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Wahlenbergia gracilis (G.Forst.) A.DC.

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Wahlenbergia gracilis (G.Forst.) A.DC., Monogr. Campan. 142 (1830)
Wahlenbergia gracilis (G.Forst.) A.DC.

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New Zealand
Political Region
Indigenous, non-endemic
Political Region

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(G.Forst.) A.DC.
Wahlenbergia gracilis

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Wahlenbergia gracilis (G.Forst.) A.DC.

Short-lived taprooted perennial herb (annual under adverse conditions) sts woody at base, up to c. 4 dm. tall. Stems us. rather slender, much-branched to simple, glab. to hispid-pilose near base. Lvs subdimorphic, sessile, sts amplexicaul, of diverse size and shape in the ∞ forms; alt. to subopp. Lower lvs (basal us. rosulate, soon falling) ± 1-4 cm. × 2-8 mm., of broad- to linear-spathulate to obovate order, sinuate to undulate, serrate-dentate to entire, pilose to glab. or nearly so; margins thickened, sts distinctly cartilaginous. Upper lvs us. of linear to lanceolate order. Peduncle simple or sparingly to much branched, pedicels long; bracts linear. Fls up to 2 cm. diam., us. smaller; calyx us. narrowly 5-lobed, persistent, lobes (and receptacle) glab. Corolla us. rotate to campanulate, white to pale blue, sts dark blue. Capsule us. 6-10 mm. long, obconic, us. distinctly ribbed.

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Campanula gracilis G.Forst.
Wahlenbergia gracilis (G.Forst.) A.DC.
Wahlenbergia gracilis (G.Forst.) A.DC.
Wahlenbergia gracilis (G.Forst.) A.DC.
Wahlenbergia gracilis (G.Forst.) A.DC.
Wahlenbergia gracilis (G.Forst.) A.DC.
Wahlenbergia gracilis (G.Forst.) A.DC.

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Wahlenbergia gracilis (G.Forst.) A.DC.
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Wahlenbergia gracilis (G.Forst.) A.DC.
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District
Wahlenbergia gracilis (G.Forst.) A.DC.
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Wahlenbergia gracilis (G.Forst.) A.DC.
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Wahlenbergia gracilis (G.Forst.) A.DC.
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Wahlenbergia gracilis (G.Forst.) A.DC.
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District
Wahlenbergia gracilis (G.Forst.) A.DC.
New Zealand
Wellington Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
19 August 2005
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