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Memnoniella dichroa (Grove) L. Lombard & Crous 2016

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Memnoniella dichroa (Grove) L. Lombard & Crous in Lombard et al., Persoonia 36 196 (2016)
Memnoniella dichroa (Grove) L. Lombard & Crous 2016

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New Zealand
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L. Lombard & Crous
(Grove) L. Lombard & Crous
Memnoniella dichroa

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On dead wood and bark, (1-6) Auckland Prov.,(1,2) Beilschmiedia tawa, Mamaku State Forest,-2.111.1963, DAOM 96181, 96220; (3) Coprosma basta, Titirangi, 27.11.1963, DAOM 96174; (4) Rhopalostylis sapida (leaf bases), Titirangi, 22.1.1963, DAOM 93749; (5,6) Schefflera digitala. (5) Upper Piha Valley, Waitakere Range, 2.V.1963, J.M.D., DAOM 93329; (6) Kauaeranga Valley, Thames, 4.1X.1963, J.M.D., DAOM 93758; (7) unidentified host. Wellington Prov., Tongariro National Park, Ohakune Mountain Road (750m), 7.III.1963, DAOM 106959.
Conidiophores scattered or crowded. usually arising singly; they are generally straight, simple, smooth. 130-265um long, 3-9-septate, with a 1.5-3.2um thick peripheral wall, 9-1 1µm wide just above the slightly swollen base, tapering gradually to 3.5-5.5um wide just below the apex which is swollen abruptly to 6.0-7.5um The conidiophores are hyaline throughoutPhialides are formed in a fasciculate group of 8 to 14 on the apical swelling of the conidiophore. They are broadly obovoid, hyaline to pale olivaceous, smooth, 10.5-15.0um wide. Each phialide bears a single apical and inconspicuous collarette. Phialoconidia are 1-celled, broadly ellipsoidal to short-cylindrical with rounded ends, olivaceous, bearing conspicuous, dark olivaceous to black warts; they measure 7.7-10.8 x 5.5-6.6um and gather in a black, slimy and shining head around the apex of the phialides.
Reference: Ellis ( 1971)
No ex-type sequence data in GenBank (2014), but in this paper we designate ATCC 18913 as the epitype culture, thus the epitype sequence is AF081472 (ITS).

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Memnoniella dichroa (Grove) L. Lombard & Crous 2016
New Zealand
Mid Canterbury
Memnoniella dichroa (Grove) L. Lombard & Crous 2016
New Zealand

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scientific name
8 July 2016
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