Petterson, J.A. 1997: Revision of the genus Wahlenbergia (Campanulaceae) in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 35(1): 9–54.

Petterson, J.A. 1997: Revision of the genus Wahlenbergia (Campanulaceae) in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 35(1): 9–54.
Taxonomic concepts
Wahlenbergia brockiei J.A.Hay
Wahlenbergia colensoi N.E.Br.
Wahlenbergia congesta (Cheeseman) N.E.Br.
Wahlenbergia flexilis Petrie
Wahlenbergia gracilis (G.Forst.) A.DC.
Wahlenbergia gracilis sensu Allan
Wahlenbergia gracilis sensu Allan
Wahlenbergia laxa G.Simpson
Wahlenbergia marginata (Thunb.) A.DC.
Wahlenbergia marginata sensu Tuyn
Wahlenbergia saxicola var. congesta Cheeseman
Wahlenbergia simpsonii J.A.Hay
Habit of radicate group, stems branching from the base, somewhat fleshy and brittle, the upper 2/3 of the plant forming a many-flowered much-branched multiple panicle. Leaves dark green, sessile, rather fleshy, oblong to obovate-spathulate to oblanceolate to lanceolate to linear, margins obscurely dentate to sharply serrate, more or less undulate, up to 40 × 15 mm. Flowers erect on slender pedicels 5—10 cm long, pale blue-violet, paler outside (HCC hyacinth blue 40/2 inside, 40/3 outside), sometimes white. Corolla 18—30 mm diam., 10— 15 mm long, subrotate, broad-petalled, tube saucershaped, 1 × 5 to 1.5 × 6 mm, lobes curving up before spreading, broadly oblanceolate, acute, separate at base, touching or overlapping at widest point, 8 × 5 to 14 × 6 mm. Style thickened and blue at top. Calyx lobes glabrous, 2 × 1 to 4 × 1.5 mm, triangular, erect or spreading. Capsules glabrous, 5 × 3 to 6 × 4 mm, obconic with protruding valves. Seeds 0.5 mm long. FL Oct-Apr, FT Nov-Apr.
W. rupestris similis, differt corolla pallide caesio-violacea, subrotata, 18—25 mm diametro, tubo 1.5 × 5-6 mm, lobis oblanccolatis, 8 × 5 to 14 × 6 mm, usque ad basem scparatis. Caulibus et foliis carnosis.
Perennial herb with radical, rosulate tufts of leaves, sometimes alternate on elongated stems (shade form). Leaves more or less petiolate, entire or dentate or undulate, lamina 10 × 2 to 40 × 10 mm, linear to elliptic or ovate to obovate, gradually narrowed to petiole as long as the lamina or longer. Flowers narrowly campanulate-rotate, corolla pale flax blue to pale blue-violet, often with white zoning and deeper coloured veins, or all white, 10—25 mm diam., 10—20 mm long, corolla tube 4 × 3 to 10 × 6 mm, lobes 6 × 3 to 12 × 5 mm; style equal in length to corolla tube, lobes 2 or 3. Calyx lobes less than VA corolla length; capsule domed cylindric, 6-8 × 4 mm. Seeds 0.5 mm long, ellipsoid, smooth, glossy brown when mature. Usually insect-pollinated in natural habitat, seldom sets seed in cult. FL Nov—Apr, FT Dec—Apr.
Leaf lamina elliptic to linear, entire or subentire, often glaucous when dried, often with conspicuous thickened margin. Marginal teeth few, inconspicuous. Flowers 12—17 mm diam.
Similar to subsp. laxa, but develops a strong taproot and short crowded rosettes in scree habitat, scapes slender, short, 3—10 cm long, flowers fragrant, 15—20 mm diam, 10-15 mm long.
Subsp. laxae similis, differt floris fragrans, alpinis.
Similar to subsp. albomarginata, but with prostrate leaves ovate to orbicular-spathulate, sometimes tufted along the elongating ascending stems in shade forms. Usually entire-margined, except in deep shade when they may become dentate. Flowers larger than W. albomarginata, creamywhite to bluish white, 18—25 mm diam. in life. Calyx lobes toothed and recurved in ripe capsules in Simpson's specimens (Fig. 22).
Similar in flowers to W. albomarginata, but with leaf laminas obovate to oblanceolate, dentate to serrate, with rather conspicuous marginal teeth; not glaucous, not margined, not entire. Flowers long-tubed, often much larger than in subsp. albomarginata, and calyx lobes longer. The measurements for subsp. laxa in Table 9 were recorded from living flowers cultivated from Temple Track and Caseys Pass, in Arthur's Pass National Park.
Similar to subsp. albomarginata, but leaves dark olive green, with white, stiff bristly hairs above, often purple on the back, and with prominent cartilaginous margins. Plants retain these characters in cultivation. Flowers range from very small (10 mm diam.) to very large (30 mm diam.) in different sites.
W. albomarginatae similis, differt foliae marginis incrassatis, foliis supra atroviridis, hispidis, subtus purpurescens, glabris.
A perennial deep-rooting rhizomatous scree plant with distant rosettes of very thick, glaucous, (sometimes yellowish) sessile leaves, glabrous or pubescent. Leaves 8 × 5—25 × 15 mm, spathulate, obtuse, narrowed to a thick flat petiole; margins entire, thickened, cartilaginous. Scapes 2-3 cm long, stout, glaucous, with 1—3 small bracts, usually simple and stiff. Flower c. 12 mm long, 8—12 mm diameter, lilac, scented. Corolla broadly funnel-shaped, 5-partite, tube c. 5 × 6 mm, lobes c. 7 × 5 mm, enclosed within the large calyx lobes which are thick and coriaceous, glabrous, linear-oblong, obtuse, 6 × 2 to 10 × 3 mm. Capsule glabrous, often glaucous, globose to broadly turbinate, c. 8 × 8 to 10x10 mm. Seeds larger than in other species, 1 mm long, ellipsoid, glossy brown when mature. Insect-pollinated. FL Dec—Jan, FT Jan—Mar.
Mat-forming plant with sessile rosulate tufts of glossy glabrous leaves and subsessile white flowers. Leaves orbicular spathulate, 8—25 mm long, shallowly crenate-serrate, undulate or flat, narrowed to a thin flat petiole. Scape solitary from each rosette, 1—2 cm long in flower, elongating up to 5 cm in fruit. Flowers solitary, terminal, erect, white or palest blue, 12—15 mm diam. Corolla rotate-campanulate, 9—12 mm long, tube bowl-shaped, c. 4 × 5 mm, lobes 7 × 5 to 8 × 5 mm, ovate, obtuse. Calyx lobes 2 × 1 mm wide at base, triangular. Capsule globular, 6 mm diam. when mature. Seeds ellipsoid, glossy brown. Self-fertile in cultivation. FL Nov—Mar, FT Dec—Apr.
Mat-forming plant with flowers much smaller than subsp. congesta, sessile or subsessile, corolla funnel-shaped, erect, white, c. 9 mm diam., 8 mm long, tube 2 × 3 mm, lobes strap-shaped, 6 × 2 mm. Capsules globular, 4 mm diam., fruiting scapes 1-2 cm long. FL Nov-Apr, FT Dec-Apr.
W. congestae similis, differt floris infundibuliformis, parvi, capsulus parvulus, 3 mm diam.
Perennial herb of erect or spreading sub-shrubby growth, 10—30 cm tall, initially with fleshy white tap-root, rhizomes developing later in suitable conditions. Stems branching from the rootstock, brownish white at the base, 2—3 mm diam., aerial parts purplish, glabrous, clothed with numerous, crowded, spirally arranged, spreading, sessile leaves. Leaves uniform, linear, glabrous, 10 × 1 to 50x3 mm, margins entire or distantly and obscurely toothed, sometimes recurved. Stems branching at the top into 2 or more almost naked scapes 10—15 cm long, simple or branched again with a few narrowlinear bracts 5—15 mm long, distantly placed. Flowers terminal on each peduncle, pale flax blue to pale blue-lilac with white zoning and deeper blue or violet veins, or completely white; corolla 20-40 mm diam., deeply campanulate with tube 7 × 5 to 9 × 6 mm, lobes spreading, ovate-lanceolate, 10 × 6- 20 × 8 mm. Anthers linear, 4 mm long, style equalling corolla tube, stigma usually 2-lobed. Calyx glabrous, linear-triangular, 4—5 × 1 mm; capsule glabrous, domed obconic, 6 × 4 to 12 × 6 mm long. Seeds 0.5 mm long. FL Dec-Apr, FT Jan-Apr.
Perennial rhizomatous herb with rosulate tufts of leaves at ground level. Leaves bright green, glossy, glabrous or with a few scattered hairs, oblong to oblanceolate to obovate to orbicularspathulate, 10 × 3 to 20 × 5 mm, sessile or gradually narrowed to a flat petiole 2 mm wide. Leaf margin subentire to serrate or crenate-serrate, or dentate, often undulate, sometimes red, with 2—7 exserted glandular marginal teeth on each side. Flowers erect or nodding on short upright scapes, 4—10 cm tall, which may be naked or 1—2-bracted. Corolla soft blue and white, sometimes pure white or all blue, usually with deeper-coloured veins; up to 30 mm diam., up to 18 mm long, broadly campanulate with tube as broad as or broader than long, lobes c. 9 × 7 mm, spreading, broadly elliptic-lanceolate, acute. Calyx lobes c. 3 × 1.5 mm, glabrous, narrow-triangular. Capsule c. 10 × 6 mm, glabrous, domed cylindrical to plump barrel-shaped. Seeds ellipsoid, glossy brown. Usually insect-pollinated, some forms self-fertile. FL Dec-May, FT Jan-May.
Leaves petiolate, spathulate, margins often red, flat or undulate, entire or with 2-4 teeth on each side; flowers soft blue or blue and white. Capsules domed cylindric, 6 × 4 to 10 × 6 mm. v.v.
Leaves petiolate, petioles 3—15 mm long, laminas orbicular- to oblong-spathulate, margins with 4—7 teeth on each side, undulate. Corolla pale blue-violet with broad creamy-white central band in each lobe. Mature capsules domed and broadly barrel-shaped, 8 × 5 to 10 × 6 mm. Self-fertile, sets seed in cultivation, v.v.
W. pygmaeae similis, differt foliis petiolatis, lamina spathulata, dentata, dentibus 9—15; capsula lata.
Similar to W. pygmaea, but with leaves sessile, laminas elliptic to oblanceolate, flat, evenly serrate with 4—7 marginal teeth on each side, narrowed slightly at base, forming distinctive neatly radiating rosettes in cultivation. Leaf margins not red. Flowers opaque white with one fine blue vein beneath each petal. Capsules domed cylindric, mature capsules not seen. Not self-fertile in cult. v.v.
W. pygmaea similis, flora alba opaqua, folia serrata, dentibus 9—15.
Habit of radicate group. Stems 10- 50 cm long, 1-2 mm thick, decumbent or ascending or stiffly erect. Mature leaves and bracts pale-green, alternate, sessile, variable, usually obovatespathulate to oblanceolate on lower stem, grading to linear-lanceolate in upper stem, 8 × 2 to 30 × 10 mm; margins flat and distantly denticulate to strongly undulate, usually with scattered hairs on margins and lamina. Callus teeth 4—5 on each margin. Pedicels slender, 3—10 cm long. Flowers glabrous, 3—5-lobed, pastel lilac at anthesis, fading to off-white or pure white in different populations, (5-) 10-15(-20) mm diam., 4—9 mm long. Corolla rotate with shallow saucer-shaped tube, 1 × 3-4 mm; lobes spreading, 5 × 4 to 8 × 5 mm, broadly ovate, touching or overlapping in open flower. Style thickened at top, white. Calyx lobes glabrous, 1.5 × 1 to 3 × 1.5 mm, triangular; capsule glabrous 5—7 × 4 mm, ellipsoid to obconic, with protruding apical valves. Bud at anther dehiscence short and rounded. Self-fertile. Seeds 0.5 mm long. FL Nov—Apr, FT Dec—Mar.
Habit of radicate group. Stems slender, erect, 10-50 cm tall, branching from the base, terete. Leaves alternate, often dark green, usually linear-oblanceolate to linear, 15—20 mm long, subentire, with scattered hairs on margins and lamina. Callus teeth 4-5 on each margin. Bracts linear, 4—20 × 2 mm. Flowers pure white, (9—) 15— 25 mm diam., 6—13 mm long, on slender pedicels 5—10 cm long. Corolla rotate, almost tubeless, with long lobes and shallow, saucer-shaped tube 2 × 5 mm. Corolla lobes 8 × 5 mm to 11 × 6 mm, elliptic to oblanceolate, acute, separated at base. Style strongly constricted below stigma lobes, white. Calyx glabrous, lobes 2 × 0.7 mm to 3 × 1 mm, narrowtriangular, erect. Capsule glabrous, 7 × 3 to 10 × 4 mm, ellipsoid to obconic. Bud at anther dehiscence slender, pointed. Self-fertile. Seeds 0.5 mm long. FL Nov—Apr, FT Dec—Apr.
Annual or perennial herbs with sweet milky juice. Leaves usually alternate, sometimes opposite, sessile or petiolate, margins always with conspicuous, short, blunt, pale, spine-like hydathodes. Young shoots usually sparsely hairy with straight simple hairs 1—2 mm long. Flowers solitary, terminal, regular; corolla glabrous with campanulate tube and (3—)5(—7) spreading lobes, valvate and coherent in bud. Calyx tube glabrous, adnate to the inferior ovary; calyx lobes glabrous, discrete, the same number as the corolla lobes and alternate with them, persistent in fruit. Stamens dehiscent in the elongating bud; anthers oblong, free; filaments delicate, transparent, dilated at the base, arching over the nectary; ovary 2- or 3-celled; style columnar, sometimes thickened and coloured in the upper half which is usually coated with pollen at anthesis. Stigmas are 2-, 3-, or rarely 4-lobed, lobes short, oblong, papillose on the inner surface, opening after the flower has opened. Capsules open by 2 or 3 apical valves within the calyx. Seeds numerous, 0.5—1 mm long, ellipsoid, dark brown and glossy when mature. Flowering Oct—Apr, capsules ripe Nov—Apr in cultivation.
Characters of the radicate group. Short-lived perennials with lifespan about 2 years. Root branching, fleshy, brittle. Stems 10—150 cm tall, fleshy and brittle in life, juveniles with opposite leaves, adult plants with mostly alternate sessile leaves, some stems and laterals with lower leaves opposite. Branches often closely divaricating, young shoots hairy, with crowded leaves. Leaves usually elliptic to oblanceolate, 10-40 × 5-10 mm, regularly and closely serrate, glabrous, bright green, fleshy and glossy as if varnished (in life), sparsely hairy, with prominent midrib below; sometimes linear, entire. Flowers in different populations may be white, pastel lilac (HCC 437/1), or flax blue (HCC 642/2), on short slender pedicels 2—7 cm long. Corolla campanulate, (10—)12—15(—20) mm diam., 9—12 mm long, tube cylindrical (cup-shaped), 2 × 2 to 4 × 4 mm, lobes 5 × 4 to 8 × 5 mm, oblong, subacute, spreading; style protruding slightly from tube, slightly thickened in upper half, white. Stigmas 3 or 4, small. Calyx lobes glabrous, 3 × 1 to 4 × 1.5 mm, narrowly triangular, becoming radiate or recurved in fruit. Capsule glabrous, obconic, 6 × 4 to 10 × 5 mm, flat-topped or slightly concave at the top, valves flat until ripe. Self-fertile. Seeds 0.5 mm long. FL Oct- May, FR Nov—May.
W. insulae-howei similis, differt foliis serratis, supra politis, vernicosis, sparse pilosis. Corolla campanulata, 10—20 mm diam. Corollae tubus cylindricus, 3 × 3 mm to 4 × 4 mm; lobi oblongi, acuti, 5—6 mm longi, 4 mm lati. Capsula obconica, supra applanata, lobis radiantibus.
Habit of radicate group. Stems 10-- 50 cm tall, slender, erect or decumbent. Leaves oblanceolate to lanceolate to linear, shallowly dentate to subentire, dark green, the lowermost 2-5 pairs opposite in seedlings and young shoots. Pedicels slender, 3-15 cm long. Flowers glabrous, (5-)12- 15(-18) mm diam., (2-)7-10 mm long, bright blue-violet, paler outside. Corolla shortly campanulate, bowl-shaped, often with tube distinctly angled at the sinus; tube 1.5 × 3 mm to 3 × 4 mm, ¼ to 1/3 length of corolla; corolla lobes ovate, acute, overlapping or touching in open flower, 3 × 2 mm to 7 × 4 mm. Style capitate, thickened and blue at the top, stigmas white, often large and fluffy. Calyx lobes glabrous, 1.5 × 0.7 mm to 4 × 1 mm, narrowly triangular, equal in length to the corolla tube. Capsule glabrous, 8 × 4 to 12 × 5 mm, obconic, with protruding apical valves. Bud at anther dehiscence tinted blue. Self- fertile. Seeds 0.5 mm long. FL Nov-Apr, FT Dec-Apr.
W. marginatae et W. gracilis similis, corolla caeruleo-violacca. Differt corolla campanulato-rotata, corollae tubo c. 3 × 4 mm, lobis ovatis, acutis, c. 6 × 4 mm, basi contingentibus. Folia interdum opposita.
Identification keys
Key to New Zealand indigenous and endemic species
Leaves verv thick, broad, glaucous, and cartilaginous, calvx lobes thick, as long as the corolla
Reproduced with permission from New Zealand Journal of Botany and The Royal Society of New Zealand Te Apārangi.
Key to non-New Zealand radicate species cultivated for this study
Reproduced with permission from New Zealand Journal of Botany and The Royal Society of New Zealand Te Apārangi.
Key to subspecies
Capsules 6 mm diam., flowers broadly campanulate, wide-open, 12—15 mm diam.
Capsules half the size of var. congesta, and smaller funnel-form flowers 8—10 mm diam.
Reproduced with permission from New Zealand Journal of Botany and The Royal Society of New Zealand Te Apārangi.
Cited scientific names
- Campanula gracilis G.Forst.
- Campanula marginata Thunb.
- Wahlenbergia akaroa J.A.Petterson
- Wahlenbergia albomarginata Hook.
- Wahlenbergia albomarginata Hook. subsp. albomarginata
- Wahlenbergia albomarginata subsp. decora J.A.Petterson
- Wahlenbergia albomarginata subsp. flexilis (Petrie) J.A.Petterson
- Wahlenbergia albomarginata subsp. laxa (G.Simpson) J.A.Petterson
- Wahlenbergia albomarginata subsp. olivina J.A.Petterson
- Wahlenbergia brockiei J.A.Hay
- Wahlenbergia cartilaginea Hook.f.
- Wahlenbergia colensoi N.E.Br.
- Wahlenbergia colensoi N.E.Br.
- Wahlenbergia colensoi N.E.Br.
- Wahlenbergia congesta (Cheeseman) N.E.Br.
- Wahlenbergia congesta (Cheeseman) N.E.Br. subsp. congesta
- Wahlenbergia congesta subsp. haastii J.A.Petterson
- Wahlenbergia flexilis Petrie
- Wahlenbergia gracilenta Lothian
- Wahlenbergia gracilis (G.Forst.) A.DC.
- Wahlenbergia gracilis sensu Allan
- Wahlenbergia gracilis sensu Allan
- Wahlenbergia gracilis sensu Allan
- Wahlenbergia laxa G.Simpson
- Wahlenbergia littoricola subsp. vernicosa (J.A.Petterson) de Lange & E.K.Cameron
- Wahlenbergia marginata (Thunb.) A.DC.
- Wahlenbergia marginata sensu Tuyn
- Wahlenbergia matthewsii Cockayne
- Wahlenbergia morganii Petrie
- Wahlenbergia pygmaea Colenso
- Wahlenbergia pygmaea Colenso subsp. pygmaea
- Wahlenbergia pygmaea subsp. drucei J.A.Petterson
- Wahlenbergia pygmaea subsp. tararua J.A.Petterson
- Wahlenbergia ramosa G.Simpson
- Wahlenbergia rupestris G.Simpson
- Wahlenbergia saxicola var. congesta Cheeseman
- Wahlenbergia Schrad. ex Roth
- Wahlenbergia simpsonii J.A.Hay
- Wahlenbergia vernicosa J.A.Petterson
- Wahlenbergia violacea J.A.Petterson