Ranunculus carsei Petrie

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Ranunculus carsei Petrie, Trans. New Zealand Inst. 56: 11 (1926)
Ranunculus carsei Petrie
Ranunculus carsei Petrie
Ranunculus carsei
Ranunculus carsei Petrie
Prostrate to spreading sparsely hairy herb; stock stout to slender, with ∞ slender roots; stems us. several, up to 15 cm. long. Radical lvs on slender petioles 1·5-5-(15) cm. long; sheaths broad, ± pilose; lamina 6-20 × 5-15 mm., broad ovate-cuneate, us. rather deeply 3-lobed, lobes sts again ± deeply lobed. Cauline lvs in clusters, with petioles up to 5 cm. long, lamina similar, smaller. Scapes or peduncles nude, in axils of cauline lvs. Fls small, ± sessile at anthesis; sepals 5, glab., scarious, ovate; petals (2)-3-5, narrow-obcuneate, bright yellow, apex rounded; gland 1, basal. Fruiting heads ± 4 mm. diam.; achenes small, ± swollen to ± compressed; margined, broadly ovate in outline; style straight, hooked, inconspicuous.
Ranunculus carsei Petrie
2n = 32
Ranunculus carsei Petrie
Perennial; rosettes tufted, on stout decumbent stolons. Basal lvs broadly ovate to triangular, truncate to shallowly cordate at base, usually 3-fid to about 1/2 way, 1-2-dentate, glabrous above, usually weakly hairy beneath and on petiole, (7)-10-20 × (7)-10-20 mm; cauline lvs opposite or in loose whorls, similar to basal but smaller and more rounded at base. Pedicels short at flowering, terete, sparsely hairy, elongating to (2)-3-8-(12) cm at fruiting. Fls 6-9 mm diam. Sepals spreading, sparsely hairy or almost glabrous. Petals (2)-5, yellow, obovate; nectary single, 1-1.5 mm from petal base, covered by a small triangular scale. Receptacle sparsely to moderately hairy. Achenes 10-30, slightly flattened, glabrous, sometimes purple-blotched; body 1.5-1.8 mm long; beak straight, c. 0.3 mm long.
Taxonomic concepts
Ranunculus carsei Petrie
Ranunculus carsei Petrie
Ranunculus carsei Petrie
Ranunculus carsei Petrie
Ranunculus carsei Petrie
Ranunculus carsei Petrie
Ranunculus carsei Petrie
Ranunculus carsei Petrie
Ranunculus carsei Petrie
Ranunculus carsei Petrie
Ranunculus carsei Petrie
scientific name
1 January 2000
1 March 2007