Ranunculus insignis Hook.f.

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Ranunculus insignis Hook.f., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.) Part I, 8 (1852)
Ranunculus insignis Hook.f.
Ranunculus insignis Hook.f.
Ranunculus insignis
Vernacular names
- Ranunculus insignis var. glabratus Allan
- Ranunculus insignis var. lobulatus Kirk
- Ranunculus lobulatus (Kirk) Cockayne
- Ranunculus monroi Hook.f.
- Ranunculus monroi var. dentatus Kirk
- Ranunculus monroi var. sericeus Kirk
- Ranunculus muelleri Buchanan
- Ranunculus pinguis var. α Hook.f.
- Ranunculus ruahinicus Colenso
- Ranunculus rufus Colenso
- Ranunculus sychnopetala Colenso
Ranunculus insignis Hook.f.
Branched, us. villous, tufted herb up to 9 dm. tall, with very stout stock. Radical lvs ∞ on stout petioles 10-25 × 1 cm., with brown sheathing bases. Lamina 10-14 × 10-16 cm., coriac., us. villous, especially on under surface, dark green, rounded cordate to reniform, crenate, sts shallowly lobed, basal sinus up to 4 cm. deep. Cauline lvs similar, smaller, us. more deeply cut or lobed, lobes linear-oblong. Peduncles ∞, stout, up to 10 cm. long; bracts linear-oblong, lower with 1-2 narrow lobes, upper ± entire, c. 1 cm. long. Fls 2-5 cm. diam.; sepals 5, oblong, c. 1 cm. long, pilose on dorsal surface; petals 5-10, occ. more, obovate, emarginate, yellow, c. 2 × 1·5 cm. Nectary glands 1 or 2, basal. Fruiting heads subglobose, 1-1·5 cm. diam.; receptacle cylindric, pubescent; achenes turgid, villous, obliquely obovate, ± 2mm. long; style stout and winged below, slender above, ± 3 mm. long.
Rather slender sparingly branched herb up to 5 dm. tall; ± pilose to glabrate. Stock rather stout, bearing ∞ radical lvs on petioles up to 12 cm. long. Lamina (5)-15-20 cm. diam., submembr., reniform with open sinus to broadly ovate-cordate to subpeltate; glab. or nearly so above, ± sparsely clad below in slender white hairs; margin shallowly to rather deeply 2-3-lobed; lobes crenate or again lobed. Cauline lvs on petioles up to 7 cm. long, 3-lobed, lobes up to 4 × 1 cm. Scape glab. to pilose, up to 5 dm. long, with 5-15 fls. Fls 2-4 cm. diam.; sepals ± 1 cm. long, becoming reflexed, ovate-oblong, hairs long; petals 5-6, 1·5 × 1 cm., bright yellow, obovate, rounded to emarginate at apex. Fruiting heads broadly conical, c. 7-10 mm. diam.; achenes obovate in outline, compressed, c. 2 mm. long, keeled at back, style 1-1·5 mm., slender.
Tufted, us. softly pilose herb up to 4 dm. tall. Stock stout, clad in old lf-sheaths; roots ∞, thick. Lvs all radical, on stout petioles up to 15 cm. long, with broad, pilose sheaths. Lamina (2.5)-4-10 cm. diam., densely to rather sparsely hairy to glabrate, reniform to suborbicular, or ovate, cordate to truncate at base, coriac. to submembr., margins coarsely crenate, sts crenately lobulate. Scapes 2-8-fld, up to 8cm. tall; lowest bract often lf-like, up to 5 × 3 cm., deeply lobed to entire; upper bract up to 3 cm. long, lanceolate to oblong, entire or with 1-2 teeth. Fls 1-3 cm. diam.; sepals 5, linear-oblong, ± 5 mm. long, glab. to pilose; petals 5-10, ± 1cm. long, narrow-obovate to obcordate; nectary gland 1, basal. Fruiting heads globose, up to 1·5 cm. diam.; achenes hairy to nearly glab., turgid, keeled, ± 2 mm. long; style c. 2-(3) mm. long, straight or slightly hooked, expanded to base, or with 3 narrow wings.
Ranunculus insignis Hook.f.
2n = 48
2n = 48
2n = 48
2n = 48
Ranunculus insignis Hook.f.
Tufted perennial; rhizome stout. Stems erect, villous or rarely glabrous, up to 25 cm tall. Lvs simple, often coriaceous, sometimes submembranous, crenate or toothed, hairy, rarely one or both surfaces glabrous, variable in shape from oblong-cuneate to ovate to orbicular-cordate, 3-15 × 1-20 cm. Fls (1)-2-10-(20) per stem, 2-3-(5) cm diam.; pedicels hairy or glabrous. Sepals spreading, glabrous or with silky hairs. Petals 5-7-(16), yellow, narrowly to broadly cuneate-obovate; nectary single (rarely 2-3), 1-2 mm from petal base, naked. Receptacle glabrous or hairy. Achenes numerous, not flattened, hairy or glabrous; body 1-3 mm long; beak straight or curved, 1-3 mm long.
Taxonomic concepts
Ranunculus insignis Hook.f.
Ranunculus insignis Hook.f.
Ranunculus insignis Hook.f.
Ranunculus insignis Hook.f.
Ranunculus insignis Hook.f.
Ranunculus insignis Hook.f.
Ranunculus insignis Hook.f.
Ranunculus insignis Hook.f.
Ranunculus insignis Hook.f.
Ranunculus insignis Hook.f.
Ranunculus insignis Hook.f.
Ranunculus insignis var. glabratus Allan
Ranunculus insignis Hook.f.
Ranunculus insignis var. lobulatus Kirk
Ranunculus insignis Hook.f.
Ranunculus lobulatus (Kirk) Cockayne
Ranunculus insignis Hook.f.
Ranunculus monroi Hook.f.
Ranunculus insignis Hook.f.
Ranunculus monroi var. dentatus Kirk
Ranunculus insignis Hook.f.
Ranunculus monroi var. sericeus Kirk
Ranunculus insignis Hook.f.
Ranunculus muelleri Buchanan
Ranunculus insignis Hook.f.
Ranunculus pinguis var. α Hook.f.
Ranunculus insignis Hook.f.
Ranunculus ruahinicus Colenso
Ranunculus insignis Hook.f.
Ranunculus sychnopetala Colenso
Ranunculus insignis Hook.f.
scientific name
1 January 2000
1 March 2007