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Carex albula Allan

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Threat status: Vulnerable
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Carex albula Allan, Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 76: 589 (1947)
Carex albula Allan

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New Zealand
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Carex albula Allan
Carex albula

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Carex albula Allan

Strikingly pale buff stiff tufts 25-35 cm high. Leaves plano-convex, much > stems; sheaths dark brown to purple-red. Female spikes c. 5, distant, ± sessile, very pale brown, to 2 cm × 3-4 mm. Utricle-beak scabrid, deeply cleft, ± 0.5 mm long. Stigmas 3.

Carex albula Allan

Tufts stiff, strikingly pale, buff-coloured or almost white, 25–35 cm. high. Culms 5–20 cm. × c. 0.5 mm., smooth, occ. with a deep groove; basal sheaths dark brown to purple-red. Lvs ∞, much > culms, slightly < 1 mm. wide, plano-convex, rigid, grooved, margins scabrid. Spikes 3–6; terminal spike male; remaining spikes female, 0.5–2 cm. × 3–5 mm., rather distant, upper spikes ± sessile, lower spikes on narrow, flattened, scabrid peduncles. Glumes (excluding awn) slightly < utricles, broadly ovate, acute, pale cream with a few scattered fine brown striae, membr., nerves beside midrib often indistinct, awn long, narrow, scabrid. Utricles 2.5–3 × c. 1.5 mm., plano-convex, almost subtrigonous, elliptic-ovoid, very pale brown, nerved on the convex face; beak c. 0.5 mm. long, deeply bidentate with spreading crura, margins and orifice scabrid. Stigmas 3. Nut c. 1.5 mm. long, trigonous, oblong-ovoid, light grey-brown.

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Carex albula Allan
Carex albula Allan
Carex albula Allan
Carex albula Allan
Carex albula Allan
Carex albula Allan
Carex albula Allan
Carex albula Allan
Carex albula Allan
Carex albula Allan
Carex albula Allan
Carex albula Allan
Carex albula Allan
Carex albula Allan
Carex albula Allan
Carex albula Allan
Carex comans var. stricta Cheeseman
Carex albula Allan

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Carex albula Allan
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Carex albula Allan
New Zealand
Otago Land District
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
20 April 2009
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