Cardamine L.

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Cardamine L., Sp. Pl. 654 (1753)
Cardamine L.
Cardamine L.
- Cardamine “Eweburn”
- Cardamine “Fiordland”
- Cardamine “northern robust”
- Cardamine “Ultra”
- Cardamine “west Otago”
- Cardamine aff. alalata
- Cardamine alalata
- Cardamine alticola
- Cardamine basicola
- Cardamine bilobata
- Cardamine bisetosa
- Cardamine caesiella
- Cardamine chlorina
- Cardamine coronata
- Cardamine corymbosa
- Cardamine cubita
- Cardamine dactyloides
- Cardamine debilis
- Cardamine depressa
- Cardamine dilatata
- Cardamine dimidia
- Cardamine divaricata
- Cardamine dolichostyla
- Cardamine eminentia
- Cardamine enysii
- Cardamine exigua
- Cardamine fastigiata
- Cardamine flexuosa
- Cardamine forsteri
- Cardamine glara
- Cardamine grandiscapa
- Cardamine heleniae
- Cardamine heterophylla
- Cardamine hirsuta
- Cardamine integra
- Cardamine intonsa
- Cardamine laciniata
- Cardamine lacustris
- Cardamine latior
- Cardamine latisiliqua
- Cardamine lilacina
- Cardamine lineariloba
- Cardamine magnifica
- Cardamine megalantha
- Cardamine mutabilis
- Cardamine occulta
- Cardamine pachyphylla
- Cardamine panatohea
- Cardamine parvula
- Cardamine polyodontes
- Cardamine porphyroneura
- Cardamine pratensis
- Cardamine radicata
- Cardamine reptans
- Cardamine sarmentosa
- Cardamine sciaphila
- Cardamine serpentina
- Cardamine sinuatifolia
- Cardamine stellata
- Cardamine stylosa
- Cardamine subcarnosa
- Cardamine thalassica
- Cardamine umbellata
- Cardamine unguiculus
- Cardamine unicaulis
- Cardamine uniflora
- Cardamine verna
Vernacular names
Cardamine L.
Sepals erect with spreading tips; petals clawed. Stamens 6, or rarely fewer; stigmas simple or 2-lobed, subsessile; siliques linear, straight; ovules us. ∞, in one series, flattened; cots accumbent. Annual or perennial herbs, glab. or pubescent; lvs simple to compound. About 120 spp., mainly of temperate regions. is reported from Macquarie Id; occurs there and is reported from Fuegia. The other N.Z. spp. are endemic.
Cardamine L.
Annual to perennial rhizomatous or taprooted herbs. Hairs simple or 0. Stems ascending to erect, sparsely leafy. Lvs simple and entire to pinnatifid or pinnate; lobes entire or bluntly to sharply lobed or toothed. Racemes ebracteate, sometimes contracted to a loose umbel or corymb, sometimes whole infl. sessile. Sepals erecto-patent, the inner slightly saccate. Petals white, rarely pink or mauve, or 0. Stamens (4)-6. Lateral nectaries 2, in a circle or semicircle around single stamens; median nectaries 2, variously shaped, outside paired stamens. Style long or short; stigma capitate or 2-lobed. Silique linear, dehiscent; valves veinless or with a weak median vein, flat, coiling suddenly and tightly from base at dehiscence, glabrous or hairy; beak 0. Seeds ellipsoid, not or barely winged, in 1 row per locule.
Taxonomic concepts
Iti Garn.-Jones & P.N.Johnson
Cardamine L.
scientific name
1 January 2000
21 May 2020