattered paraphysate hyphae. Basidia subclavate, 12-16 x 4-4.5 µ, 4-spored; sterigmata slightly arcuate, slender, 4-5 µ long. Paraphyses cylindrical or subclavate, tinted, about the same diameter but narrower than the basidia. Paraphysate hyphae slightly projecting, coloured, filiform, sometimes branched near apices. Spores elliptical with rounded ends, apiculate, 4-4.5 x 2.5-3 µ, walls smooth, hyaline, 0.1 µ thick.
HABITAT: Adnate on decorticated decaying trunks; type of rot not seen.
Resupinata, perennis, stratosa, lignosa atque indurata, adnata. Superficies hymenii umbrina, nigra et ubi abrasa lucida, non rimosa; margine ad 1 cm crasso, nigro, lobato. Contextus umbrinus, ad 1 cm crassus, plurium stratorum setarum in medio hyphis erectis, basim hyphis intertextis, conglutinatis, pseudoparenchymatis; cortex abest. Hypharum systema monomiticum. Setarum strata partim superimposita, aliquot stratis hypharum contextus intertextarum definita. Setae anguste fusiformes, ad 30 µ eminentes, nudae, 32-55 x 6-8 µ. Basidia subclavata, 12-16 x 4-4.5 µ, 4 sporis ellipticis, 4-4.5 x 2.5-3 µ.
Specimens resemble in colour and external appearance stromata of certain species of Hypoxylon. Plants may attain a thickness of 10 mm, are woody and brittle, and break with a clean fracture, exposing parallel growth lines. Sections show them to be composed of overlapping rows of setae embedded in upright cemented hyphae, with a thick base of hyphae cemented into an amorphous tissue. The abhymenial surface is glabrous, polished where free from wood debris, and without abhymenial hairs. Strata are evident in some sections, being demarked by persistent layers of paraphyses or intertwined context hyphae; in others they may not be visible or be indicated only by darker parallel colour zones. Setae are closely arranged, usually possess narrow lumina and those projecting may become enmeshed within hyphal sheaths. Only a few spores were found attached to basidia. These were elliptical with rounded ends. A few suballantoid spores were seen floating in the mountant, but none of this shape was found attached, so they may have been contaminants.
Nothofagus fusca (Hook.f.) Oerst. Nelson: Staircase Creek, Reefton, 2,000ft, December 1952, S.D.Baker, type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 16637.
Coprosma australis (A.Rich.) Robinson Auckland: House Creek, Little Barrier Island, November 1947, J.M.Dingley, type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 5916; Cow's Creek, Little Barrier Island, November 1947, J.M.Dingley.
Hymenophore resupinate, perennial, brittle, membranous, adnate, effused forming linear areas to 25 x 3 cm. Hymenial surface chocolate with a grey bloom, even, at length deeply irregularly creviced; margin thinning out, chocolate, crenate, closely adnate. Context chocolate, to 500 µ deep, composed of many rows of overlapping setae embedded in scanty upright cemented hyphae, with a delicate zone of compact hyphae lying upon the substratum; hyphal system monomitic; generative hyphae to 5 µ diameter, walls 1 µ thick, dingy brown, or fuscus, sparsely branched, freely and closely septate. Setae arranged in many overlapping rows, projecting to 20 µ, subulate, 24-40 x 5-7 µ, walls coarsely verruculose, ferruginous, lumina harrow. Hymenial layer to 30 µ deep, a scanty palisade of basidia and paraphyses. Basidia subclavate or cylindrical, 20-24 x 5-6 µ, 4-spored; sterigmata arcuate, slender, to 5 µ long. Paraphyses cylindrical, shorter and narrower than the basidia. Spores allantoid, apiculate, 8-9 x 3-3.5 µ, walls hyaline, smooth, 0.1 µ thick.
HABITAT: Effused on bark of dead branches associated with a white rot.
Resupinata, perennis, membranacea, fragilis, adnata. Superficies hymenii badia, rimosa; margine badia, crenato, adnato. Contextus badius, ordinibus setarum partim superimpositis, in hyphis erectis inclusis. Hypharum systema monomiticum. Setae subulatae, ad 20 µ eminentes, crasse verruculosae, 24-40 x 5-7 µ. Basidia subclavata vel cylindricalia, 20-24 x 5-6 µ, 4 sporis allantoidibus, 8-9 x 3-3.5 µ.
Specific features are the crowded small setae occupying the thickness of the context, large-diameter thick-walled cemented hyphae, and large allantoid spores. Basidia collapse as soon as spores are shed so are difficult to find save in growing margins. Immature setae of young plants are hyaline, thin-walled, naked and simulate gloeocystidia even to the contents. The surface colour is exactly the shade of weathered chocolate which has developed a greyish bloom. The species most closely resembles H. vallata in surface features, differing in the smaller setae, larger basidia and large spores.
Coprosma australis (A.Rich.) Robinson Auckland: House Creek, Little Barrier Island, November 1947, J.M.Dingley, type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 5916
Leptospermum ericoides A.Rich. Auckland: North-east King Island, Three Kings, December 1955, P.J.Brook. Leptospermum scoparium Forst. Auckland: Orakei Bush, September 1948, D.W.McKenzie. Metrosideros excelsa Sol. ex Gaertn. Auckland: White's Stream, Piha, January 1951, J.M.Dingley, type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 11242; same locality, January 1953, J.M.Dingley. Metrosideros tomentosa A.Rich. Auckland: One Tree Hill, October 1955, S.D.Baker.
Hymenophore resupinate, annual, membranous, adnate, following surfaces of the host closely, at first appearing as numerous irregular colonies 1-3 cm across, merging to form linear areas to 13 x 3 cm. Hymenial surface pallid olivaceous, olivaceous-fuscus, or umber with a yellow tinge, colliculose, finely areolately creviced; margin thinning out, concolorous, delicately fibrillose, adnate. Context ferruginous, 50-80 µ thick, composed of 2-3 overlapping rows of setae embedded in upright hyphae; hyphal system monomitic; generative hyphae 2.5-3 µ diameter, walls 0.25 µ thick, reddish-brown, branched, septate. Setal layer composed of 1-3 overlapping rows of setae arising from the subhymenium and basal zone; setae projecting to 35 µ, subulate, 40-65 x 6-8 µ, walls naked, reddish-brown, lumina narrow. Hymenial layer to 25 µ deep, a close palisade of basidia and paraphyses. Basidia subclavate, 12-16 x 3.5-4 µ, 4-spored; sterigmata slightly arcuate, slender, to 4 µ long. Paraphyses subclavate, slightly shorter and the same diameter as the basidia. Spores suballantoid, apiculate, 4-5 x 1.5-2 µ, walls smooth, hyaline, 0.1 µ thick.
HABITAT: Effused on bark of dead branches associated with a pocket rot.
Resupinata, annua, membranacea, adnata. Superficies hymenii pallide olivacea, fusca vel flavide umbrina, colliculosa, rimosa; margine concolori, fibrilloso, adnato. Contextus ferrugineus, 1-3 ordinibus setarum partim superimpositis, hyphis erectis in medio. Hypharum systema monomiticum. Setae subulatae, ad 35 µ eminentes, nudae, 40-65 x 6-8 µ. Basidia subclavata, 12-16 x 3.5-4 µ, 4 sporis suballantoidibus, 4-5 x 1.5-2 µ.
From the other three species of this section H. minuscula may be separated by the colour of the strongly colliculose, minutely creviced hymenial surface, thin context, small setae and spores. The surface to the eye appears pallid olivaceous or yellowish-brown; under a dissecting microscope it appears umber, velutinate with the small setae, and coated with yellow granules. The context is scanty and in old specimens contains masses of crystals, though these are wanting in the type and other well developed specimens. Setae are small, naked, acute and sometimes bear delicate lateral projections 0.5 µ in length. Spores are suballantoid with prominent apiculi. The species resembles H. multisetae Burt in several particulars, differing in the larger setae and differently coloured, strongly colliculose hymenial surface.
Auckland: White's Stream, Piha, January 1951, J.M.Dingley, type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 11242
Dracophyllum subulatum Hook.f. Wellington: Pangarara River, Mt. Tongariro, 3,500ft, December 1946, E.M.Smith, type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 7447; same locality, 4,000ft, January 1955, G.H.C.; Desert Road, Mt. Tongariro, 2,900ft, August 1955, September 1956, G.H.C.
Hymenophore pileate, coriaceous, annual, adnate, consisting of narrow linear resupinate areas from which arise effused-reflexed pilei on one or commonly both lateral margins, or wholly resupinate, at first orbicular and 0.2-0.5 mm across, soon merging to form linear areas 1-15 x 0.2-1.5 cm. Pilei 3-8 mm wide, surface dingy grey to fuscus, or black when old, with concolorous or lighter margins, scantily strigose, tufts imbricate and often confined to marginal areas, becoming naked; hymenial surface bright tan, fawn, or ferruginous, deeply radiately creviced in small areas about 10 mm across; margins thinning out, lighter in colour and hirsute in resupinate plants, concolorous and commonly lobed in pileate forms, free. Context golden yellow, to 250 µ thick, composed of an intermediate tissue of radiate parallel hyphae bordered by two colour zones, that beneath the subhymenium pallid brown, of mainly parallel hyphae, the cortex reddish-brown, of compact, cemented, thick-walled hyphae; hyphal system dimitic; skeletal hyphae 3.5-4.5 µ diameter, walls 0.5 µ thick, golden yellow, sparsely branched and septate; generative hyphae to 3 µ diameter, walls 0.2 µ thick, hyaline, freely branched and septate. Setal layer to 130 µ deep, of two or three overlapping rows of setae arising from the subhymenium; setae projecting to 50 µ, subulate with broad bases sometimes curved, and bluntly acuminate apices, 65-95 x 10-16 µ, walls to 4 µ thick, verruculose, bright reddish-brown, with relatively wide lumina. Hymenial layer to 50 µ deep, a close palisade of basidia and paraphyses. Basidia subclavate, 12-25 x 4-5 µ, 4-spored; sterigmata arcuate, slender, to 6 µ long. Paraphyses subclavate, same diameter, but slightly shorter than the basidia. Spores alIantoid, apiculate, 5-6.5 x 1.5-2 µ, walls smooth, hyaline, 0.2 µ thick.
HABITAT: On bark of dead stems and twigs associated with a white rot.
Pileata, annua, coriacea. Pilei effuso-reflexi, ex partibus linearibus resupinatis orti; superficie cineracea vel fusca, raro strigosa, deinde nuda; margine lacerato, concolori. Superficies hymenii alutacea, hinnulea vel ferruginea, radiatim rimosa, margine lobato, concolori. Contextus hypharum parallelarum, luteus, compactus; cortex adest. Hypharum systema dimiticum. Setarum stratum 2-3 ordinibus, subulatis, verruculosis, 65-95 x 10-16 µ, partim superimpositis, ad 50 µ eminentibus. Basidia subclavata, 12-25 x 4-5 µ, 4 sporis allantoidibus, 5-6.5 x 1.5-2 µ.
Specific features are the effused-reflexed fructifications forming narrow linear areas on twigs and stems; pallid colour of the hymenial surface, dark usually naked exterior surface of the pileus, prominent colour zones, 2-3 rows of obese setae which are often distorted and with relatively wide lumina, and allantoid spores. Crevices upon the hymenial surface, present in all collections, resemble those of resupinate forms of H. tabacina. The subhymenial colour zone varies appreciably in thickness, is often interrupted and may form branches which traverse the context. The species appears to be confined to one host, and so far has been collected only in a small area on the eastern slopes of Mt. Tongariro, near the Desert Road.
Though resembling H. tabacina in many microfeatures, the species differs in that setae are less crowded, appear in fewer rows, are shorter, broader, and with wide lumina; in macrofeatures they are quite dissimilar.
Though resembling H. tabacina in many microfeatures, the species differs in that setae are less crowded, appear in fewer rows, are shorter, broader, and with wide lumina; in macrofeatures they are quite dissimilar.
Dracophyllum subulatum Hook.f. Wellington: Pangarara River, Mt. Tongariro, 3,500ft, December 1946, E.M.Smith, type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 7447
Leptospermum ericoides A.Rich. Auckland: Piha, December 1941, J.M.Dingley; Whangarei Heads, October 1947, J.M.Dingley; North-east King Island, Three Kings, December 1955, P.J.Brook. Wellington: Lake Papaetonga, 50ft, August 1956, G.H.C., type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 16535.Leptospermum scoparium Forst.f. Auckland: Titirangi, 600ft, February 1931, M.Hodgkins; same locality, coast, September 1956, S.D. Brook; Cutty Grass Road, Waitakeres, 900ft, August 1956, J.M.Dingley. Leucopogon fasciculatus (Forst.f.) A.Rich. Auckland: Parahaki, Whangarei, 700ft, June 1948, J.M.Dingley; White's Stream, Piha, January 1954, J.M.Dingley.
Hymenophore annual, coriaceous, brittle, pileate or resupinate; pilei consisting of numerous orbicular, patelliform colonies with broad resupinate base and narrow reflexed margins, some arranged in linear areas to 15 cm long, or sessile-umbonate with free margins, 2-25 mm diameter, reflexed portions to 5 mm broad, surface radiately sulcate or even, with narrow radiate bands of chestnut and umber brief hairs, soon glabrous. Hymenial surface at first umber or date-brown, soon chocolate, irregularly tuberculate, at length deeply creviced in the central area; margin thinning out, lobed, fulvous, to 1 mm wide. Context pallid ferruginous, 130-200 µ thick, of parallel hyphae radiately arranged and embedding masses of crystals beneath the setal layer, cortext of parallel cemented hyphae, reddish-brown; hyphal system dimitic; skeletal hyphae 3-3.5 µ diameter, walls 0.5 µ thick, golden yellow, scantily branched, septate, tending to collapse; generative hyphae 2-2.5 µ diameter, walls 0.2 µ thick, hyaline, branched, septate. Setal layer 60-90 µ deep, composed of 3-5 rows of overlapping setae, densely compacted, arising from the subhymenium and a deeply coloured zone of intertwined hyphae lying below it; setae projecting to 25 µ, subulate with acuminate apices, often bent at the base, 30-56 x 5-7 µ, walls naked, reddish-brown, lumina narrow. Hymenial layer to 30 µ deep, a dense palisade of basidia and paraphyses. Basidia subclavate, 10-12 x 3.5-4 µ, 4-spored; sterigmata arcuate, slender, to 4 µ long. Paraphyses subclavate, of the same diameter but shorter than the basidia. Spores obovate, 2.5-3 x 1.5-2 µ, walls smooth, hyaline, 0.1 µ thick.
HABITAT: On bark of dead branches associated with a coarse pocket rot.
Pileata, annua, coriacea, fragilis. Pilei umbonati, sessiles vel patelliformes; superficie castanea vel umbrina, concentraliter pilosa, deinde glabra; margine lobato, castaneo. Superficies hymenii umbrina vel spadicea, deinde badia, in medio rimosa, tuberculata; margine lobato, fulvo. Contextus hypharum hymenio parallelarum, pallide ferrugineus; cortext adest. Hypharum systema dimiticum. Setarum stratum 3-5 ordinibus, subulatis, nudis, 30-56 x 5-7 µ, partim superimpositis, ad 25 µ eminentibus. Basidia subclavata, 10-12 x 3.5-4 µ, 4 sporis obovatis, 2.5-3 x 1.5-2 µ.
Readily recognized by the colour and shape of pilei, colliculose or tuberculate surface, thin brittle context with the cortex composed of cemented parallel hyphae, small setae, basidia, and minute spores.
Pilei at first are orbicular and patelliform or umbonate-sessile with free plane margins. They may remain thus or margins become reflexed to form narrow pilei with the surface scantily clothed in short hairs. Later, colonies may merge to form linear areas which may attain a length of 15 cm. At first the hymenial surface is date-brown and finely colliculose; soon it changes to a rich chocolate with bright fulvous margins. Finally specimens become almost black with concolorous margins. Crevices at first appear near the centre, but as plants age extend until fructifications become coarsely segmented. The context is firm though brittle, and contains masses of crystals. Setae are small and crowded into a setal layer the thickness of which increases from periphery to centre. Setae are frequently bent at an angle and occasionally may be found embedded in the context. Spores are the smallest seen in species of the genus.
Pilei at first are orbicular and patelliform or umbonate-sessile with free plane margins. They may remain thus or margins become reflexed to form narrow pilei with the surface scantily clothed in short hairs. Later, colonies may merge to form linear areas which may attain a length of 15 cm. At first the hymenial surface is date-brown and finely colliculose; soon it changes to a rich chocolate with bright fulvous margins. Finally specimens become almost black with concolorous margins. Crevices at first appear near the centre, but as plants age extend until fructifications become coarsely segmented. The context is firm though brittle, and contains masses of crystals. Setae are small and crowded into a setal layer the thickness of which increases from periphery to centre. Setae are frequently bent at an angle and occasionally may be found embedded in the context. Spores are the smallest seen in species of the genus.
Wellington: Lake Papaetonga, 50ft, August 1956, G.H.C., type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 16535
Coprosma cuneata Hook.f. Wellington: Tongariro River, Kaimanawas, 2,800ft, December 1955, G.H.C., type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 16540; Pangarara River, Mt. Tongariro, 3,000ft, December 1955, G.H.C. Leptospermum ericoides A.Rich. Auckland: Great Island, Three Kings, January 1951, G.T.S.Baylis. Leptospermum scoparium Forst. Wellington: Tongariro River, Kaimanawas, 2,800ft, December 1955, G.H.C. Nothofagus cliffortioides (Hook.f.) Oerst. Wellington: Maungatorotoro Stream, Mt. Ruapehu, 3,000ft, March 1948, J.M.Dingley; Kaimanawa Ranges, 3,000ft, January 1955, G.H.C. Phyllocladus alpinus Hook.f. Wellington: Mt. Hauhangatahi, 2,500ft, January 1954, S.D.Baker; Tongariro River, Kaimanawas, 2,800ft, April 1955, J.M.Dingley.
Hymenophore resupinate, annual, coriaceous-brittle, closely adnate, forming irregularly orbicular colonies 2-20 mm across. Hymenial surface ferruginous or cinnamon, tuberculate, deeply irregularly creviced, especially towards the centre; margin concolorous, thinning out, definite, lobed. Context ferruginous, 150-250 µ thick, composed of an intermediate tissue of loosely arranged parallel hyphae and a cortex 10-15 µ thick bearing a few brief abhymenial hairs; hyphal system dimitic; skeletal hyphae varying in thickness, 2-4-6 µ diameter, walls 0.5-1.5 µ thick, golden yellow, branched, septate; generative hyphae 2.5-3 µ diameter, walls 0.25 µ thick, hyaline, branched, septate. Setal layer occupying the greater part of the context, 150-200 µ deep, of 10-15 overlapping rows of setae embedded in branched brown hyphae; setae projecting to 40 µ, commonly subulate, or irregularly fusiform, 40-65 x 7-9 µ, many buried in the context when laying at all angles, often distorted, walls irregularly and often coarsely verruculose, reddish-brown, lumina broad. Hymenial layer to 40 µ deep, a dense palisade of basidia and paraphyses. Basidia subclavate, 12-16 x 3.5-4 µ, 2-4-spored; sterigmata slender, slightly arcuate, to 5 µ long. Spores allantoid, 4-5 x 1-1.5 µ, walls smooth, hyaline 0.1 µ thick.
HABITAT: Scattered or crowded on bark and decorticated wood of branches and stems, associated with a white rot.
Resupinata, annua, coriacea, fragilis, adnata. Superficies hymenii ferruginea vel cinnamomea, tuberculata, rimosa; margine concolori, lobato, adnato. Contextus hypharum laxe ordinatarum maxime parallelarum, ferrugineus; cortex adest. Hypharum systema dimiticum. Setarum stratum 10-15 ordinibus, subulatis vel interdum inaequaliter fusiformibus, verruculosis, 40-65 x 7-9 µ, partim superimpositis, ad 40 µ eminentibus. Basidia subclavata, 12-16 x 3.5-4 µ, 2-4 sporis allantoidibus, 4-5 x 1-1.5 µ.
Separated from H. floridea, which it resembles in microfeatures, by the ferruginous or cinnamon colour of the hymenial surface, absence of a differently coloured margin, and brittle context. In minor microfeatures they also differ; for in H. plurimaesetae the setal layer is so thickened as to occupy the greater part of the context, so that the intermediate tissue is reduced to a somewhat tenuous layer. The cortex may be well developed, scanty or, where the section contacts the substratum, suppressed. It is always present in some portion of the plant, however, as may be demonstrated by sections prepared from different parts. In some collections two or three darker bands traverse the setal layer; they are absent from others so are without taxonomic import.
Coprosma cuneata Hook.f. Wellington: Tongariro River, Kaimanawas, 2,800ft, December 1955, G.H.C., type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 16540
Dacrydium cupressinum Sol. Auckland: Waipoua Kauri Forest, January 1955, J.M.Dingley. Wellington: Mt. Hauhangatahi, 2,500ft, January 1954, S.D.Baker. Dysoxylum spectabile (Forst.f.) Hook.f. Auckland: Waikaretu, 400ft, October 1946, E.E.Chamberlain; Waipoua Kauri Forest, January 1955, J.M.Dingley. Leptospermum ericoides A.Rich. Auckland: Rereatukahia Reserve, Katikati, 300ft, October 1956, G.H.C. Oxylobium callystachys Benth. Auckland: Campbell's Bay, 150ft, November 1946, Mrs. E.E.Chamberlain. Podocarpus totara Don. Auckland: Hauhangaroa Range, Taupo, 2,800ft, March 1953, J.M.Dingley; Camel's Back, Coromandel Peninsula, 1,000ft, October 1954, J.M. Dingley. Rhipogonum scandens Forst. Auckland: Coromandel Peninsula, 1,000ft, August 1954, J.M.Dingley.
Hymenophore resupinate, annual, membranous, adnate, at first developing as numerous orbicular scattered colonies 2-5 mm diameter, merging to form elongate areas to 15 x 5 cm. Hymenial surface at first fulvous, or rhubarb, becoming cinnamon, even, at length irregularly areolately creviced; margin thinning out, fulvous, fibrillose, adnate. Context fulvous, 100-300 µ thick, composed of loosely intertwined hyphae, without a cortex; hyphal system monomitic; generative hyphae 4-5 µ diameter, walls 0.25 µ thick, pallid yellow brown, freely branched at a wide angle, corymbose beneath the hymenium, septate. Setal layer confined to the subhymenium, of one or two rows with occasional scattered setae in the context; setae somewhat sparse, projecting for the greater part of their length, aculeate, 65-95 x 6-8 µ, walls naked or coated with brown gelatinous granules, fragile, light reddish-brown, lumina narrow. Hymenial layer a dense palisade of basidia and paraphyses. Basidia subclavate, 14-18 x 5-6 µ, 4-spored; sterigmata arcuate, slender, to 5 µ long. Paraphyses subclavate, 6-9 x 4-5 µ, tinted below. Spores elliptical or obovate, apiculate, 5-6 x 2.5-3 µ, walls smooth, hyaline, 0.1 µ thick.
TYPE LOCALITY: Otawa, New Zealand. DISTRIBUTION: Australia, New Zealand.
HABITAT: Effused on bark of dead trunks and limbs associated with a pocket rot.
Collections match the type in Kew herbarium, ex "Colenso, N.Z." The species may be identified by the resupinate, fulvous or cinnamon fructifications, with long aculeate setae. The latter project for the greater part of their length, and are often partly coated with sheaths of gelatinous granules. Similar granules are present on occasional hyphae of the context. Context hyphae branch at a wide angle, are 1-5 µ diameter with thin walls, and beneath the hymenium become almost corymbose. They resemble the hyphae of H. cinnamomea, from which the species may be separated by the absence of strata and paraphysate hyphae, presence of mucilage granules, different setae and spores. In old specimens setae may be arranged in two or three obscure layers. Such plants may be confused with H. unicolor, from which the species is separated by the different arrangement of context hyphae, different spores and presence of a well developed intermediate tissue.
Geniostoma ligustrifolium A.Cunn. Auckland: Te Araroa, 600ft, May 1952, G.H.C., type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 11499. Leptospermum scoparium Forst. Auckland: Great King Island, Three Kings. 900ft, January 1952, E.E.Chamberlain; Moturoa Island, Bay of Islands, 100ft, May 1956, J.D.Atkinson.
Hymenophore resupinate, annual, membranous, fragile, adnate, appearing as irregular linear areas 2-10 x 1-2.5 cm. Hymenial surface dull umber, colliculose, deeply areolately creviced, tending to lift at margins of crevices; margin thinning out, concolorous, fibrillose, adnate. Context ferruginous, together with the hymenial layer 60-80 µ deep, consisting of a reddish-brown cemented zone lying upon the substratum and bearing scattered upright hyphae embedding masses of crystals; hyphal system monomitic; generative hyphae 2.5-3 µ diameter, walls 0.5 µ thick, branched, septate. Setal layer occupying the whole fructification, arranged in two rows, the upper arising from the subhymenium, the lower from the basal zone; setae projecting to 30 µ, subulate with acute apices, 35-55 x 6-8 µ, walls naked, reddish-brown, lumina narrow. Hymenial layer to 30 µ, deep, a close palisade of basidia and paraphyses. Basidia cucurbitiform, a few clavate, 12-16 x 4-4.5 µ, 2-4-spored; sterigmata arcuate, rather stout, to 4 µ long. Paraphyses subclavate, about half the length and the same diameter as the basidia. Spores oval or broadly elliptical, 6-7 x 3.5-4 µ, walls smooth, hyaline, 0.2 µ thick.
HABITAT: Effused on bark of dead stems associated with a white rot.
Resupinata, annua, membranacea, fragilis, adnata. Superficies hymenii obscurate umbrina, colliculosa, rimosa; margine concolori, fibrilloso, adnato. Contextus ferrugineus, 2 ordinibus setarum hyphis erectis et multis crassis crystallis. Setae subulate, ad 30 µ eminentes, nudae, 35-55 x 6-8 µ. Basidia cucurbitiformis, aliquot clavata, 12-16 x 4-4.5 µ, 2-4 sporis ovalibus vel late ellipticas, 6-7 x 3.5-4 µ.
Separated from others of this section by the large oval or elliptical spores, small naked setae, narrow context and masses of embedded crystals. The hymenial surface is dingy umber and, as the margin is concolorous, colonies are difficult to see upon dead bark. Spores are broadly elliptical or oval, abundant, and possess one large gutta.
Crystals are so abundant as to appear in an almost continuous seam lying between the hymenial layer and the cemented basal zone. Between them lie a few upright hyphae which are sometimes difficult to detect.
Crystals are so abundant as to appear in an almost continuous seam lying between the hymenial layer and the cemented basal zone. Between them lie a few upright hyphae which are sometimes difficult to detect.
Geniostoma ligustrifolium A.Cunn. Auckland: Te Araroa, 600ft, May 1952, G.H.C., type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 11499.
Podocarpus hallii Kirk. Taranaki: Dawson Falls, Mt. Egmont, 3,500ft, November 1953, J.M.Dingley, type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 12463. Podocarpus totara Don. Auckland: Waipoua Kauri Forest, January 1955, J.M. Dingley.
Hymenophore resupinate, annual, waxy, brittle, adnate, at first appearing as numerous scattered colonies 2-10 mm diameter, merging to form linear areas to 12 x 3 cm. Hymenial surface at first cinnamon, becoming ferruginous or umber, deeply creviced with edges lifting to expose the substratum, colliculose, velutinate; margin thinning out, fulvous, later concolorous, fibrillose, loosely attached, finally lifting and curling upwards or inwards. Context ferruginous, 70-160 µ deep, composed of an intermediate tissue of parallel densely compacted cemented hyphae turning abruptly into the hymenial layer; hyphal system monomitic; generative hyphae 2.5-3 µ diameter, walls 0.25-0.5 µ thick, reddish-brown, sparsely branched, septate. Setal layer to 90 µ deep, of 2-3 vague rows (often confined to one) of overlapping setae arising in the subhymenium; setae projecting to 35 µ, subulate, often angled near the base, 35-65 x 5-7 µ, walls naked, reddish-brown, lumina narrow or broad. Hymenial layer to 25 µ deep, a close palisade of basidia and paraphyses, tinted below. Basidia subclavate, 12-14 x 4-4.5 µ, 4-spored; sterigmata upright, slender, to 4 µ long. Paraphyses subclavate or cylindrical, shorter and slightly narrower than the basidia. Spores suballantoid, 3-3.5 x 2-2.5 µ, walls smooth, hyaline, 0.1 µ thick.
HABITAT: Effused on bark of dead branches associated with a white rot.
Resupinata, annua, ceracea, fragilis, adnata. Superficies hymenii cinnamomea deinde ferruginea vel umbrina, colliculosa, rimosa; margine primo fulvo, deinde concolori, fibrilloso, laxe adjuncto et apto ad vertendum. Contextus ferrugineus, hypharum parallelarum compactarum; cortex abest. Hypharum systema monomiticum. Setarum stratum 1-3 ordinibus, subulatis, nudis, 35-65 x 5-7 µ, partim superimpositis, ad 35 µ eminentibus. Basidia subclavata; 12-14 x 4-4.5 µ, 4 sporis suballantoidibus, 3-3.5 x 2-2.5 µ.
Separated from other species of the section by the densely compacted, cemented, narrow parallel hyphae forming the intermediate layer, small spores and setae, and surface features. Young plants are scattered, orbicular with fulvous, fibrillose, loosely attached margins. When dry plants become brittle, margins lift and become incurved or erect, and edges of crevices curl upwards to expose the substratum. Spores are small and vary somewhat in shape; most are suballantoid, some narrowly elliptical or obovate. The taxad hosts may provide an aid to identification if later collections show the species to be confined to these.
Podocarpus hallii Kirk. Taranaki: Dawson Falls, Mt. Egmont, 3,500ft, November 1953, J.M.Dingley, type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 12463.
Hymenophore resupinate, perennial, membranous-brittle, loosely attached, appearing as irregular orbicular or linear areas 1.5-4 cm across. Hymenial surface cinnamon, drying date-brown, irregularly tuberculate, velutinate, not creviced; margin thinning out, fulvous, often upturned or twisted inwards, coarsely lobed and delicately fibrillose, free. Context ferruginous, 0.5-1 mm thick, almost wholly composed of setal layers with intertwined hyphae between, zoned with more deeply coloured reddish-brown bands, near the base composed of mainly upright intertwined hyphae, cortex reddish-brown, cemented and interwoven, bearing a dense mat of long abhymenial hairs; hyphal system monomitic; generative hyphae 3-3.5 µ diameter, walls 0.5-1 µ thick, golden brown, branched, sometimes bifid at the apices, sparsely septate. Setal layers 5-9, each to 150 µ deep, with rather scattered overlapping setae and narrow bands of context hyphae between; setae projecting to 110 µ, narrowly fusiform with long acuminate apices, 90-160 x 9-14 µ, partly or wholly enmeshed in hyphal sheaths, walls reddish-brown, lumina narrow. Hymenial layer to 30 µ deep, a scanty palisade of basidia, paraphyses and paraphysate hyphae. Basidia cylindrical or subclavate, 16-20 x 4-5 µ, 4-spored; sterigmata arcuate, rather stout, to 4 µ long. Paraphyses cylindrical, shorter and slightly narrower than the basidia. Paraphysate hyphae abundant, filiform, seldom bifid at the apices, projecting slightly. Spores narrowly elliptical, 7-8 x 2.5 µ, apiculate, walls smooth, hyaline, 0.1 µ thick.
HABITAT: Loosely attached to bark of dead branches and trunks; type of rot not seen.
Resupinata, perennis, membranacea, fragilis, laxe adjuncta. Superficies hymenii cinnamomea, deinde siccans spadicea, tuberculata, non rimosa; margine late lobato, fulvo, laxe adjuncto. Contextus ferrugineus, plurium stratorum setarum hyphis intertextis, strato medio hypharum intertextarum; cortex adest. Hypharum systema monomiticum. Stratum setarum sparsarum, anguste fusiformium, ad 110 µ eminentium, nudarum vel in hypharum vagina implicatarum, 90-160 x 9-14 µ. Basidia cylindricalia vel subclavata, 16-20 x 4-5 µ, 4 sporis anguste ellipticis, 7-8 x 2.5 µ.
In its stratose structure, monomitic hyphal system, and presence of a cortex the species resembles smooth forms of H. tasmanica. It differs in the filiform paraphysate hyphae, different spores, larger basidia, context hyphae of larger diameter, and without dendriform branches. Setae are much larger and most are enmeshed in hyphal sheaths like cystidia of Peniophora vermifera. When dry the hymenophore is brittle, and when fractured surfaces appear vertically fibrillose. Spores are rare, the few seen attached to basidia being of the dimensions described. Plants are loosely attached to bark, and when dry tend to curl from the margin either erect or inwards.
Phyllocladus alpinus Hook.f.Wellington: Whakapapa, Mt. Ruapehu, 3,000ft, October 1949, J.M.Dingley, type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 7437.
Beilschmiedia tawa (A.Cunn.) Hook.f. & Benth. Auckland: Awhitu Central, Awhitu Peninsula, 300ft, April 1946, G.H.C.; Huia, 100ft, January 1954, E.E.Chamberlain. Coprosma arborea Kirk. Auckland: Papatoetoe Flat, 50ft, August 1947, J.M.Dingley; Cascade Kauri Park, Waitakeres, 700ft, September 1948, J.M.Dingley; Scenic Drive, Waitakeres, 900ft, June 1949, J.M.Dingley; Atkinson Park, Titirangi, 900ft, June 1953, J.M.Dingley; Huia, October 1953, February 1954, J.M.Dingley; Wilson's Point, Coromandel Peninsula, August 1954, J.M.Dingley, type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 16529; Titirangi, coast, September 1956. S.D.Brook. Hedycarya arborea Forst. Auckland: Glen Esk Valley, 500ft, May 1951, J.M.Dingley. Leptospermum scoparium Forst. Auckland: Upper Mohaka River, Kaimanawas, 2,000ft, May 1953, J.M.Dingley; Kawakawa, Bay of Islands, January 1954, J.M.Dingley. Pittosporum tenuifolium Banks & Sol. Auckland: Glen Esk Valley, Piha, 500ft,. May 1951, J.M.Dingley. Weinmannia racemosa L.f. Auckland: Rereatukahia Reserve, Katikati, 500ft, October 1955, G.H.C.
Hymenophore resupinate, annual or biennial, membranous, adnate, effused forming linear areas 5-25 x 1-2.5 cm, following closely the contours of the substratum. Hymenial surface at first olivaceous, soon sepia or chocolate, colliculose, velutinate, at length deeply areolately creviced; margin thinning out, fulvous or concolorous; fibrillose, adnate. Context sepia, 100-260 µ thick, composed of numerous overlapping irregular rows of setae, sometimes arranged in strata with cemented compacted parallel hyphae between, embedded in upright hyphae, arising from a narrow basal, cemented, intertwined zone; hyphal system dimitic; skeletal hyphae 2.5-3 µ diameter, walls 1 µ thick, yellow brown, sparsely branched, septate; generative hyphae 2-2.5 µ diameter, walls 0.2 µ thick, hyaline, branched, septate. Setae projecting to 25 µ, subulate, crowded, 30-60 x 6-8 µ, walls reddish-brown, finely verruculose on apices, with narrow lumina. Hymenial layer a dense palisade of basidia and paraphyses. Basidia subcylindrical, 12-18 x 4-4.5 µ, 4-spored; sterigmata erect, slender, to 5 µ long. Paraphyses cylindrical, shorter and narrower than the basidia. Spores suballantoid, 3.5-4 x 1.5-2 µ, walls smooth, hyaline, 0.1 µ thick.
HABITAT: Effused on bark and decorticated dead branches associated with a white rot.
Resupinata, annua vel biennalis, membranacea, adnata. Superficies hymenii olivacea deinde sepiacea vel badia, colliculosa, rimosa; margine fulvo vel concolori, fibrilloso, adnato. Contextus sepiaceus, ordinibus setarum partim superimpositis, in hyphis erectis inclusis. Hypharum systema dimiticum. Setae subulatae, ad 25 µ eminentes, subtiliter verruculosae, 30-60 x 6-8 µ. Basidia subcylindricalia, 12-18 x 4-4.5 µ, 4 sporis suballantoidibus, 3.5-4 x 1.5-2 µ.
Characters of the species are the small setae crowded into overlapping rows occupying the entire context, suballantoid small spores, small cylindrical basidia, and effused adnate fructifications with sepia or chocolate colliculose surface. At first fructifications are olivaceous with fulvous margins; they soon change to sepia or chocolate with concolorous margins. Finally plants become deeply areolately creviced,. and may peel away in segments from the substratum. Sometimes a second stratum develops upon a preceding season's fructification. Setae are usually arranged in overlapping rows embedded in scanty erect hyphae. Sometimes definite strata are visible, each setal layer then arising from an interrupted zone of compacted, intertwined and cemented hyphae. Spores are small, suballantoid and basidia slender and almost cylindrical.
Most closely resembling H. magnahyphae, the species may be separated by the dimitic hyphal system, much smaller spores and basidia, narrower hyphae and larger setae.
Most closely resembling H. magnahyphae, the species may be separated by the dimitic hyphal system, much smaller spores and basidia, narrower hyphae and larger setae.
Wilson's Point, Coromandel Peninsula, August 1954, J.M.Dingley, type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 16529
Cited scientific names
- Hymenochaete agathidicola Henn. 1894
- Hymenochaete arida (P. Karst.) Sacc. 1891
- Hymenochaete attenuata sensu G. Cunn. 1957
- Hymenochaete bispora G. Cunn. 1957
- Hymenochaete cervina Berk. & M.A. Curtis 1868 [1869]
- Hymenochaete cinnamomea (Pers.) Bres. 1897
- Hymenochaete contiformis G. Cunn. 1957
- Hymenochaete corrugata (Fr.) Lév. 1846
- Hymenochaete corticolor Berk. & Ravenel 1873
- Hymenochaete cruenta (Pers.) Donk 1959
- Hymenochaete dictator G. Cunn. 1957
- Hymenochaete dissimilis G. Cunn. 1957
- Hymenochaete dura Berk. & M.A. Curtis 1868 [1869]
- Hymenochaete floridea sensu G. Cunn. 1957
- Hymenochaete fusca (P. Karst.) Sacc. & P. Syd. 1899
- Hymenochaete gladiola G. Cunn. 1957
- Hymenochaete innexa G. Cunn. 1957
- Hymenochaete kalchbrenneri Massee 1890 [1891]
- Hymenochaete lictor Petch 1925
- Hymenochaete lignosa G. Cunn. 1957
- Hymenochaete magnahypha G. Cunn. 1957
- Hymenochaete minuscula G. Cunn. 1957
- Hymenochaete mougeotii (Fr.) Cooke 1880
- Hymenochaete obesa G. Cunn. 1957
- Hymenochaete patelliformis G. Cunn. 1957
- Hymenochaete phaea (Berk.) Cooke 1879
- Hymenochaete plurimaesetae G. Cunn. 1957
- Hymenochaete rhabarbarina (Berk.) Cooke 1879
- Hymenochaete rheicolor (Mont.) Lév. 1846
- Hymenochaete rubiginosa (Dicks.) Lév. 1846
- Hymenochaete semistupposa Petch 1925
- Hymenochaete separata G. Cunn. 1957
- Hymenochaete sphaericola Lloyd 1925
- Hymenochaete stratura G. Cunn. 1957
- Hymenochaete tabacina (Sowerby) Lév. 1846
- Hymenochaete unicolor Berk. & M.A. Curtis 1868 [1869]
- Hymenochaete vaginata G. Cunn. 1957
- Hymenochaete vallata G. Cunn. 1957
- Hymenochaete villosa (Lév.) Bres. 1910
- Nothofagus fusca (Hook.f.) Oerst.
22 September 2003