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Persicaria decipiens (R.Br.) K.L.Wilson

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Threat status: Not threatened
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Persicaria decipiens (R.Br.) K.L.Wilson, Telopea 3: 178 (1988)
Persicaria decipiens (R.Br.) K.L.Wilson

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
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(R.Br.) K.L.Wilson
Persicaria decipiens

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Slender glab. to glabrate, eglandular, lax herb; stems slender, up to 6 dm. long, prostrate and rooting in basal part, then ascending, sparingly branched. Lvs on short petioles; lamina membr., pungent-tasting, 5-10-(15) × 1-3-(4) cm., lanceolate, acuminate, minutely serrulate; ochreae delicate, ± 1·5 cm. long, sparsely hairy, mouth obliquely truncate, ciliate; cilia (1)-2-(5) mm. long. Infl. of simple spikes (2)-3-5 cm. long on slender peduncles up to 10 mm. long. Fls ± 2 mm. diam., 2-3 per cluster; bracts narrow, truncate, ciliate. Tepals us. 5, oblong, glab., reddish to whitish; stamens us. 5, styles 2-branched. Fr. lenticular to subplano-convex, margined, ± 2 mm. long, including style base; dark blackish brown, ± glossy.
Annual or short-lived perennial herb, glabrous or glabrate; stems prostrate or decumbent, rooting at the lower nodes, sparingly branched; roots rather slender. Lvs on main stems and branches similar; petioles short or lvs subsessile. Lamina to 15 × 4 cm, lanceolate, often with dark markings above, entire or minutely serrulate, glabrous or sometimes with appressed hairs on midrib above and below, copiously dotted with glands below; margins appressed-ciliate; base cuneate to rounded; apex acuminate. Ochreae c. 1.5 cm long, green or pinkish, obliquely truncate, not flared towards apex, long-ciliate. Fls 1-4 in whorls forming simple or few-branched, terminal or axillary racemes; racemes erect or slightly curved, 1.5-8 cm long, sometimes very slender and whorls distant, sometimes wider, cylindric, and densely flowered; peduncles slender, > upper lvs; pedicels enveloped or slightly exserted from bracts; bracts truncate, ciliate or glabrous. Perianth 2-2.5 mm long, deep pink to whitish, eglandular, accrescent; segments ± elliptic, imbricate. Nut 1.7-2.5 mm long, biconvex to almost plano-convex, blackish, ± glossy.

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Persicaria decipiens (R.Br.) K.L.Wilson
Persicaria decipiens (R.Br.) K.L.Wilson
Persicaria decipiens (R.Br.) K.L.Wilson
Persicaria decipiens (R.Br.) K.L.Wilson
Persicaria decipiens (R.Br.) K.L.Wilson
Persicaria decipiens (R.Br.) K.L.Wilson
Persicaria decipiens (R.Br.) K.L.Wilson
Persicaria decipiens (R.Br.) K.L.Wilson
Persicaria decipiens (R.Br.) K.L.Wilson
Persicaria decipiens (R.Br.) K.L.Wilson
Persicaria decipiens (R.Br.) K.L.Wilson
Polygonum decipiens R.Br.
Persicaria decipiens (R.Br.) K.L.Wilson
Polygonum salicifolium Willd.
Persicaria decipiens (R.Br.) K.L.Wilson

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Persicaria decipiens (R.Br.) K.L.Wilson
[Not available]

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scientific name
13 March 2002
8 November 2005
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