Agrostis L.

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Agrostis L.
- Agrostis "dyeri broad"
- Agrostis aff. dyeri (broad)
- Agrostis africana
- Agrostis aucklandica
- Agrostis avenacea
- Agrostis avenoides
- Agrostis billardierei
- Agrostis capensis
- Agrostis capillaris
- Agrostis capillaris
- Agrostis castellana
- Agrostis conspicua
- Agrostis diandra
- Agrostis dyeri
- Agrostis filiformis
- Agrostis forsteri
- Agrostis fugax
- Agrostis gelida
- Agrostis gigantea
- Agrostis imbecilla
- Agrostis leptostachys
- Agrostis lessoniana
- Agrostis lyallii
- Agrostis magellanica
- Agrostis miliacea
- Agrostis muelleri
- Agrostis muelleriana
- Agrostis multiculmis
- Agrostis muscosa
- Agrostis nebulosa
- Agrostis oresbia
- Agrostis ovata
- Agrostis pallescens
- Agrostis palustris
- Agrostis perennans
- Agrostis personata
- Agrostis petriei
- Agrostis pilosa
- Agrostis procera
- Agrostis quadrifida
- Agrostis quadriseta
- Agrostis rara
- Agrostis rigida
- Agrostis sciurea
- Agrostis semiverticillata
- Agrostis setifolia
- Agrostis solandri
- Agrostis spica-venti
- Agrostis stolonifera
- Agrostis striata
- Agrostis subulata
- Agrostis tenella
- Agrostis tenuis
- Agrostis ventricosa
- Agrostis verticillata
- Agrostis viridis
- Agrostis youngii
Agrostis L.
Annuals or perennials, tufted, or widely creeping and rhizomatous or stoloniferous. Leaf-sheath rounded. Ligule membranous. Leaf-blade flat or involute. Culm of various height, erect, or decumbent and geniculately ascending; nodes glabrous. Inflorescence a diffuse and often delicately branched or contracted panicle, sometimes spike-like, rarely much reduced and hidden among leaves; rachis persistent at maturity. Spikelets small, numerous to few, 1-flowered; disarticulation above glumes; rachilla usually not prolonged. Glumes equal to subequal, lanceolate, acute to acuminate, sometimes subobtuse, membranous, shining, 1-nerved, keel ± scabrid. Lemma usually < glumes, thinner in texture than glumes, hyaline to firmly membranous, broadly ovate, usually truncate to dentate, rounded, 3-5-(7)-nerved with nerves sometimes excurrent, awnless or with a dorsal awn. Palea hyaline, 2-keeled or nerveless, usually < lemma, sometimes very small or obsolete, almost covered by inrolled margins of lemma. Callus short or minute, blunt, glabrous, or with ± minute lateral tufts of hairs. Lodicules 2, lanceolate, hyaline. Stamens 3. Ovary glabrous; styles distinct, free to base, short; stigmas 2, plumose. Caryopsis ovoid or fusiform, ± dorsally compressed, longitudinally grooved or rarely terete; embryo small; hilum punctiform or elongate; endosperm sometimes liquid. Chasmogamous (N.Z. spp.).
Agrostis L.
Annual or perennial, tufted, or widely creeping and rhizomatous or stoloniferous. Sheaths rounded at back; ligule membranous; lamina flat or involute. Culms of various height, erect, or decumbent and geniculately ascending; nodes glabrous. Inflorescence a diffuse and often delicately branched or contracted panicle, sometimes spike-like, rarely much reduced and hidden among leaves; panicle rachis persistent at maturity. Spikelets small, numerous to few, 1-flowered, hermaphrodite; rachilla disarticulating above glumes, usually not prolonged. Glumes equal to subequal, lanceolate, acute to acuminate, sometimes subobtuse, membranous, shining, 1-nerved, keel ± scabrous. Lemma usually < glumes, thinner in texture than glumes, hyaline to firmly membranous, broadly ovate, usually truncate to dentate, rounded at back, 3-5-(7)- nerved, with nerves sometimes excurrent, awnless or with a dorsal awn. Palea hyaline, 2-keeled or nerveless, usually < lemma, sometimes very small or obsolete, almost covered by inrolled margins of lemma. Callus short or minute, blunt, glabrous, or with ± minute lateral tufts of hairs. Lodicules 2, lanceolate, hyaline, Stamens 3. Ovary glabrous; styles distinct, free to base, short; stigmas 2, plumose. Caryopsis ovoid or fusiform, ± dorsally compressed, longitudinally grooved or terete; embryo small; hilum punctiform or elongate; endosperm sometimes liquid. Flowering in all indigenous species is chasmogamous. Temperate regions throughout the world and in the tropics at high altitudes, c. 220 species.
Taxonomic concepts
Identification keys
scientific name
1 January 2000
21 January 2014