Jaklitsch, W.; Baral, H-O.; Lucking, R.; Lumbsch, H.T.. Frey, W. (ed) 2016: Syllabus of Plant Families. 13th Ed. edition. Borntraeger Science Publishers, Stuttgart. 322 p.
Jaklitsch, W.; Baral, H-O.; Lucking, R.; Lumbsch, H.T.. Frey, W. (ed) 2016: Syllabus of Plant Families. 13th Ed. edition. Borntraeger Science Publishers, Stuttgart. 322 p.
Taxonomic concepts
Allophylaria (P. Karst.) P. Karst.
Belonopsis (Sacc.) Rehm
Cryptohymenium Samuels & L.M. Kohn
Gloeotinia M. Wilson, Noble & E.G. Gray
Nothophacidium J. Reid & Cain
Trichobolus (Sacc.) Kimbr. & Cain
Cited scientific names
- Actinoscypha P. Karst. 1888
- Aleurina Massee 1898
- Allantophomopsis Petr. 1925
- Allophylaria (P. Karst.) P. Karst. 1870
- Apostrasseria Nag Raj 1983
- Ascodesmidaceae J. Schröt. 1893 [1908]
- Ascodichaena Butin 1977
- Ascophanus Boud. 1869
- Atropellis Zeller & Goodd. 1930
- Belonidium Durieu 1848
- Belonopsis (Sacc.) Rehm 1891 [1896]
- Bioscypha Syd. 1927
- Bisporella Sacc. 1884
- Boedijnopeziza S. Ito & S. Imai 1937
- Bulgariella P. Karst. 1885
- Byssonectria P. Karst. 1881
- Calloria Fr. 1836
- Calloriaceae Marchand 1894
- Calycellina Höhn. 1918
- Calycina (Nees) Gray 1821
- Cenangiaceae Rehm 1899 [1896]
- Ceuthospora Grev. 1826 [1827]
- Chaetochalara B. Sutton & Piroz. 1965
- Chaetoscypha Syd. 1924
- Chalara (Corda) Rabenh. 1844
- Chrysothallus Velen. 1934
- Coma Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr. 1972
- Complexipes C. Walker 1979
- Cookeina Kuntze 1891
- Coprotus Korf & Kimbr. 1967
- Coryne (Nees) 1816-17
- Costantinella Matr. 1892
- Cryptohymenium Samuels & L.M. Kohn 1987 [1986]
- Cylindrosporium Grev. 1822 [1823]
- Dibeloniella Nannf. 1932
- Didymascella Maire & Sacc. 1903
- Diehliomyces Gilkey 1955 [1954]
- Diplococcium Grove 1885
- Diplonaevia Sacc. 1889
- Discina (Fr.) Fr. 1849
- Discocurtisia Nannf. 1983
- Encoeliopsis Nannf. 1932
- Erikssonopsis M. Morelet 1971
- Eupropolella Höhn. 1917
- Gelatinodiscaceae S.E. Carp. 1976
- Geopora Harkn. 1885
- Geopyxis (Pers.) Sacc. 1889
- Gloeotinia M. Wilson, Noble & E.G. Gray 1954
- Godroniaceae Baral 2015
- Hamatocanthoscypha Svrček 1977
- Helotiaceae Rehm 1892 [1896]
- Helotiales Nannf. 1932
- Heteropatella Fuckel 1873
- Heterosphaeria Grev. 1824
- Hyaloscypha Boud. 1885
- Hyaloscyphaceae Nannf. 1932
- Hydnocystis Tul. & C. Tul. 1845
- Inermisia Rifai 1968
- Jafnea Korf 1960
- Jafneadelphus Rifai 1968
- Lachnaceae Raitv. 2004
- Lachnea (Fr.) Gillet 1879
- Laetinaevia Nannf. 1932
- Melasmia Lév. 1846
- Meria Vuill. 1896
- Micropeziza Fuckel 1870 [1869-70]
- Micropodia Boud. 1885
- Mitrulaceae Rchb. 1828
- Moellerodiscus Henn. 1902
- Mollisia (Fr.) P. Karst. 1871
- Mollisiaceae Rehm 1871
- Morchella Dill. ex Pers. 1794
- Naeviella (Rehm) Clem. 1909
- Naeviopsis B. Hein 1976
- Nothophacidium J. Reid & Cain 1962
- Ombrophila Fr. 1849
- Orbicula Cooke 1871
- Otidea (Pers.) Bonord. 1851
- Otideaceae Eckblad 1968
- Pachyphlodes Zobel 1854
- Parencoelia Petr. 1950
- Paurocotylis Berk. 1855
- Pestalopezia Seaver 1942
- Pezizaceae Dumort. 1829
- Pezizales J. Schröt. 1897
- Pezizellaceae Velen. 1934
- Phacidiales Höhn. 1917
- Phacidiopycnis Potebnia 1912
- Phacidium Fr. 1815
- Phaeangellina Dennis 1955
- Phaeofabraea Rehm 1909
- Phaeoscypha Spooner 1984
- Phialina Höhn. 1926
- Pirottaea Sacc. 1878
- Plicaria Fuckel 1870 [1869-70]
- Plicariella (Sacc.) Rehm 1894
- Ploettnera Henn. 1899
- Ploettnerulaceae Kirschst. 1924 [1923]
- Pocillum De Not. 1864 [1863]
- Poculum Velen. 1934
- Polymorphum Chevall. 1822
- Potebniamyces Smerlis 1962
- Pseudombrophila Boud. 1885
- Pseudospiropes M.B. Ellis 1971
- Psilachnum Höhn. 1926
- Psilopezia Berk. 1847
- Pyrenopeziza Fuckel 1870 [1869-70]
- Pyropyxis Egger 1984
- Rhabdocline Syd. 1922
- Rhizinaceae Bonord. 1851
- Rhytisma Fr. 1819
- Rodwayella Spooner 1986
- Rutstroemia P. Karst. 1871
- Sclerocrana Samuels & L.M. Kohn 1987 [1986]
- Scleromitrula S. Imai 1941
- Sclerotiniaceae Whetzel 1945
- Scutellinia (Cooke) Lambotte 1887
- Scutomollisia Nannf. 1976
- Sepultaria (Cooke) Boud. 1885
- Smardaea Svrček 1969
- Sowerbyella Nannf. 1938
- Sphaerosoma Klotzsch 1839
- Stephensia Tul. 1851
- Strossmayeria Schulzer 1881
- Tapesina Lambotte
- Tarzetta (Cooke) Lambotte 1888
- Trichobolus (Sacc.) Kimbr. & Cain 1967
- Velutaria Fuckel 1870 [1869-70]
- Verpatinia Whetzel & Drayton 1945
- Vibrisseaceae Korf 1990
- Wilcoxina Chin S. Yang & Korf 1985
22 November 2017
22 November 2017