Epilobium hectorii Hausskn.

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Epilobium hectorii Hausskn., Monogr. Epilobium 298 (1884)
Epilobium hectorii Hausskn.
Epilobium hectorii Hausskn.
Epilobium hectorii
Epilobium hectorii Hausskn.
Stems slender, close-set, ascending or erect in upper part, us. branched below, (5)-15-(30) cm. long; branchlets pale green to reddish, uniformly or occ. bifariously pubescent. Lvs opp., alt. in floral region, rather distant, on petioles ± 1 mm. long. Lamina oblong to linear-oblong, 5-8-12 × 2-4 mm.; subcoriac., glab.; margins entire to remotely, sts distinctly, denticulate. Fls 5-(8) mm. diam.; calyx ± 4 mm. long, lobes ovate-lanceolate; petals white ± 6 mm. long. Capsules 10-25 mm. long, purplish red, slender, pubescent on angles at least when young; peduncles ± 2 cm. long, slender, pubescent. Seeds smooth or very minutely papillose.
Epilobium hectorii Hausskn.
n = 18
2n = 36
n = 18
Epilobium hectorii Hausskn.
Tufted slender herb 5-25 cm tall, often much-branched, perennating from buds near base, with short, crisp, erect or appressed hairs mostly confined to lines decurrent from margins of petioles, especially on upper part of stem. Lamina of lf narrowly elliptic, 0.3-2 cm × 0.1-0.4 cm. Floral tube 0.6-1.3 mm deep, strigillose outside. Petals white or pinkish, often flushed with pink after pollination, 2.5-8.6 × 1.8-5.5 mm. Capsule strigillose, sometimes very sparsely so, with denser lines of hairs conspicuous along the edges of valves and sometimes with a green suture line, 1.8-2.8 cm long; fruiting pedicel 1.3-2-(2.7) cm long.
Taxonomic concepts
Epilobium hectorii Hausskn.
Epilobium hectorii Hausskn.
Epilobium hectorii Hausskn.
Epilobium hectorii Hausskn.
Epilobium hectorii Hausskn.
Epilobium hectorii Hausskn.
Epilobium hectorii Hausskn.
Epilobium hectorii Hausskn.
Epilobium krulleanum Hausskn.
Epilobium krulleanum Hausskn.
Epilobium krulleanum Hausskn.
Epilobium hectorii Hausskn.
Epilobium simulans Allan
Epilobium hectorii Hausskn.
scientific name
1 January 2000
7 June 2022