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Agrostis muelleriana Vickery

Scientific name record
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Threat status: Not threatened
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Agrostis muelleriana Vickery, Contributions from the New South Wales National Herbarium 1: 103 (1941)
Agrostis muelleriana Vickery

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region

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1: 103
Agrostis muelleriana Vickery
Agrostis muelleriana

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Agrostis muelleriana Vickery

2n = 42
n = 21

Agrostis muelleriana Vickery

Dense, often small, dull green, usually strict, perennial tufts, (3)-5-30 cm, with narrow, usually dark purplish, sometimes green spike-like panicles on slender culms much overtopping to scarcely overtopping leaves; branching intravaginal. Leaf-sheath ± membranous, light green or pale brownish, glabrous, ribs few distinct, rarely minutely scabrid above. Ligule 1-2-(3) mm, acute to truncate, usually fimbriate to lacerate, abaxially scabrid. Leaf-blade 1-7 cm × 0.4-0.7 mm diam., folded with involute margins, often filiform, or strict and firm, ± erect, sometimes more flattened and wider, to 2 mm, abaxially smooth or finely scabrid, adaxially finely scabrid on ribs; margins finely scabrid, narrowed to fine subobtuse tip; uppermost culm leaves abaxially scabrid. Culm erect, internodes glabrous. Panicle 1-4.5-(10) cm, contracted, erect, densely narrow-linear, longer panicles densely oblong, > 5 mm wide; rachis smooth or obscurely scabrid, branches and pedicels short, erect, capillary, finely scabrid. Spikelets (1.5)-2-3-(3.5) mm. Glumes ± unequal, lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, acute to subobtuse, usually tinged deep reddish purple, occasionally entirely green, margins colourless or purplish, usually finely scabrid on keel and at times near tip, otherwise smooth or papillose; lower = spikelet, upper (1.4)-2-2.5-(3) mm. Lemma 1.4-2 mm, glabrous, 5-nerved, lateral nerves often faint, oblong-ovate, obtuse or truncate, usually minutely denticulate; awn 0, or present and dorsal, from midpoint or from just below upper ⅓, 0.5-2-(2.5) mm, delicate, usually projecting beyond glumes. Palea c. 0.4 mm, ovate. Lodicules 0.3-0.4 mm. Callus with very few minute hairs or glabrous. Anthers 0.4-1 mm. Caryopsis c. 1 × 0.3-0.5 mm.

Agrostis muelleriana Vickery

Dense, often small, dull green, usually strict, perennial tufts, (3)-5-30 cm tall, with narrow, usually dark purplish, sometimes green spike-like panicles on slender culms much overtopping to scarcely overtopping leaves; branching intravaginal. Sheaths ± membranous, light green or pale brownish, smooth, with a few distinct nerves rarely minutely scabrous above; ligule 1—2—(3) mm, acute to truncate, usually fimbriate to lacerate, abaxially scabrous; lamina 1- 7 cm × 0.4-0.7 mm, folded with involute margins, often filiform, or strict and firm, ± erect, sometimes more flattened and wider, to 2 mm, abaxially smooth or finely scabrous, adaxially finely scabrous along nerves, margins finely scabrous, narrowed to fine subobtuse tip; uppermost culm leaves abaxially scabrous. Culms smooth, erect Panicle 1-4.5-(10) cm long, contracted, erect, densely narrow-linear, longer panicles densely oblong, > 5 mm wide; rachis smooth or obscurely scabrous, branchlets and pedicels short, erect, capillary, finely scabrous. Spikelets (1.5)-2- 3-(3.2) mm (excluding awns if present). Glumes ± unequal, lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, acute to subobtuse, usually tinged deep reddish purple, occasionally entirely green, margins hyaline, colourless or purplish, usually finely scabrous on keel and at times near tip, otherwise smooth or papillose; lower glume = spikelet, upper glume (1.4)-2-2.5-(3) mm. Lemma 1.4-2 mm, smooth, glabrous, 5-nerved, lateral nerves often faint, oblong-ovate, obtuse or truncate, usually minutely denticulate; awn 0, or present and dorsal, from mid-point or from just below upper 1/3, 0.5-2-(2.5) mm, delicate, usually projecting beyond glumes. Palea c. 0.4 mm, ovate. Lodicules 0.3-0.4 mm. Callus with very few minute hairs or glabrous. Anthers 0.4-1 mm. Caryopsis c. 1 × 0.3-0.5 mm.

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Agrostis canina var. β Hook.f.
Agrostis muelleriana Vickery
Agrostis canina var. β gelida (F.Muell.) Buchanan
Agrostis muelleriana Vickery
Agrostis gelida F.Muell.
Agrostis muelleriana Vickery
Agrostis muelleri Benth.
Agrostis muelleriana Vickery
Agrostis muelleriana Vickery
Agrostis muelleriana Vickery
Agrostis muelleriana Vickery
Agrostis muelleriana Vickery
Agrostis muelleriana Vickery
Agrostis muelleriana Vickery
Agrostis muelleriana Vickery
Agrostis muelleriana Vickery
Agrostis muelleriana Vickery
Agrostis muelleriana Vickery
Agrostis muelleriana Vickery
Agrostis muelleriana Vickery
Agrostis muelleriana Vickery
Agrostis muelleriana Vickery

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New Zealand
Otago Land District
Agrostis muelleriana Vickery
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Agrostis muelleriana Vickery
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District
Agrostis muelleriana Vickery
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Agrostis muelleriana Vickery
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Agrostis muelleriana Vickery
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Agrostis muelleriana Vickery
New Zealand
Westland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
15 February 2007
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