Lachnagrostis striata (Colenso) Zotov

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Lachnagrostis striata (Colenso) Zotov, Rec. Domin. Mus. 5: 142 (1965)
Lachnagrostis striata (Colenso) Zotov
(Colenso) Zotov
Lachnagrostis striata
Lachnagrostis striata (Colenso) Zotov
2n = 84
Lachnagrostis striata (Colenso) Zotov
Tufts perennial, usually fine-leaved and lowgrowing, 5-15-(40) cm tall; innovations extravaginal. Leaf-sheaths membranous, with a few distinct nerves, smooth, rarely minutely scabrous, green to light brown; ligule 1—3—(5.5) mm, ± oblong, sometimes slightly tapered, denticulate at tip, abaxially with sparse prickle teeth; leaf-blades (1)- 2-10 cm long, 0.8-2 mm wide if flat, but usually folded and so appearing narrower, abaxially smooth except near tip, adaxially scabrous on the prominent nerves, margins scabrous, tip subobtuse. Culms 1.5- 15—(30) cm tall, erect or ascending, longer culms often projecting beyond uppermost sheaths, finely, retrorsely, ciliate-scabrous. Panicle 2-10-(20) × 1.5- 7-( 12) cm, delicate, rather contracted at first, later lax; branchlets few, filiform, finely scabrous, tipped by 1-few spikelets. Spikelets (2)-2.2-3.5 mm, green to purplish. Glumes subequal, acute, scabrous on midnerve in upper ½ or almost throughout, hyaline margins with a very few teeth near tip; lower glume slightly longer, linear-lanceolate; upper glume elliptic-lanceolate. Lemma 1.2-2-(2.3) mm, 2/3-¾ length of glumes, usually densely covered by stiff, straight hairs, ovate-oblong, truncate, with lateral nerves scarcely excurrent; awn 0.2-2-(3) mm, straight, very fine, often purple, from upper 1/3 of lemma. Palea from c. 2/3 to almost = lemma, keels c. 0.1 mm apart, slightly excurrent and with a few prickle teeth at minutely bifid tip. Callus ringed with short hairs to c. 0.3 mm, c. ¼ length of lemma. Lodicules c. 0.3 mm, linear, acute. Rachilla c. 0.5 mm, tipped by equally long, or slightly longer hairs. Anthers 0.2-0.5-(0.6) mm. Caryopsis 0.8-1.4 × 0.4-0.6 mm. Endemic.
Lachnagrostis striata (Colenso) Zotov
Tufts perennial, usually fine-leaved and low-growing, 5-15-(40) cm; branching extravaginal. Leaf-sheath membranous, sparsely ribbed, smooth, rarely minutely scabrid, green to light brown. Ligule 1-3-(5.5) mm, ± oblong, sometimes slightly tapered, denticulate, abaxially sparsely prickle-toothed. Leaf-blade (1)-2-10 cm × 0.8-2 mm wide, usually folded and appearing narrower, abaxially smooth except near tip, adaxially scabrid on prominent ribs; margins scabrid, tip subobtuse. Culm 1.5-15-(30) cm, erect or ascending, longer culms often projecting beyond uppermost sheaths, internodes minutely, retrorsely scabrid. Panicle 2-10-(20) × 1.5-7-(12) cm, delicate, rather contracted at first, later lax; branches few, filiform, finely scabrid, tipped by 1-few spikelets. Spikelets (2)-2.2-3.5 mm, green to purplish. Glumes subequal, acute, scabrid on midnerve in upper ½ or almost throughout, hyaline margins with a very few prickle-teeth near tip; lower slightly longer, linear-lanceolate, upper elliptic-lanceolate. Lemma 1.2-2-(2.3) mm, ⅔-¾ length of glumes, usually densely covered by stiff, straight hairs, ovate-oblong, truncate, lateral nerves scarcely excurrent; awn 0.2-2-(3) mm, straight, very fine, often purple, from upper ⅓ of lemma. Palea c. ⅔ to ≈ lemma, keels c. 0.1 mm apart, slightly excurrent, apex minutely bifid, sparsely prickle-toothed. Callus ringed with short hairs to c. 0.3 mm, c. ¼ length of lemma. Rachilla c. 0.5 mm, tipped by equally long, or slightly longer hairs. Lodicules c. 0.3 mm, linear, acute. Anthers 0.2-0.5-(0.6) mm. Caryopsis 0.8-1.4 × 0.4-0.6 mm.
Taxonomic concepts
Agrostis striata Colenso
Lachnagrostis striata (Colenso) Zotov
Deyeuxia forsteri var. humilior Hack.
Lachnagrostis striata (Colenso) Zotov
Lachnagrostis striata (Colenso) Zotov
Lachnagrostis striata (Colenso) Zotov
Lachnagrostis striata (Colenso) Zotov
Lachnagrostis striata (Colenso) Zotov
Lachnagrostis striata (Colenso) Zotov
Lachnagrostis striata (Colenso) Zotov
Lachnagrostis striata (Colenso) Zotov
Lachnagrostis striata (Colenso) Zotov
Lachnagrostis striata (Colenso) Zotov
Lachnagrostis striata (Colenso) Zotov
Identification keys
scientific name
1 January 2000
29 July 2005