Fayodia ochracea G. Stev. 1964

Fayodia ochracea G. Stev., Kew Bull. 19 47 (1964)
G. Stev.
G. Stev.
Fayodia ochracea G. Stev. 1964
NZ holotype
Fayodia ochracea
Fayodia ochracea G. Stev. 1964
[GS] Mycena - small yellowish [text on card insert]. Pileus 2-10 mm. diam., ochraceous, hemispherical, sulcate striate at margins, velvety. Gills sinuately adnexed, greyish, moderately distant, long and short intercalated. Stipe 2-5 cm. x 0-5-1 mm., pale ochraceous above, light brown below, smooth with sparse hyphal fibrils at base. Spores 9-10 x 5 um, slightly thickened walls, with clear outer layer and amyloid inner layer either granular inner wall or granular contents. Hymenophoral trama ans tissue of pileus strongly pseudo-amyloid with some large cells, up to 50 x 30um. Cheilocystidia ornamented (Fig. 2/39, p. 37). HABITAT: singly in litter, Queen's Gardens, Nelson, 6.5.1957, Stevenson (type). [EH] Spores oval to elliptical, hyaline, weakly amyloid, smooth, 8.5-10.5 x 5-6um. Cheilocystidia numerous, fusoid, irregularly branched or broom-like, hyaline, thin-walled, 25-50 x 5—10um. Possibly introduced. [JAC] irregular fingers on apex of basidiolar-like cheilocystidia, or extensions from partially gelatinised ropes. Nothing like Stevenson's cystidia seen. EH figures closer, but not really like the material. Stem with small extensions and pseudoamyloid. Cap with fine surface diverticulae. 4 & 2 spored. Gill edge concolorous. The micro features are consistent with NZ material of M. olivaceomarginata. The edge colour fades in dried material. spores length=8.2–10.2µm (µ=9.2, σ=0.60), width=4.5–6.0µm (µ=5.3, σ=0.38), Q=1.6–1.9µm (µ=1.74, σ=0.09), n=20
Fayodia ochracea G. Stev. 1964
[Notes from Kew Type specimen, PRJ 2010] Kew images.
Fayodia ochracea G. Stev. 1964
Pileus 2-10 mm diam., ochraceous, hemispherical, sulcate striate a margins, velvety. Gills sinuately adnexed, greyish, moderately distant, long and short intercalated. Stipe 2-5 cm x 0.5-1 mm, pale ochraceous above light brown below, smooth with sparse hyphal fibrils at base. Spores 9-10 µm, slightly thickened walls, with clear outer layer and amyloid inner layer either granular inner wall or granular contents. Hymenophoral trama and tissue of pileus strongly pseudo-amyloid with some large cells, up to 50 x 30 µm. Cheilocystidia ornamented (Fig. 39).
Singly in litter, Queen's Gardens, Nelson, 6.5.1957, Stevenson (type).
Pileus 2-10 mm diam, ochraceus, hemisphaericus, margine sulcato-striatus, velutinus. Lamellae sinuato-adnexae, subgriseae, modice distantes longiores cum brevioribus intercalatae. Stipes 2-5 cm x 0.5-1 mm, superne (pallide ochraceus) inferne laete brunneus, laevis, basi fibrillis hyphalibus sparsis praeditus. Sporae 9-10 x 5 µm, parietibus leviter incrassatis, strato exteriore hyalino interiore amyloideo, vel pariete interno vel materie inclusa granulari. Trama hymenophoralis et pilei textura valde pseudo-amyloidea cellulis nonnullis magnis usque 50 x 30 µm. Cheilocystidia ornata.
Typus: Stevenson 1211.
Taxonomic concepts
Fayodia ochracea G. Stev. 1964
Fayodia ochracea G. Stev. (1964)
Global name resources
taxonomic status
Examination of type shows it to be identical to NZ material confirmed as M. olivaceomarginata. [JAC]
HABITAT: singly in litter, Queen's Gardens, Nelson, 6.5.1957, Stevenson 1211, holotype K(M)
scientific name
1 January 2000
13 September 2014