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Myosotis cheesemanii Petrie

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Myosotis cheesemanii Petrie
Myosotis cheesemanii

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Myosotis cheesemanii Petrie

Plant forming rather loose cushion to 3 cm. tall, roots adventitious from amongst old If-bases. Stems ± erect, several times branched, lfy throughout. Lvs up to 12 × 5 mm., lamina elliptic, subacute, petiole of about same length, broad; hairs closely appressed, rather stiff, ± overlapping on upper surface, on undersurface sparser, none retrorse, on petiole forming a long fringe. Lateral branches ± immersed in cushion, internodes < lvs. Stem-lvs linear-oblong, c. 7 × 2 mm., sessile; hairs 8 and closely appressed on both surfaces. Cymes simple, with 2-4 fls each associated with a bract, internodes and pedicels short. Calyx c. 5 mm. long in fl., lobes < 1/2 length, narrow, acute; hairs uniform and closely appressed. Corolla white, 7-8 mm. diam., tube cylindric, c. 6 mm. long, lobes c. 3 × 3 mm., rounded, flat; filaments short, anthers c. 1·5 mm. long, tips projecting above rather large scales; style c. 2 × calyx, stigma capitate. Nutlets not seen.

Myosotis cheesemanii Petrie

Loose cushion to 3 cm tall, rooting from some nodes; stems leafy throughout. Lf lamina elliptic, c. = petiole; hairs rather stiff, closely appressed, sparser abaxially, long and fringing on petiole. Lvs on fl. stems sessile, closely hairy on both surfaces. Cyme simple; fls 2-4, each with a bract. Calyx hairs uniform, closely appressed. Corolla white, 7-8 mm diam.; tube cylindric, > lobes; filaments short; anther tips just projecting above large scales.

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Myosotis cheesemanii Petrie
Myosotis cheesemanii Petrie
Myosotis cheesemanii Petrie
Myosotis cheesemanii Petrie
Myosotis cheesemanii Petrie
Myosotis cheesemanii Petrie
Myosotis cheesemanii Petrie
Myosotis cheesemanii Petrie
Myosotis cheesemanii Petrie
Myosotis cheesemanii Petrie
Myosotis cheesemanii Petrie
Myosotis cheesemanii Petrie
Myosotis cheesemanii Petrie
Myosotis cheesemanii Petrie
Myosotis cheesemanii Petrie
Myosotis cheesemanii Petrie
Myosotis cheesemanii Petrie

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Myosotis cheesemanii Petrie
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Myosotis cheesemanii Petrie
New Zealand
Southland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
2 March 2018
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