Garnock-Jones, P.J.; Bayly, M.J.; Lee, W.G.; Rance, B.D. 2000: Hebe arganthera (Scrophulariaceae), a new species from calcareous outcrops in Fiordland, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 38(3): 379–388.
Garnock-Jones, P.J.; Bayly, M.J.; Lee, W.G.; Rance, B.D. 2000: Hebe arganthera (Scrophulariaceae), a new species from calcareous outcrops in Fiordland, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 38(3): 379–388.
Shrub, often rounded or spreading, to 0.5 m tall. Branches ascending to erect; old stems brown; youngest branchlets green; internodes (2-)4-8 mm long, bifariously eglandular-pubescent; leaf decurrencies evident; leaf-base scars prominent. Leaf bud about as long as mature leaves, with leaves of a pair separating when mature; sinus narrow, acute. Leaves decussate, free at base, erecto-patent to patent; lamina oblong to elliptic, coriaceous or subcoriaceous, m-shaped in transverse section, ( 12-) 15-30(-38) × (5-)6- 1 1 mm; apex subacute and mucronate; base cuneate; midrib thickened beneath and depressed to grooved above; secondary veins not evident; margin entire, translucent, bevelled or rounded, minutely papillate or denticulate; adaxial surface green or yellowish green, dull, with many stomata, hairy along midrib; abaxial surface pale green, dull, densely covered with stomata, glabrous. Petiole 3-4 mm long, uniformly eglandular-pubes- cent. Inflorescences with 15-20(-25) flowers, lateral, racemose, simple or with (1-)2 branches at base, (2-)4-5 cm long, about = or > subtending leaves, flowers opening in acropetal sequence, usually all developing to maturity; peducle 0.8-1 cm long, eglandular-pubescent; rachis 1. 5 4 cm long, eglandular pubescent; bracts opposite and decussate at least below, sometimes becoming alternate above, subacute to acute, eglandular-ciliolate, linear to lan- ceolate; pedicels < bracts, eglandular-pubescent, erecto-patent at flowering and fruiting, (0.5-) 1.5-3(- 5) mm long. Flowers protandrous, all hermaphrodite. Calyx rounded at base, terete, 4-lobed, equally di- vided, 2.5-3.5 mm long; lobes all similar, lanceolate to elliptic, obtuse, eglandular-ciliolate; margins scarious. Corolla white at anthesis and after polli- nation; tube glabrous, 1-2 mm long, c. 1 mm wide, cylindric, > calyx; lobes glabrous, > tube; posterior lobe circular to elliptic, obtuse, erecto-patent; lateral lobes elliptic or ovate, obtuse, erecto-patent, cuneate at base; anterior lobe ovate, obtuse, patent to recurved, not enfolding style; corolla throat white. Stamens: filaments white, diverging after anthesis, straight at apex in bud, (4-)5-6 mm long; anthers subacute to acute, white, c. 1.5 mm long. Nectarial disc glabrous. Ovary ovoid, glabrous, 1.7-2 mm long, bilocular; ovules 20-25 per locule, marginal in 1-2 layers on a flattened placenta; style 5-7 mm long, c. 0.2 mm thick (when dry), glabrous, white; stigma capitate, 0.3-0.4 mm wide. Capsules latiseptate, acute, dark brown, 3-4 × 2.5-3.5 mm, 1.5-2.5 mm thick, glabrous; septicidal split extend- ing to base, loculicidal split extending ¼-way to 1/3- way to base; capsule valves with pronounced midrib. Seeds 6- 10 (or more) per locule, flattened, ellipsoid, not winged, smooth, straw yellow to pale brown, 0.6-1 × 0.5-0.8 mm.
Hebes cockayneanae et H. rupicolae similis, sinu angusto, cicatricibus in caulibus prominentibus, capsulis brevibus latis; a H. cockayneana pubescentia caulis breviore, foliis grandioribus viridibus concoloris, stomatibus utrinque manifestis, marginibus minute eglandulato-ciliolatis, floribus plerumque oppositis, calyce eglandulato-ciliolatis, seminibus parvioribus differt; a H. rupicola cicatricibus in caulibus prominentioribus, foliis utrinque viridibus, inflorescentiis hirsutioribus, calyce eglandulato-ciliolatis, lobis corollae obtusatis, capsulis latioribus pallidioribus, seminibus parvioribus differt.
Identification keys
Inflorescences terminal (but often also with some lateral inflorescences), fertile shoots not terminated by a vegetative bud
Inflorescences strictly lateral (but possibly in axils of uppermost leaves, and therefore appearing terminal without close inspection), fertile shoots terminated by a vegetative bud
Leaves dark green and glossy above, paler below; leaf bases free; vegetative branches terminated by a prominent leaf bud with a shield-shaped sinus at its base (Fig. 5P); rounded shrub of grassland, bog margins and scrub
Leaves dull yellowish-green above and beneath; leaf bases of each leaf pair shortly connate (Fig. 5F, G); vegetative branches not terminated by a prominent leaf bud (i.e., apical leaves not generally cohering along their margins); low-growing subshrub of exposed rocks and scree
Leaves usually > 10 mm long (Fig. 5E, L), usually glossy, never glaucous; flowers pedicillate
Midrib forming a rounded keel on underside of leaf (Fig. 5Q, cf. Fig. 5S); leaf margin fringed with fine, white, tangled, sometimes branched hairs (Fig. 5R); anterior calyx lobes fiee
Keel of leaf usually characteristically Battened toward apex (Fig. 5S); leaf margin glabrous or with minute caducous cilia, anterior calyx lobes usually fused below emarginate tip
Leaf margin white pubescent except near strongly mucronate apex (Fig. 5D) and well-defined petiole; shrub of coastal rocks
Leaf margin glabrous or minutely or sparsely hairy, without such a strong contrast of indumentum at petiole and apex; shrubs of upland areas
Leaf decurrencies prominently swollen; leaf bud sinus broad, shaped somewhat like a vaulted arch (Fig. 5V); leaf margins minutely crenulate (Fig. 5W)
Leaf decurrencies not prominently swollen; leaf bud sinus comparatively narrow and acute (e.g., Fig. 5K); leaf margins entire, minutely papillose on lower surface (Fig. 5N) or cartilaginous
Leaves dull green above, glaucous below (except along margins and midrib), (5) 10-22 mm long; leaf margins glabrous (apart from minute papillae, Fig. 5N), or with scattered glandular hairs (Fig. 4B)
Leaves dull green, f concolorous, (12-)15-30(-38) mm long; leaf margins ciliate with many minute eglandular hairs (Fig. 4A)
Leaves ribbed or striped on outer surface, at least for a short distance from upper margin (Fig. 5H)
Reproduced with permission from New Zealand Journal of Botany and The Royal Society of New Zealand Te Apārangi.
Cited scientific names
18 October 2022