Puccinellia Parl.

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Puccinellia Parl.
Vernacular names
Puccinellia Parl.
Perennials, biennials, or annuals. Leaf-sheaths open; ligule membranous; leaf-blades flat, folded, or involute. Inflorescence an open or contracted panicle. Spikelets 2-several-flowered, pedicellate, laterally compressed or almost cylindric; rachilla disarticulating above glumes and between florets, glabrous, prolonged beyond uppermost floret. Glumes usually unequal and < adjacent lemmas, obtuse or acute, rounded at back, awnless, herbaceous to membranous, with hyaline margins; lower glume 1—(3)-nerved, upper glume 3—(5)-nerved. Lemma 5-(7)-nerved, usually oblong, obtuse, or sometimes acute, awnless, often pubescent near base especially on nerves, or rarely completely glabrous, with tip usually scarious or hyaline and ± erose, rounded on back. Palea ± = lemma, shortly bifid, keels scaberulous to ciliate, rarely slightly excurrent. Callus glabrous. Lodicules 2, membranous, lanceolate, acute. Stamens 3. Ovary glabrous; styles free. Caryopsis oblong; hilum subbasal, punctiform or shortly elliptic; embryo small. Temperate regions throughout the world, but principally in Asia, c. 80 species. Usually in coastal salt marshes, or inland on saline or alkaline soils. Type species: P. distans (L.) Parl.
Puccinellia Parl.
Perennials, biennials, or annuals. Leaf-sheath open. Ligule membranous. Leaf-blade flat, folded, or involute. Inflorescence an open or contracted panicle. Spikelets 2-several-flowered, pedicelled, laterally compressed or almost cylindric; disarticulation above glumes and between florets; rachilla prolonged, glabrous. Glumes usually unequal and < adjacent lemmas, obtuse or acute, rounded, awnless, herbaceous to membranous, margins hyaline; lower 1-(3)-nerved, upper 3-(5)-nerved. Lemma 5-(7)-nerved, rounded, usually oblong, obtuse or sometimes acute, awnless, often pubescent near base especially on nerves, or rarely completely glabrous; apex usually scarious or hyaline and ± erose. Palea ≈ lemma, keels scaberulous to ciliate, rarely slightly excurrent, apex shortly bifid. Callus glabrous. Lodicules 2, membranous, lanceolate, acute. Stamens 3. Ovary glabrous; styles free. Caryopsis oblong; embryo small; hilum subbasal, punctiform or shortly elliptic. Chasmogamous or cleistogamous.
Taxonomic concepts
Atropis (Trin.) Griseb.
Identification keys
scientific name
1 January 2000
27 January 2014