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Melicytus chathamicus (F.Muell.) Garn.-Jones

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Melicytus chathamicus (F.Muell.) Garn.-Jones in Connor & Edgar, New Zealand J. Bot. 25: 127 (1987)
Melicytus chathamicus (F.Muell.) Garn.-Jones

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New Zealand
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(F.Muell.) Garn.-Jones
Melicytus chathamicus

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Erect dioec. shrub up to 3 m. tall; lvs on stout petioles up to 1 cm. or more long; lamina subcoriac., 5-12 × 2-5 cm., narrow- to broad- lanceolate, acute to acuminate, coarsely bluntly serrate or occ. lvs sub- entire. Fls in close-set fascicles, on slender decurved pedicels; ♂ with ovate sepals free nearly to base, and petals nearly twice the length, revolute at apex. Scale of anthers cuneate-spathulate. ♀ on pedicel ± 2 mm. long; sepals ± 2.5 mm. long, ovate, purple, white-margined; petals ± 3·5 mm. long, ovate, purple where exposed, white below; style short. 2-fid. Berry ovoid to subglobose, white, occ. purple-flecked, (5)-6-7 mm. diam. Seeds (2)-3-4, strophiole small.

Melicytus chathamicus (F.Muell.) Garn.-Jones

2n = 32
2n = 32
n = 16

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Hymenanthera chathamica (F.Muell.) Kirk
Melicytus chathamicus (F.Muell.) Garn.-Jones
Hymenanthera latifolia var. chathamica F.Muell.
Melicytus chathamicus (F.Muell.) Garn.-Jones
Hymenanthera latifolia var. chathamica F.Muell.
Melicytus chathamicus (F.Muell.) Garn.-Jones
Melicytus chathamicus (F.Muell.) Garn.-Jones
Melicytus chathamicus (F.Muell.) Garn.-Jones
Melicytus chathamicus (F.Muell.) Garn.-Jones
Melicytus chathamicus (F.Muell.) Garn.-Jones
Melicytus chathamicus (F.Muell.) Garn.-Jones
Melicytus chathamicus (F.Muell.) Garn.-Jones
Melicytus chathamicus (F.Muell.) Garn.-Jones
Melicytus chathamicus (F.Muell.) Garn.-Jones
Melicytus chathamicus (F.Muell.) Garn.-Jones
Melicytus chathamicus (F.Muell.) Garn.-Jones
Melicytus chathamicus (F.Muell.) Garn.-Jones
Melicytus chathamicus (F.Muell.) Garn.-Jones
Melicytus chathamicus (F.Muell.) Garn.-Jones
Melicytus chathamicus (F.Muell.) Garn.-Jones
Melicytus chathamicus (F.Muell.) Garn.-Jones
Melicytus chathamicus (F.Muell.) Garn.-Jones
Melicytus chathamicus (F.Muell.) Garn.-Jones

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Melicytus chathamicus (F.Muell.) Garn.-Jones
[Not available]

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scientific name
1 January 2000
19 February 2004
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