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Puccinellia stricta (Hook.f.) C.H.Blom

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Threat status: Not threatened
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Puccinellia stricta (Hook.f.) C.H.Blom (1930)
Puccinellia stricta (Hook.f.) C.H.Blom

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region

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(Hook.f.) C.H.Blom
Puccinellia stricta

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Puccinellia stricta (Hook.f.) C.H.Blom

2n = 14
2n = 14

Puccinellia stricta (Hook.f.) C.H.Blom

Light bluish green or rarely pale yellow-green perennial tufts, (2.5)-10-50-(65) cm, with stiff culms and leaves, or with finer and less rigid leaves; branching intravaginal. Leaf-sheaths smooth, submembranous to subcoriaceous, + distinctly nerved, light brownish to purplish; ligule 0.7— 1.5—(2) mm, smooth, rounded to truncate, or + tapered at centre and acute; leaf-blades 1-12 cm, involute, c. 0.5 mm diam. in rolled state, rigid and erect, or finer and softer, abaxially smooth, adaxially sparsely scabrous on nerves, or sometimes densely scabrous throughout, margins scabrous, narrowed to a fine acute tip. Culms (2)-5-20-(40) cm, enclosed by uppermost leaf-sheaths at flowering, later visible, smooth, erect. Panicle (2}-4.5-14.5-(20) × 0.2-5.5 cm, at first narrow-linear, racemose above, with few, erect, usually scabrous branches below, later more open with ± spreading branches bare at base. Spikelets 3.5—9- (10.5) mm, 2—10-flowered, narrow, almost terete, light green to purplish. Glumes often quite unequal, elliptic-oblong, margins and sometimes midnerve minutely ciliate near tip; lower glume (0.6)—0.8— 2.3 mm, 1-nerved, subacute to subobtuse; upper glume (1.3)—2—3.5 mm, 3-nerved, subobtuse to obtuse. Lemma (2)-2.5—3-(4) mm, 5-nerved, broadelliptic, with very minute hairs at base not usually visible at × 10, and occasionally a few minute hairs on nerves near base, midnerve usually not quite reaching finely ciliate, obtuse tip. Palea slightly < lemma, bifid, keels scabrous in upper 2/3. Rachilla 0.5-1 mm. Anthers 0.4-1 mm. Caryopsis 1-1.8 × 0.4-0.7 mm. Also indigenous to Australia.

Puccinellia stricta (Hook.f.) C.H.Blom

Light bluish green or rarely pale yellow-green perennial tufts, (2.5)-10-50-(65) cm, with stiff culms and leaves, or with finer and less rigid leaves; branching intravaginal. Leaf-sheath glabrous, submembranous to subcoriaceous, ± distinctly ribbed, light brownish to purplish. Ligule 0.7-1.5-(2) mm, glabrous, rounded to truncate, or ± tapered centrally and acute. Leaf-blade 1-12 cm ×c. 0.5 mm diam., involute, rigid and erect, or finer and softer, abaxially glabrous, adaxially sparsely scabrid on ribs, or sometimes densely scabrid throughout; margins scabrid, narrowed to fine acute tip. Culm (2)-5-20-(40) cm, erect, hidden by uppermost leaf-sheath at flowering, later visible, internodes glabrous. Panicle (2)-4.5-14.5-(20) × 0.2-5.5 cm, at first narrow-linear, racemose above, with few, erect, usually scabrid branches below, later more open with ± spreading branches naked below. Spikelets 3.5-9-(10.5) mm, 2-10-flowered, narrow, almost terete, light green to purplish. Glumes often quite unequal, elliptic-oblong, margins and sometimes midnerve minutely ciliate near apex; lower (0.6)-0.8-2.3 mm, 1-nerved, subacute to subobtuse, upper (1.3)-2-3.5 mm, 3-nerved, subobtuse to obtuse. Lemma (2)-2.5-3-(4) mm, 5-nerved, broad-elliptic, with very minute hairs at base not usually visible at ×10, and occasionally a few minute hairs on nerves near base, midnerve usually not quite reaching finely ciliate, obtuse apex. Palea ≤ lemma, apex bifid, keels scabrid in upper ⅔. Rachilla 0.5-1 mm. Anthers 0.4-1 mm. Caryopsis 1-1.8 × 0.4-0.7 mm.

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Atropis stricta (Hook.f.) Hack.
Puccinellia stricta (Hook.f.) C.H.Blom
Atropis stricta var. suborbicularis Hack.
Puccinellia stricta (Hook.f.) C.H.Blom
Festuca syrtica (F.Muell.) F.Muell.
Puccinellia stricta (Hook.f.) C.H.Blom
Glyceria stricta Hook.f.
Puccinellia stricta (Hook.f.) C.H.Blom
Glyceria tenuispica Steud.
Puccinellia stricta (Hook.f.) C.H.Blom
Panicularia syrtica (F.Muell.) Kuntze
Puccinellia stricta (Hook.f.) C.H.Blom
Poa syrtica F.Muell.
Puccinellia stricta (Hook.f.) C.H.Blom
Puccinellia stricta (Hook.f.) C.H.Blom
Puccinellia stricta (Hook.f.) C.H.Blom
Puccinellia stricta (Hook.f.) C.H.Blom
Puccinellia stricta (Hook.f.) C.H.Blom
Puccinellia stricta (Hook.f.) C.H.Blom
Puccinellia stricta (Hook.f.) C.H.Blom
Puccinellia stricta (Hook.f.) C.H.Blom
Puccinellia stricta (Hook.f.) C.H.Blom
Puccinellia stricta (Hook.f.) C.H.Blom
Puccinellia stricta (Hook.f.) C.H.Blom
Puccinellia stricta (Hook.f.) C.H.Blom
Puccinellia stricta (Hook.f.) C.H.Blom
Puccinellia stricta (Hook.f.) C.H.Blom
Puccinellia stricta (Hook.f.) C.H.Blom
Puccinellia stricta (Hook.f.) C.H.Blom
Puccinellia stricta (Hook.f.) C.H.Blom
Puccinellia stricta f. luxurians Allan & Jansen
Puccinellia stricta (Hook.f.) C.H.Blom
Puccinellia stricta f. pumila Allan & Jansen
Puccinellia stricta (Hook.f.) C.H.Blom
Puccinellia stricta (Hook.f.) C.H.Blom f. stricta
Puccinellia stricta (Hook.f.) C.H.Blom
Puccinellia stricta var. suborbicularis (Hack.) Allan & Jansen
Puccinellia stricta (Hook.f.) C.H.Blom

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New Zealand
Otago Land District
Puccinellia stricta (Hook.f.) C.H.Blom
Puccinellia stricta (Hook.f.) C.H.Blom
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Puccinellia stricta (Hook.f.) C.H.Blom
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Puccinellia stricta (Hook.f.) C.H.Blom
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Puccinellia stricta (Hook.f.) C.H.Blom
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District
Puccinellia stricta (Hook.f.) C.H.Blom
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Puccinellia stricta (Hook.f.) C.H.Blom
New Zealand
Wellington Land District
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District
New Zealand
Wellington Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
4 September 2008
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