Hamlin, B.G. 1963: Notes on Uncinia (Cyperaceae Caricoideae) from New Zealand, New Caledonia, Kerguelen and Amsterdam Islands. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand. Botany 2: 127–131.

Hamlin, B.G. 1963: Notes on Uncinia (Cyperaceae Caricoideae) from New Zealand, New Caledonia, Kerguelen and Amsterdam Islands. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand. Botany 2: 127–131.
Densely caespitose. Leaves 4-6 per stem, equalling or longer than the culms, 1.5-2 (-3) mm wide, strongly scabrid on the margins, on the midrib and upper surfaces, sheaths brown. Culms 28-38 (-50) cm talI, 0.5mm wide, scabrid above, sheathed for about 1/3 of the length. Spikes (4-) 5-6cm long, lax-flowered, female flowers (8-) 10-13, internodes 3--4mm long below, 2mm long above, male portion 1.6-2cm long. Glumes shorter than the utricles, 4mm long, keeled, acute, brown with a hyaline margin, deciduous, the 2-3 lowermost produced into leafy bracts 8-18cm long and greatly exceeding the spikes. Utricles 5.5-6mm long, 0.8mm wide, stipe 1.5-1.8mm long, beak 1.5mm long, margins scabrid.
Herbae dense caespitosae. Folia quaterna ad sena in singulis caulibus, culmis aequalia vel longiora, 1.5-2 (-3) mm lata, scaberrima in marginibus, in centrali nervo et in foliorum superficie; vaginae brunneae. Culmi 28-38(-50)cm alti, 0.5mm lati, scabri supra, vaginati circa tertiam partem longitudinis. Spicae (4-) 5-6cm longae, floribus laxis; flores feminei (8-) 10-13; internodia 3-4mm longa infra, 2mm longa supra; pars mascula 1.6-2cm longa. Glumae utriculis breviores, 4mm longae, carinatae, acutae, brunneae, margine hyalmo, deciduae, 2-3 infimae in bracteas foliosas productae 8-18cm longas et valde spicas superantes. Utriculi 5.5-6mm longi, 0.8mm lati; stipes 1.5-1.8mm longus, rostrum 1.5mm longum, marginibus scabris.
Identification keys
Leaves shorter than the culms, (1-) 1.5-2mm broad, culms 30-32cm tall, spikes (1-)2-3.5cm long, female flowers (7-)12-16(-25), internodes 2-3 (-5) mm long, glumes equalling the utricles
Leaves longer than the culms, 1.5-2.5mm broad, culm up to 26cm tall, spikes 3.5-4cm long, female flowers 17, 19, internodes 1.5-2.5mm long, glumes longer than the utricles
Reproduced with permission from Transactions of the Royal Society (now http://www.rsnz.org/publish/jrsnzJournal of the Royal Society of New Zealand and the Royal Society of New Zealand.
Cited scientific names