Hoheria glabrata Sprague & Summerh.

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Hoheria glabrata Sprague & Summerh., Kew Bull. 1926: 219 (1926)
Hoheria glabrata Sprague & Summerh.
Sprague & Summerh.
Sprague & Summerh.
Hoheria glabrata Sprague & Summerh.
Hoheria glabrata
Vernacular names
is host of
Hoheria glabrata Sprague & Summerh.
Deciduous tree up to c. 10 m. tall, with branchlets terete, at first sparsely stellate-pubescent; bark pale to brownish. Juvenile plant with lvs on very slender petioles up to c. 2 cm. long; lamina thin, 1-3 × 1-3 cm., of ovate to suborbicular order, cordate, irregularly deeply lobed, teeth crenate-dentate, sts apiculate; passing gradually to mature form and occ. appearing on fully adult plants. Adults with lvs glab. or nearly so when mature on slender petioles (2)-5-7 cm. long; lamina subcoriac., 5-14 × (2)-10 cm., very broad-ovate to ovate-lanceolate, acuminate (sts prolonged into "drip tips", sts broadly rounded at apex), deeply cordate to truncate at base, crenate-dentate; teeth obtuse to acute, sts apiculate. All forms may occur on the same plant. Fls up to ± 4 cm. diam., in cymose fascicles of 2-5 or solitary; pedicels 2-3 cm. long. Calyx cupular, 5-7 mm. long, densely stellate-pubescent without; lobes 5, triangular, acute, ± 3-4 mm. long. Petals white, us. 5, shortly clawed, obovate, notched or entire. Staminal column 5-7 mm. long; filaments ± 5 mm. long, anthers purple. Carpels 10-15, pubescent, ± 3 mm. long; style branches ± 6 mm. long, stellately pilose. Stigmas ± obliquely capitate to slightly decurrent. Fruiting carpels not winged, or with vestigial wing only.
Taxonomic concepts
Gaya lyallii sensu Kirk
Hoheria glabrata Sprague & Summerh.
Hoheria glabrata Sprague & Summerh.
Hoheria glabrata Sprague & Summerh.
Hoheria glabrata Sprague & Summerh.
Hoheria glabrata Sprague & Summerh.
Hoheria glabrata Sprague & Summerh.
Hoheria glabrata Sprague & Summerh.
Hoheria glabrata Sprague & Summerh.
Hoheria glabrata Sprague & Summerh.
Hoheria glabrata Sprague & Summerh.
Plagianthus lyallii sensu Hook.f.
Hoheria glabrata Sprague & Summerh.
Identification keys
scientific name
1 January 2000
30 January 2006