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Garnock-Jones, P.J.; Lloyd, D.G. 2004: A taxonomic revision of Parahebe (Plantaginaceae) in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 42: 181–232.

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Garnock-Jones, P.J.; Lloyd, D.G. 2004: A taxonomic revision of Parahebe (Plantaginaceae) in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 42: 181–232.

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Parahebe laxa (G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson) W.R.B.Oliv.
Parahebe planopetiolata (G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson) W.R.B.Oliv.

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Subshrub, (2–)5–10(–20) cm tall. Old stems brown to grey. Branches decumbent. Branchlets brown or purplish. Vegetative internodes 2–5(–8) mm long. Stem pubescence uniform, eglandular pubescent (rarely a few glandular hairs also present). Leaves decussate, erecto-patent to spreading. Lamina obovate, (4–)5–7(–12) × (2.5–)4– 6(–11) mm. Adaxial surface of leaves dark green or purple (often greyish), dull. Abaxial surface of leaves dark green or purple, dull. Leaf hairs dense, on all parts of leaf, uniseriate eglandular and uniseriate glandular with globular head (occasionally). Apex obtuse or rounded or retuse or truncate. Base cuneate. Margin ciliate and glandular-ciliate (very few glandular hairs), crenate (deeply). Marginal teeth or lobes in (1–)2–3 pairs. Petiole 0–1 mm long. Inflorescence a solitary bibracteolate flower or a pair of flowers (rarely 3), 0.2–0.6 cm long at fruiting. Indumentum of peduncle, rachis, and pedicels sparse to moderately dense. Eglandular hairs of inflorescence patent, white. Peduncle 0.2–0.5(–4) cm long, eglandular-pubescent; hairs all around peduncle. Bracts paired and opposite, obtuse, eglandular-hairy adaxially and eglandular-hairy abaxially (usually with some glandular hairs), spathulate (narrowly). Bract margins entire. Pedicels erecto-patent at anthesis, straight at fruiting, 0.3–1 mm long, glabrous or eglandular-pubescent; hairs all around pedicel. Flowers: Calyx 4-lobed, 4–5(–6) mm long. Calyx lobes oblong or elliptic, subacute or obtuse. Calyx hairs on both abaxial and adaxial surfaces, mixed eglandular and glandular. Calyx lobe margins entire. Corolla white at anthesis. Nectar guides absent. Corolla 7–10 mm diam. Corolla tube 2–3 mm long, 1 mm wide, glabrous. Corolla lobes glabrous. Posterior corolla lobe circular to elliptic, emarginate or divided in two, 3–4 × (1.8–)2.5–3 mm. Lateral corolla lobes elliptic, obtuse, flat, not enfolding stamens, 4–5 × 4–4.5 mm. Anterior corolla lobe elliptic, obtuse, 4–4.5 × 2.5–3 mm. Stamen filaments white, 2(–3) mm long, not narrowed at base. Anthers pink or magenta or mauve, 1–1.5 mm long. Nectarial disc glabrous. Ovary ovoid, acute, glabrous, 1– 1.5 mm long. Style 1–1.5 mm long. Stigma 0.3– 0.4 mm wide. Capsules hygrochastic, narrowly angustiseptate (i.e., strongly flattened), emarginate, 3–4 × 3–4 mm, 0.8–1 mm thick, glabrous. Septicidal split of capsule extending 1⁄4 way to base. Loculicidal split of capsule extending 1⁄2 way to base. Seeds approx. 10–15 per locule, strongly flattened, smoothsurfaced, ellipsoid, straw yellow to pale brown, 0.8– 1 × 0.6–0.7 mm.
Low subshrub, 5–15 cm tall. Old stems brown. Branches decumbent to ascending. Branchlets brown or red-brown or purplish. Vegetative internodes (1–)2–5(–8) mm long. Stem pubescence absent or bifarious (at distal end of internode), eglandular pubescent. Leaves decussate, erecto-patent to recurved. Lamina linear to oblong (narrowly), (4–)8–12(–15) × (1–)1.5–3 mm. Adaxial surface of leaves green, glossy. Abaxial surface of leaves pale green, dull. Leaf hairs sparse to scattered, along margins (especially at base), uniseriate eglandular. Apex rounded or truncate (with swollen hydathode beneath). Base cuneate. Margin ciliate (especially at base), entire. Petiole 1–3 mm long. Inflorescence racemose, unbranched, 1–2.5(–4) cm long at fruiting, with (2–)3–5(–6) flowers. Indumentum of peduncle, rachis, and pedicels absent. Peduncle (0.3–)0.8–1.5(–2) cm long, glabrous. Rachis (0–) 0.2–1.2(–1.5) cm long, glabrous. Bracts alternate (spiralled) (basal pair sometimes subopposite), obtuse, glabrous (rarely a few hairs on margin at base), linear to elliptic (narrowly). Bract margins entire. Pedicels erecto-patent at anthesis to suberect at anthesis, incurved at fruiting, (4–)6–12(–15) mm long, glabrous. Flowers: Calyx 4-lobed, (3–)4–7(–9) mm long. Calyx lobes lanceolate to deltoid or elliptic or obovate, subacute to obtuse. Calyx hairs absent (calyx glabrous). Calyx lobe margins entire. Corolla white at anthesis. Nectar guides obscure (usually 0–2(–4)) or absent, confined to posterior corolla lobe if present. Colour ring and nectar guides pink or absent. Corolla throat same colour as lobes. Corolla 5–8(–10) mm diam. Corolla tube (1.2–)1.5– 2.5(–3.5) mm long, (1–)1.5–2 mm wide, glabrous. Corolla lobes glabrous. Posterior corolla lobe elliptic to ovate, obtuse, 5–6(–7) × 3–4(–5) mm. Lateral corolla lobes elliptic to ovate, subacute to obtuse, flat, not enfolding stamens, 5–6(–7) × 3.5–5 mm. Anterior corolla lobe elliptic (narrowly), subacute, 4–6(–7) × (2–)2.5–3.5 mm. Stamen filaments white, (1–)1.5–2.5(–3) mm long, not narrowed at base. Anthers pink to magenta, (1–)1.5(–2) mm long. Nectarial disc glabrous. Ovary globose (flattened), obtuse, glabrous, 1–2 mm long. Style (2–)3(–4) mm long. Stigma 0.4–0.7 mm wide. Capsules xerochastic, broadly angustiseptate (i.e., weakly flattened), truncate to emarginate, 3.5–4 × 3.5–4 mm, 1.5 mm thick, glabrous. Septicidal split of capsule extending to base. Loculicidal split of capsule extending 1⁄4–1⁄2 way to base. Seeds approx. 25–45 per locule, strongly flattened, smooth-surfaced, ellipsoid, brown, 0.5–0.8 × 0.3–0.6 mm.
Creeping herb (old stems with slight secondary tissue; short shoots with 2(–3) pairs of leaves easily detached and capable of forming new plants), 0.3–1 cm tall. Old stems brown or redbrown. Branches prostrate. Branchlets brown or green. Vegetative internodes 1–5(–15) mm long. Stem pubescence uniform or absent, eglandular pubescent (short curved white hairs). Leaves subdistichous, spreading to recurved. Lamina ovate or obovate or elliptic or orbicular, 1–2.5(–3) × 1– 1.5(–2) mm. Adaxial surface of leaves glaucous, dull. Abaxial surface of leaves glaucous, dull. Leaf hairs scattered, on all parts of leaf (most dense on midline and at apex), uniseriate eglandular. Apex obtuse to rounded. Base cuneate. Margin ciliate, entire. Petiole 0–0.5 mm long. Inflorescence a solitary bibracteolate flower (rarely paired flowers), 0.3– 1.2 cm long at fruiting. Indumentum of peduncle, rachis, and pedicels sparse. Eglandular hairs of inflorescence deflexed (and tangled), white. Peduncle 0.1–0.5 cm long, eglandular-pubescent; hairs all around peduncle. Bracts paired and opposite, obtuse to subacute, eglandular-hairy adaxially and eglandular-hairy abaxially, elliptic or ovate. Bract margins entire. Pedicels suberect at anthesis, straight at fruiting, 2–7 mm long, densely eglandular-pubescent; hairs all around pedicel. Flowers: Calyx 4(–5)- lobed, 2–3.5 mm long. Calyx lobes lanceolate to oblong, subacute to obtuse. Calyx hairs on abaxial surface, eglandular. Calyx lobe margins entire. Corolla pale blue at anthesis (paler abaxially). Nectar guides evident, present on all corolla lobes. Colour ring and nectar guides blue. Corolla throat same colour as lobes. Corolla c. 10 mm diam. Corolla tube 1 mm long, 1–1.5 mm wide, hairy inside, hairs short. Corolla lobes glabrous. Posterior corolla lobe elliptic, subacute to divided in two, 3–6 × 2–3 mm. Lateral corolla lobes elliptic, obtuse, flat, not enfolding stamens, 3–6 × 2–3 mm. Anterior corolla lobe narrowly elliptic, obtuse, 3–6 × 2–2.5 mm. Stamen filaments white, 4–5 mm long, weakly narrowed at base. Anthers mauve or violet, 0.7–1.5 mm long. Nectarial disc glabrous. Ovary ovoid, obtuse, glabrous, 0.8– 1 mm long. Style 4–5.5 mm long. Stigma 0.5 mm wide. Capsules xerochastic, narrowly angustiseptate (i.e., strongly flattened), emarginate, 1–1.5 × 1– 2 mm, c. 0.5 mm thick, glabrous. Septicidal split of capsule extending to base. Loculicidal split of capsule extending 3⁄4 way to base or to base. Seeds approx. 5–35 per locule, strongly flattened, smoothsurfaced, ellipsoid to obovoid, pale brown to brown, c. 0.5 × c. 0.3 mm.
Subshrub, 5–50 cm tall. Old stems brown or red-brown. Branches ascending to erect. Branchlets brown or red-brown or green or purplish. Vegetative internodes (5–)10–40(–50) mm long. Stem pubescence bifarious, eglandular pubescent (antrorse, curved). Leaves decussate, erecto-patent to spreading. Lamina linear or lanceolate or oblanceolate or elliptic (rarely), (20–)30–70(–120) × (5–)10–20(–30) mm. Adaxial surface of leaves green, dull. Abaxial surface of leaves whitish, dull. Leaf hairs numerous to dense, along midrib above (especially near base), uniseriate eglandular and glandular with short 1-celled stalk and small vertically divided head. Apex acute. Base cuneate. Margin glabrous, serrate. Marginal teeth or lobes in (5–)8–20(–25) pairs. Petiole (2–)4–10 mm long. Inflorescence racemose, unbranched, (6–)10–20(–25) cm long at fruiting, with 12–40 flowers. Indumentum of peduncle, rachis, and pedicels moderately dense to very dense. Eglandular hairs of inflorescence antrorse, rust brown. Peduncle (3–)6–10 cm long, eglandular-pubescent and glandular-pubescent; hairs in 1 row. Rachis (4–)7–12 cm long, eglandular-pubescent and glandular-pubescent, hairs in 1 row above each bract. Bracts alternate (spiralled), acute to acuminate, glabrous or ciliate with both glandular and eglandular hairs (rarely), linear. Bract margins entire. Pedicels suberect at anthesis, incurved at fruiting, (9–)12–17(–23) mm long, eglandularpubescent or glandular-pubescent; hairs in 1 row (or rarely more-or-less uniform). Flowers: Calyx 4- lobed, 2.5–4 mm long. Calyx lobes lanceolate or ovate, acuminate (by folding). Calyx hairs on margins only, eglandular or mixed eglandular and glandular. Calyx lobe margins entire. Corolla white at anthesis. Nectar guides evident, present on posterior and lateral corolla lobes. Colour ring and nectar guides purple. Corolla throat yellow. Corolla (10–)12–14 mm diam. Corolla tube 1–1.5 mm long, 1 mm wide, hairy inside, hairs short. Corolla lobes glabrous. Posterior corolla lobe circular, obtuse, (5–) 6–7 × (4–)5–6 mm. Lateral corolla lobes circular, obtuse, longitudinally folded around stamens, 5–7 × (5–)6–7 mm. Anterior corolla lobe elliptic or rhomboid, obtuse, 5–6 × 2.5–3.5 mm. Stamen filaments white, (3–)4–6 mm long, narrowed at base. Anthers magenta, when dry and dehisced 1 mm long. Nectarial disc ciliolate. Ovary ellipsoid, obtuse to emarginate, glabrous, 0.8–1 mm long. Style 4–5 (–6) mm long. Stigma 0.2 mm wide. Capsules xerochastic, broadly angustiseptate (i.e., weakly flattened), emarginate, 3.5–4(–5) × 3.5–4(–5) mm, 1.5 (–2) mm thick, glabrous. Septicidal split of capsule extending to base. Loculicidal split of capsule extending 3⁄4 way to base. Seeds approx. 20–50 per locule, strongly flattened, smooth-surfaced, broadly ellipsoid or discoid, pale brown, 0.8 × 0.7–0.8 mm.
Cushion-forming subshrub, 1–4 cm tall. Old stems brown. Branches prostrate to ascending. Branchlets brown. Vegetative internodes 1–4 (–12) mm long. Stem pubescence uniform, eglandular pubescent. Leaves decussate, erect to erectopatent or recurved (in distal half of lamina). Lamina ovate or elliptic or orbicular or deltoid or spathulate or rhomboid, 2–3(–5) × 2–3 mm. Adaxial surface of leaves bronze green or dark green, dull. Abaxial surface of leaves bronze green or dark green, dull. Leaf hairs sparse to numerous or absent (rarely), on all parts of leaf, uniseriate eglandular or unicellular eglandular (rarely). Apex subacute to obtuse. Base cuneate. Margin minutely papillate or denticulate, lobed or pinnatifid, to bipinnatifid on basal lobes. Marginal teeth or lobes in 2–5 pairs. Petiole 3–6 mm long. Inflorescence a solitary bibracteolate flower or a pair of flowers (rarely 3), 0.2–1 cm long at fruiting. Indumentum of peduncle, rachis, and pedicels moderately dense to very dense. Eglandular hairs of inflorescence antrorse (curved), white. Peduncle 0– 2 cm long, eglandular-pubescent; hairs all around peduncle. Rachis 0–2 cm long, eglandular-pubescent, hairs all around rachis. Bracts paired and opposite, obtuse or subacute, eglandular-hairy adaxially and eglandular-hairy abaxially, spathulate. Bract margins shallowly to deeply lobed. Pedicels patent at anthesis, straight at fruiting, 0–2 mm long, eglandular-pubescent; hairs all around pedicel. Flowers: Calyx 4(–5)-lobed (5th lobe rarely present, shorter, entire, narrow), 4–7 mm long. Calyx lobes oblanceolate or oblong or spathulate, subacute to obtuse. Calyx hairs on both abaxial and adaxial surfaces, eglandular. Calyx lobe margins pinnatifid or shallowly lobed. Corolla white at anthesis. Nectar guides absent. Corolla throat same colour as lobes. Corolla (4–)5–7 mm diam. Corolla tube (3.5–)4– 7 mm long, 1.5–2 mm wide, glabrous or hairy outside, hairs short. Corolla lobes glabrous or pubescent abaxially. Posterior corolla lobe circular or elliptic or deltoid, obtuse or emarginate or divided in two, 2–3 × 2–4 mm. Lateral corolla lobes circular or elliptic, obtuse, flat, not enfolding stamens, 2–3(–4) × 2–4 mm. Anterior corolla lobe elliptic, obtuse, 2–3 × 1.5–2.5 mm. Stamen filaments white, 1.5(–2) mm long, not narrowed at base. Anthers pink to magenta, 1–1.5 mm long. Nectarial disc glabrous. Ovary ovoid or globose, obtuse, eglandular hairy, 1–1.5 mm long. Style 1.5–2.5 mm long. Stigma 0.4–0.5 mm wide. Capsules hygrochastic, narrowly angustiseptate (i.e., strongly flattened), emarginate to didymous, 3–4 × 3–4 mm, 2(–3) mm thick, hairy. Hairs eglandular. Septicidal split of capsule extending 1⁄3 way to base (split to base in old capsules). Loculicidal split of capsule extending 3⁄4 way to base or to base. Seeds 10–20 per locule, strongly flattened, smooth-surfaced (weakly flattened and minutely papillate), ellipsoid to obovoid, pale brown to dark brown, (0.6–)0.8–1.1 × (0.5–)0.6–0.7 mm.
Lamina ovate or deltoid or spathulate or rhomboid. Leaf hairs unicellular eglandular and uniseriate eglandular (eglandular hairs (0.5–)1 mm long on petioles). Margin pinnatifid, to bipinnatifid on basal lobes. Calyx lobe margins pinnatifid.
Lamina elliptic or orbicular. Leaf hairs unicellular eglandular (eglandular hairs 0.3–0.5 mm long on petioles). Margin crenate or lobed. Calyx lobe margins shallowly lobed.
Parahebe cheesemanii subsp. flabellata Garn.-Jones, subsp. nov., a subsp. cheesemanii lamina elliptica vel orbiculata, pilis laminae breviorum, laminis foliorum et lobis calycis ad marginem crenatis vel lobatis differt.
Subshrub (sometimes small and creeping), (1–)2–3 cm tall. Old stems brown to grey. Branches prostrate or decumbent. Branchlets redbrown to black. Vegetative internodes (0.5–)1–5(– 15) mm long. Stem pubescence uniform or bifarious (rarely), eglandular pubescent (hairs curly). Leaves decussate, spreading to recurved. Lamina obovate to orbicular or lyrate, 1.5–4(–5) × 1–3(–5) mm. Adaxial surface of leaves green to dark green (often redtinged), glossy. Abaxial surface of leaves pale green or pinkish, dull. Leaf hairs sparse or numerous (rarely), along margins (rarely) or on petiole or on adaxial surface (rarely) or on abaxial surface (rarely), uniseriate eglandular (curly). Apex rounded. Base cuneate. Margin glabrous, crenate or lobed. Marginal teeth or lobes in 1(–2) pairs. Petiole (0.5–)1–1.5 mm long. Inflorescence racemose, unbranched, (6–)15– 20(–25) cm long at fruiting, with (3–)8–20 flowers. Indumentum of peduncle, rachis, and pedicels absent to moderately dense. Eglandular hairs of inflorescence antrorse, white. Peduncle (4–)8–15 cm long, glabrous to eglandular-pubescent; hairs all around peduncle. Rachis (2–)7–10 cm long, eglandular-pubescent, hairs all around rachis. Bracts alternate (spiralled) to alternate but with a basal whorl of 3 (or rarely several whorls of 3), obtuse to subacute, eglandular ciliate (especially near base), lanceolate to elliptic. Bract margins entire. Pedicels erectopatent at anthesis to suberect at anthesis, straight at fruiting, 2–10 mm long, glabrous or eglandularpuberulent; hairs all around pedicel. Flowers: Calyx 4-lobed, 2–2.5(–3) mm long. Calyx lobes oblanceolate to obovate, acute to subacute. Calyx hairs on margins only, mixed eglandular and glandular. Calyx lobe margins entire. Corolla white at anthesis or pink at anthesis. Nectar guides evident, confined to posterior corolla lobe or present on posterior and lateral corolla lobes. Colour ring and nectar guides magenta. Corolla throat yellow. Corolla 6–8(–12) mm diam. Corolla tube 1 mm long, 1 mm wide, hairy inside, hairs short. Corolla lobes glabrous. Posterior corolla lobe circular, obtuse, (3–) 3.5–5(–6) × (3–)4–6(–7) mm. Lateral corolla lobes circular to elliptic, obtuse, longitudinally folded around stamens, 4–4.5 × 3.5–4 mm. Anterior corolla lobe oblong to linear, obtuse, 4–5 × 1–2 mm. Stamen filaments white, 3–4(–5) mm long, narrowed at base. Anthers white or pink or magenta, 0.9–1.2 mm long. Nectarial disc ciliolate. Ovary ellipsoid, obtuse, glabrous, 1–1.5 mm long. Style (3–)3.5–4 mm long. Stigma 0.15 mm wide. Capsules xerochastic, broadly angustiseptate (i.e., weakly flattened), emarginate, 4–4.5 × 3–4 mm, 2–2.5(–3) mm thick, glabrous. Septicidal split of capsule extending to base. Loculicidal split of capsule extending 1⁄2–3⁄4 way to base. Seeds approx. 20–30 per locule, strongly flattened, smooth-surfaced, ellipsoid to discoid, straw yellow to pale brown, 0.8–0.9 × 0.6– 0.8 mm.
Low subshrub or loose cushion or mat-forming subshrub, (1–)3–10(–20) cm tall. Old stems brown or red-brown or grey. Branches prostrate to ascending. Branchlets brown or red-brown or green or purplish. Vegetative internodes (2–)4– 15(–20) mm long. Stem pubescence bifarious or uniform, eglandular pubescent and glandular pubescent (rarely). Leaves subdistichous to decussate, erecto-patent to reflexed. Lamina lanceolate or oblanceolate or ovate or obovate or oblong or elliptic or orbicular or rhomboid, (3–)4–10(–14) × (2.5–) 4–8(–10) mm. Adaxial surface of leaves green or bronze green or dark green, dull. Abaxial surface of leaves pale green, dull. Leaf hairs sparse to numerous or absent, along margins or on adaxial surface or on all parts of leaf, uniseriate eglandular or uniseriate glandular with globular head (Volcanic Plateau only). Apex subacute to obtuse or rounded. Base cuneate. Margin glabrous or ciliate or glandular- ciliate or pubescent, crenate to serrate (bluntly). Marginal teeth or lobes in (1–)2–3(–4) pairs. Petiole 1–3 mm long. Inflorescence racemose, unbranched, (3–)5–11 cm long at fruiting, with (3–)5–10(–15) flowers. Indumentum of peduncle, rachis, and pedicels moderately dense to very dense. Eglandular hairs of inflorescence antrorse (not to be confused with patent glandular hairs that have lost their heads in old dried specimens), white. Peduncle 1.5–5(–6) cm long, eglandular-pubescent or glandular-pubescent (sometimes mixed); hairs all around peduncle. Rachis (1–)3–7 cm long, eglandular-pubescent or glandular-pubescent (sometimes mixed), hairs all around rachis. Bracts alternate (spiralled), obtuse to acute, eglandular-hairy adaxially or ciliate with both glandular and eglandular hairs or glandular pubescent abaxially or glandular pubescent adaxially (often only near margins on adaxial surface), lanceolate to elliptic or narrowly deltoid. Bract margins entire. Pedicels erecto-patent at anthesis, straight at fruiting or incurved at fruiting, (3–)6–15(–18) mm long, eglandular-pubescent to glandular-pubescent; hairs all around pedicel. Flowers: Calyx 4-lobed, 2–3 mm long. Calyx lobes elliptic to ovate, subacute to obtuse. Calyx hairs on margins only or on both abaxial and adaxial surfaces, eglandular or glandular or mixed eglandular and glandular. Calyx lobe margins entire. Corolla pink at anthesis or violet at anthesis or mauve at anthesis. Nectar guides evident, present on posterior and lateral corolla lobes or present on all corolla lobes. Colour ring and nectar guides magenta. Corolla throat yellow. Corolla 6–15 mm diam. Corolla tube 1–1.5 mm long, 1–1.5 mm wide, hairy inside, hairs short. Corolla lobes glabrous. Posterior corolla lobe circular or elliptic or rhomboid, usually obtuse or emarginate (rarely), 5–7 × 4.6–6 mm. Lateral corolla lobes elliptic (sometimes very broadly), obtuse, longitudinally folded around stamens, 4.5–6.5 × 4.5–8 mm. Anterior corolla lobe elliptic or oblong or rhomboid, obtuse, 4–6 × 2– 4 mm. Stamen filaments white or coloured, 4–6 mm long, narrowed at base. Anthers pink or magenta or violet, 1–1.2 mm long. Nectarial disc ciliolate. Ovary ovoid or globose or ellipsoid, obtuse or emarginate, glabrous or puberulent (sparsely), 1–1.5 mm long. Style 4–5.5 mm long. Stigma 0.2–0.35 mm wide. Capsules xerochastic, broadly angustiseptate (i.e., weakly flattened), truncate to emarginate, 3–6 × 3– 5 mm, 2–3 mm thick, glabrous. Septicidal split of capsule extending to base. Loculicidal split of capsule extending 1⁄2 way to base. Seeds approx. 20–30 per locule, strongly flattened, smooth-surfaced, ellipsoid or obovoid or discoid, pale brown or dark brown or brown, 1–3 × 0.6–1.3 mm.
Subshrub, (5–)10–30(–45) cm tall. Old stems brown or red-brown or grey. Branches prostrate to erect. Branchlets brown or red-brown. Vegetative internodes (5–)8–20(–70) mm long. Stem pubescence bifarious (in dense narrow band of rustcoloured or dirty white antrorsely curved hairs) or uniform (rarely) or absent (rarely), eglandular pubescent. Leaves decussate or subdistichous (on prostrate stems), erecto-patent or spreading or recurved. Lamina linear or lanceolate or oblanceolate or ovate or obovate or oblong or elliptic or orbicular or deltoid or rhomboid, (5–)15–30(–100) × (1.5–)5–15(– 25) mm. Adaxial surface of leaves green or bronze green or light green or dark green, glossy or dull. Abaxial surface of leaves green or bronze green or pale green or pinkish, dull. Leaf hairs sparse or scattered or absent, along midrib above, uniseriate eglandular and glandular with short 1-celled stalk and small vertically divided head. Apex acute or subacute or acuminate. Base cuneate or subcordate or cordate. Margin glabrous, serrate. Marginal teeth or lobes in (1–)2–10(–15) pairs. Petiole 1–4(–6) mm long. Inflorescence racemose, unbranched, (3–)10– 20(–35) cm long at fruiting, with (4–)10–25(–30) flowers. Indumentum of peduncle, rachis, and pedicels absent to very dense. Eglandular hairs of inflorescence erecto-patent or patent or antrorse, white or colourless or rust brown. Peduncle (1.5–)4– 7(–12) cm long, glabrous or eglandular-pubescent or eglandular-puberulent (rarely). Rachis (1.5–)6– 14 cm long, glabrous (rarely) or eglandular-pubescent or glandular-pubescent (in a few localities: Coromandel, Waikato, Tongariro National Park; Puketoi Ra.; Tararua, Rimutaka, Aorangi Ranges (alpine)), hairs in 1 row above each bract or all around rachis. Bracts alternate (spiralled), obtuse (rarely) or subacute or acute or acuminate, eglandular-hairy abaxially (rarely) or glandular ciliate (rarely) or eglandular ciliate or glabrous (rarely), linear or lanceolate or elliptic or ovate or narrowly deltoid. Bract margins entire. Pedicels erecto-patent at anthesis, straight at fruiting or incurved at fruiting, 5–15(–25) mm long, rarely glabrous or eglandular-pubescent or glandular-pubescent (rarely); hairs all around pedicel. Flowers: Calyx 4- lobed, (2–)2.5–3(–4) mm long. Calyx lobes linear or lanceolate or elliptic or ovate or obovate or oblong, acuminate to obtuse. Calyx hairs absent (calyx glabrous) or on margins only or on abaxial surface, eglandular or glandular or mixed eglandular and glandular. Calyx lobe margins entire. Corolla white at anthesis. Nectar guides evident, present on posterior and lateral corolla lobes. Colour ring and nectar guides magenta. Corolla throat yellow. Corolla 8– 12(–15) mm diam. Corolla tube (0.5–)1–1.5 mm long, 1 mm wide, hairy inside, hairs short or hairs papillate. Corolla lobes glabrous. Posterior corolla lobe circular or elliptic (rarely), obtuse or emarginate (sometimes) or divided in two (rarely), (4–)5–6(–7) × (2–)4–6(–6.5) mm. Lateral corolla lobes circular or oblong (broadly), obtuse, longitudinally folded around stamens, (4–)5–6(–8) × (2–)6–7(–7.5) mm. Anterior corolla lobe elliptic or oblong or linear, subacute or obtuse, (3.5–)4–6(–8) × (1.5–)2–3 mm. Stamen filaments white, (2–)3–4 mm long, narrowed at base. Anthers pink or magenta, 0.8–1.5 mm long. Nectarial disc ciliolate. Ovary ellipsoid, subacute or obtuse, glabrous, 0.8–1 mm long. Style (3.5–)4– 5(–7) mm long. Stigma (0.2–)0.3–0.4 mm wide. Capsules xerochastic, broadly angustiseptate (i.e., weakly flattened), emarginate, (2.5–)3–3.5(–4.5) × (2.5–)3–4 mm, 2.5–3.5 mm thick, glabrous. Septicidal split of capsule extending to base. Loculicidal split of capsule extending 1⁄3–1⁄2 way to base. Seeds approx. 20–35 per locule, strongly flattened, smooth-surfaced, obovoid or discoid, straw yellow or pale brown or brown, (0.5–)0.6–0.9(–1.1) × 0.5–0.8(–0.9) mm.
Subshrub (softly woody), 2–7(–15) cm tall. Old stems dark brown or grey. Branches decumbent to ascending. Branchlets brown to redbrown. Vegetative internodes (1–)2–10(–20) mm long. Stem pubescence uniform, mostly eglandular pubescent and glandular puberulent (rare and sparse and/or hard to discern). Leaves decussate, erectopatent to spreading. Lamina elliptic or orbicular or spathulate, (3–)5–7(–10) × (2–)4–6(–9) mm. Adaxial surface of leaves bright green, glossy. Abaxial surface of leaves pale green, dull. Leaf hairs absent. Apex rounded or truncate. Base cuneate. Margin glabrous, crenate or serrate (bluntly). Marginal teeth or lobes in (0–)2–5 pairs. Petiole 3–4(–5) mm long. Inflorescence a solitary bibracteolate flower or a pair of flowers (rarely 3), 0.8–1.5 cm long at fruiting. Indumentum of peduncle, rachis, and pedicels moderately dense. Eglandular hairs of inflorescence antrorse (curved), white. Peduncle 0.1–0.5(–1.2) cm long, eglandular-pubescent; hairs all around peduncle. Rachis 0(–2) cm long, eglandular-pubescent, hairs all around rachis. Bracts alternate (spiralled), obtuse, glabrous, spathulate. Bract margins entire. Pedicels erecto-patent at anthesis, straight at fruiting, 1–3 mm long, eglandular-pubescent; hairs all around pedicel. Flowers: Calyx 4-lobed, (4–)6–7 (–8) mm long. Calyx lobes oblanceolate to obovate, subacute to obtuse. Calyx hairs absent (calyx glabrous). Calyx lobe margins entire. Corolla white at anthesis. Nectar guides absent. Corolla throat same colour as lobes or yellow. Corolla 5–6 mm diam. Corolla tube 1.5–3 mm long, 1.5–2 mm wide, glabrous. Corolla lobes glabrous. Posterior corolla lobe oblong, obtuse or emarginate or divided in two, 3– 4 × 1–2 mm. Lateral corolla lobes oblong, obtuse, flat, not enfolding stamens, 3–6 × 2–3 mm. Anterior corolla lobe oblong, obtuse, 3–5 × 2–3 mm. Stamen filaments white, (0.5–)1–2 mm long, not narrowed at base. Anthers purple, (1–)1.5 mm long. Nectarial disc glabrous. Ovary globose, obtuse, glabrous, 1–2 mm long. Style 0.5–3 mm long. Stigma 0.3– 0.5 mm wide. Capsules hygrochastic, narrowly angustiseptate (i.e., strongly flattened), didymous, 4– 5 × 3.5–5 mm, 1.5–2 mm thick, glabrous. Septicidal split of capsule extending to base. Loculicidal split of capsule extending 1⁄2 way to base. Seeds 10–55 per locule, strongly flattened, smooth-surfaced, ellipsoid, pale brown, 1–1.3 × 0.6–0.7 mm.
Low subshrub, 10–20(–30) cm tall. Old stems brown. Branches decumbent to ascending. Branchlets brown or green. Vegetative internodes (1–)2–10 mm long. Stem pubescence bifarious (found only at distal end of internodes), eglandular pubescent. Leaves decussate, erect to reflexed. Lamina linear to oblong (narrowly), (10–) 12–20(–30) × (1.5–)2–3.5 mm. Adaxial surface of leaves green, glossy. Abaxial surface of leaves pale green, dull. Leaf hairs sparse to scattered, along margins (especially at base), uniseriate eglandular. Apex rounded. Base cuneate. Margin ciliate (especially at base), entire. Petiole 1.5–3(–4) mm long. Inflorescence racemose, unbranched, 3–5(–7) cm long at fruiting, with (1–)2–5(–8) flowers. Indumentum of peduncle, rachis, and pedicels absent. Peduncle (0.5–)1–3(–4) cm long, glabrous. Rachis 0.4–1.7(–4.2) cm long, glabrous. Bracts alternate (spiralled) (basal pair sometimes subopposite), obtuse, eglandular ciliate (near base) or glabrous, linear to narrowly deltoid. Bract margins entire. Pedicels suberect at anthesis, incurved at fruiting, (8–)13–30(–40) mm long, glabrous. Flowers: Calyx 4-lobed, 4–6(–7) mm long. Calyx lobes lanceolate to deltoid or elliptic or obovate, acute to subacute (acuminate by infolding near apex). Calyx hairs absent (calyx glabrous) or on margins only (very sparsely), eglandular. Calyx lobe margins entire. Corolla white, sometimes blue (NW Nelson), rarely pink, at anthesis. Nectar guides evident, present on posterior and lateral corolla lobes. Colour ring and nectar guides magenta or purple (NW Nelson). Corolla throat yellow. Corolla (12–) 14–17 mm diam. Corolla tube 0.5–1.5 mm long, 1– 1.5 mm wide, hairy inside, hairs long. Corolla lobes glabrous. Posterior corolla lobe circular, obtuse to emarginate, (6–)7–9(–10) × (6–)7–9 mm. Lateral corolla lobes elliptic, obtuse, flat, not enfolding stamens, 5–8 × (4.5–)5.5–8.5(–10) mm. Anterior corolla lobe elliptic or rhomboid, obtuse, 6–7 × 4–5(–6) mm. Stamen filaments white, (4–)6–8 mm long, narrowed at base. Anthers rarely white or pink or magenta, 1.5–2(–2.2) mm long. Nectarial disc ciliolate. Ovary ellipsoid, emarginate, glabrous or eglandular hairy (at apex), (1–)1.2–1.3(–1.7) mm long. Style (4–)6–8(–9) mm long. Stigma 0.3–0.7(–1) mm wide. Capsules xerochastic, broadly angustiseptate (i.e., weakly flattened), didymous, (3–)3.5–4.5 × 3.5– 4.5 mm, 2 mm thick, usually glabrous or hairy (rarely and sparsely at apex only). Hairs eglandular, if present. Septicidal split of capsule extending to base. Loculicidal split of capsule extending 1⁄3–1⁄2 way to base. Seeds approx. 40–115 per locule, strongly flattened, smooth-surfaced, ellipsoid or obovoid or discoid, pale brown or dark brown or brown, 0.7–1(–1.3) × 0.5–0.7(–0.9) mm.
Subshrub, (2–)5–20(–30) cm tall. Old stems brown or red-brown or grey. Branches prostrate to erect. Branchlets brown to grey or purplish. Vegetative internodes (1–)3–15(–20) mm long. Stem pubescence bifarious to uniform, eglandular pubescent. Leaves decussate or subdistichous, erecto-patent to recurved. Lamina rarely linear or ovate or oblong or elliptic or orbicular or deltoid or rhomboid, (3–)4–10(–15) × (2–)3–8(–10) mm. Adaxial surface of leaves green or bronze green or yellowish green or dark green, dull. Abaxial surface of leaves green or pale green or pinkish, dull. Leaf hairs sparse or absent, along midrib above, uniseriate eglandular. Apex rarely acute or subacute or obtuse or rounded. Base cuneate or truncate. Margin glabrous, crenate or serrate (rarely). Marginal teeth or lobes in 1–3(– 10) pairs. Petiole 1–3 mm long. Inflorescence racemose, unbranched, (5–)7–9(–20) cm long at fruiting, with (3–)6–15 flowers. Indumentum of peduncle, rachis, and pedicels absent to moderately dense. Eglandular hairs of inflorescence antrorse, white. Peduncle (2–)6–12 cm long, glabrous or eglandularpubescent or glandular-pubescent (Nelson); hairs all around peduncle. Rachis (1–)3–5(–10) cm long, eglandular-pubescent or glandular-pubescent, hairs in 1 row above each bract or all around rachis. Bracts alternate (spiralled), subacute, glabrous or glandular ciliate or eglandular ciliate, linear or lanceolate or elliptic or ovate. Bract margins entire. Pedicels erecto-patent at anthesis, incurved at fruiting, (8–) 10–20(–25) mm long, eglandular-pubescent or glandular- pubescent (Nelson); hairs all around pedicel. Flowers: Calyx 4-lobed, 2–4(–4.5) mm long. Calyx lobes elliptic or oblanceolate, acuminate or acute or subacute. Calyx hairs on margins only (abaxial surface glabrous, with minute glandular dots), eglandular or glandular or mixed eglandular and glandular. Calyx lobe margins entire. Corolla white or pale blue or pink at anthesis. Nectar guides evident or obscure or absent, confined to posterior corolla lobe or present on posterior and lateral corolla lobes or present on all corolla lobes. Colour ring and nectar guides magenta or pink or purple or absent. Corolla throat same colour as lobes or yellow. Corolla (8–)9–12(–15) mm diam. Corolla tube 1.5– 2 mm long, 1–1.5 mm wide, hairy inside, hairs short. Corolla lobes glabrous. Posterior corolla lobe circular, obtuse or emarginate or divided in two, (3.5–)4– 6 × (3–)4–6 mm. Lateral corolla lobes circular, obtuse, longitudinally folded around stamens, (4.5–) 5–7 × (4–)5–7 mm. Anterior corolla lobe elliptic to oblong, obtuse, (3.5–)4.5–6 × (1.5–)1.8–2.5 mm. Stamen filaments white, (2.5–)3–3.5(–4) mm long, narrowed at base. Anthers white or pink, 1–1.5 mm long. Nectarial disc ciliolate. Ovary ovoid or ellipsoid, obtuse, glabrous, 1–1.3 mm long. Style (3–) 3.5–4.5(–5) mm long. Stigma 0.2–0.3 mm wide. Capsules xerochastic, broadly angustiseptate (i.e., weakly flattened), emarginate, 3–4(–5) × 3–3.5(–4) mm, 1.5–2 mm thick, glabrous. Septicidal split of capsule extending to base. Loculicidal split of capsule extending 1⁄4 way to base. Seeds approx. 20–30 per locule, strongly flattened, smooth-surfaced, ellipsoid or obovoid, pale brown to dark brown, 0.6– 0.8 × 0.5–0.6 mm.
Subshrub, 10–20(–25) cm tall. Old stems grey. Branches prostrate to decumbent (young roots emerging early as small knobs at nodes). Branchlets red-brown to purplish (dark). Vegetative internodes 5–20(–40) mm long. Stem pubescence bifarious or absent, eglandular pubescent. Leaves subdistichous, spreading to recurved. Lamina oblanceolate to obovate to elliptic, (5–)10–20(–35) × (2–)4–10(–15) mm. Adaxial surface of leaves green, dull. Abaxial surface of leaves pale green, dull. Leaf hairs dense, along midrib above and on petiole (adaxially only), uniseriate eglandular. Apex subacute or obtuse or rounded. Base cuneate. Margin glabrous, serrate. Marginal teeth or lobes in (1–) 3–5 pairs. Petiole 1–4 mm long. Inflorescence racemose, unbranched, (7–)12–21 cm long at fruiting, with (6–)10–20(–30) flowers. Indumentum of peduncle, rachis, and pedicels absent to moderately dense. Peduncle (3.5–)7–10 cm long, glabrous or eglandular-pubescent (rarely) or glandular-pubescent; hairs all around peduncle. Rachis (3.5–)5– 11 cm long, glabrous or eglandular-pubescent (rarely) or glandular-pubescent, hairs all around rachis. Bracts alternate (spiralled), obtuse to acute (with obvious hydathode), glandular ciliate or glabrous, linear to lanceolate. Bract margins entire. Pedicels erecto-patent at anthesis, incurved at fruiting, (6–)8–14(–17) mm long, glabrous or glandularpubescent or eglandular-pubescent (rarely); hairs all around pedicel. Flowers: Calyx 4-lobed (small 5th lobe rarely present), (2.5–)3.5–4.5 mm long. Calyx lobes lanceolate or elliptic or oblanceolate, acuminate to subacute. Calyx hairs absent (calyx glabrous) or on margins only, glandular. Calyx lobe margins entire. Corolla white at anthesis or mauve at anthesis (pale). Nectar guides evident or obscure, confined to posterior corolla lobe. Colour ring and nectar guides magenta or pink. Corolla throat yellow. Corolla (7–)11–13 mm diam. Corolla tube 1–1.5 mm long, 1–1.5 mm wide, hairy inside, hairs short. Corolla lobes glabrous. Posterior corolla lobe circular, obtuse, (4–)4.5–6 × (4.5–)5–6.5 mm. Lateral corolla lobes elliptic, obtuse, longitudinally folded around stamens, (4.5–)5–6 × (4.5–)5– 6.5 mm. Anterior corolla lobe oblong (narrowly), subacute to obtuse, (3–)4–5.5 × (1.3–)1.5–2(–2.2) mm. Stamen filaments white, 3.5–4 mm long, narrowed at base. Anthers pink or mauve, 1–1.1 mm long. Nectarial disc ciliolate (sparsely) or glabrous. Ovary globose, subacute, glabrous, 1–1.3 mm long. Style (3–)3.5–5 mm long. Stigma 0.15–0.2 mm wide. Capsules xerochastic, broadly angustiseptate (i.e., weakly flattened), emarginate to didymous, (3– )3.5–4(–4.3) × 3–4 mm, 1.5–1.7 mm thick, glabrous. Septicidal split of capsule extending 3⁄4 way to base or to base. Loculicidal split of capsule extending 1⁄4– 1⁄2 way to base. Seeds approx. 20–30 per locule, strongly flattened, smooth-surfaced, ellipsoid or discoid, pale brown to dark brown, 0.7–0.9(–1.2) × 0.5– 0.8(–1) mm.
Subshrub or loose cushion or matforming subshrub, 2–5 cm tall. Old stems brown. Branches prostrate. Branchlets red-brown. Vegetative internodes (1–)2–5(–7) mm long. Stem pubescence sparsely bifarious or absent, eglandular pubescent. Leaves decussate, erecto-patent to spreading. Lamina oblanceolate or oblong or elliptic or rhomboid, (2–)4–7(–10) × (1–)2–4(–6) mm. Adaxial surface of leaves green or dark green, glossy. Abaxial surface of leaves green or pale green or purple, dull. Leaf hairs absent. Apex obtuse to rounded. Base cuneate. Margin glabrous or ciliate (on petiole only), entire or crenate (shallowly). Marginal teeth or lobes in 0–3 pairs. Petiole (1–)2– 3(–5) mm long. Inflorescence a solitary bibracteolate flower or a pair of flowers (rarely), 0.5–0.8 cm long at fruiting. Indumentum of peduncle, rachis, and pedicels absent. Peduncle 0.1–0.2 cm long, glabrous. Bracts paired and opposite, obtuse or subacute, glabrous or eglandular ciliate (at base), spathulate to obovate. Bract margins entire. Pedicels erecto-patent at anthesis, straight at fruiting or incurved at fruiting, 1–5(–7) mm long, glabrous. Flowers: Calyx 4(–5)-lobed (small 5th lobe rarely present), (3.5–)4– 5(–7) mm long. Calyx lobes oblanceolate or obovate or spathulate, obtuse. Calyx hairs absent (calyx glabrous). Calyx lobe margins usually entire or toothed (rarely). Corolla white at anthesis or pink at anthesis or violet at anthesis. Nectar guides absent. Corolla throat same colour as lobes. Corolla 7–9 mm diam. Corolla tube 2–4 mm long, 1–1.5 mm wide, glabrous. Corolla lobes glabrous. Posterior corolla lobe circular or elliptic or rhomboid, obtuse, 3.5–4.5 × 2– 4 mm. Lateral corolla lobes asymmetrically elliptic or oblong or ovate or deltoid, obtuse, flat, not enfolding stamens, 2.5–5.5 × 2–4 mm. Anterior corolla lobe elliptic or oblong or rhomboid, subacute or obtuse, 2.5–4.5 × 1.5–2.5 mm. Stamen filaments white, 1.5–2.5 mm long, not narrowed at base. Anthers magenta, 1 mm long. Nectarial disc minutely ciliolate. Ovary ovoid or fusiform, acute or subacute, glabrous, 1 mm long. Style 2.5–3.5 mm long. Stigma 0.5 mm wide. Capsules hygrochastic, narrowly angustiseptate (i.e., strongly flattened), emarginate or didymous, (3–)3.5–4 × 4–4.5 mm, 2 mm thick, glabrous. Septicidal split of capsule extending to base. Loculicidal split of capsule extending 1⁄4–1⁄2 way to base. Seeds 25–35 per locule, strongly flattened, smooth-surfaced, ellipsoid or obovoid, pale brown, 0.8–1 × 0.5–0.6 mm.
Subshrub, 35(–50) cm tall. Old stems grey (pale). Branches decumbent to ascending. Branchlets brown or black or purplish. Vegetative internodes 10–30(–60) mm long. Stem pubescence bifarious or uniform (usually uniform with denser bifarious bands, rarely almost glabrous), eglandular pubescent. Leaves decussate, erecto-patent to spreading. Lamina lanceolate or oblanceolate or ovate or elliptic, (20–)30–40(–80) × 10–18(–25) mm. Adaxial surface of leaves green or dark green, dull. Abaxial surface of leaves pale green or pinkish or whitish, dull. Leaf hairs numerous or sparse or absent (rarely), on adaxial surface and on abaxial surface, uniseriate eglandular. Apex acute to subacute. Base cuneate. Margin pubescent or glabrous (rarely), serrate. Marginal teeth or lobes in (3–)5–8(–13) pairs. Petiole 3–7 mm long. Inflorescence racemose, unbranched, 10–25 cm long at fruiting, with (10–) 14–20 flowers (NB: for reproductive characters only a few specimens sampled). Indumentum of peduncle, rachis, and pedicels sparse to moderately dense. Eglandular hairs of inflorescence patent, white or colourless. Peduncle 4–7 cm long, eglandular-pubescent; hairs all around peduncle. Rachis 7–10 cm long, eglandular-pubescent or glabrous (rarely), hairs all around rachis. Bracts alternate (spiralled), subacute to acuminate, eglandular-hairy abaxially and eglandular-hairy adaxially (at apex only), lanceolate. Bract margins entire. Pedicels erecto-patent at anthesis, incurved at fruiting, (8–)10–17(–21) mm long, eglandular-pubescent; hairs all around pedicel. Flowers: Calyx 4-lobed, 4–5 mm long. Calyx lobes linear to lanceolate, acute. Calyx hairs on both abaxial and adaxial surfaces, eglandular. Calyx lobe margins entire. Corolla white at anthesis. Nectar guides obscure or absent, confined to posterior corolla lobe if present. Colour ring and nectar guides magenta. Corolla throat yellow or greenish. Corolla 10–12 mm diam. Corolla tube 1–2 mm long, 1– 1.5 mm wide, hairy inside, hairs short. Corolla lobes glabrous. Posterior corolla lobe circular, obtuse or emarginate, 5 × 5 mm. Lateral corolla lobes circular, obtuse, longitudinally folded around stamens, 4.5–5 × 6–6.5 mm. Anterior corolla lobe elliptic to oblong, obtuse, 4–5 × 3–3.5 mm. Stamen filaments white, 4 mm long, narrowed at base. Anthers white, 1 mm long. Nectarial disc ciliate. Ovary ellipsoid, emarginate, eglandular hairy, 1–1.5 mm long. Style 3–4.5 mm long. Stigma 0.4 mm wide. Capsules xerochastic, broadly angustiseptate (i.e., weakly flattened), truncate to emarginate, (2–)3–4 × (2.5–)3– 3.5 mm, 1.8–2 mm thick, glabrous or hairy. Hairs eglandular, if present. Septicidal split of capsule extending to base. Loculicidal split of capsule extending 1⁄3–1⁄2 way to base. Seeds usually 15–30 per locule, strongly flattened, smooth-surfaced, obovoid, pale brown, (0.5–)0.6–0.8 × 0.6 mm.
Parahebe senex Garn.-Jones, sp. nov., P. lanceolato proxima autem habitu grandi; caulibus crassis; foliis interdum grandissimis (usque ad 80 ¥ 25 mm), laminis plerumque pilosis raro glabris; pedunculis uniformiter pilosis; calycibus et bracteis pilosis; nervis corollarum pallidioribus; antheris albis; ovariis et capsulis pilosis differt.
Subshrub, 2–5(–10) cm tall. Old stems grey. Branches prostrate to erect. Branchlets brown or red-brown. Vegetative internodes 2–15(–35) mm long. Stem pubescence uniform, eglandular pubescent. Leaves decussate, erecto-patent and recurved (i.e., petiole erectopatent; lamina recurved). Lamina orbicular to rhomboid, 2–6(–12) × (1.5–)2–6(–12) mm. Adaxial surface of leaves green or dark green, dull. Abaxial surface of leaves green or pale green or purple, dull. Leaf hairs sparse to dense or absent (rarely), when present on all parts of leaf, uniseriate eglandular. Apex subacute or obtuse or rounded or truncate. Base truncate. Margin glabrous or ciliate or pubescent, crenate or lobed. Marginal teeth or lobes in (1–)2–3(–4) pairs. Petiole (1–)3–5(–11) mm long. Inflorescence racemose, unbranched, (0.7–)1– 1.8(–4.5) cm long at fruiting, with 2–6(–8) flowers. Indumentum of peduncle, rachis, and pedicels moderately dense to very dense. Eglandular hairs of inflorescence erecto-patent to antrorse, white. Peduncle 0.5–1.5(–3) cm long, eglandular-pubescent; hairs all around peduncle. Rachis 0.2–1.5 cm long, eglandular-pubescent, hairs all around rachis. Bracts paired and opposite, obtuse or subacute, eglandular-hairy adaxially and eglandular-hairy abaxially, spathulate. Bract margins shallowly to deeply lobed. Pedicels suberect at anthesis, straight at fruiting, 1–4 mm long, eglandular-pubescent; hairs all around pedicel. Flowers: Calyx 4-lobed, 3– 5(–6) mm long. Calyx lobes oblanceolate or obovate, acute to subacute. Calyx hairs on margins only or on both abaxial and adaxial surfaces, eglandular. Calyx lobe margins entire or toothed (weakly, rarely). Corolla white at anthesis or mauve at anthesis (rarely). Nectar guides absent. Corolla throat same colour as lobes. Corolla (5–)6–8 mm diam. Corolla tube 3–4 mm long, 1.5–2 mm wide, glabrous. Corolla lobes glabrous. Posterior corolla lobe circular, obtuse, 3.5–4 × 3.5–4 mm. Lateral corolla lobes circular or elliptic (broadly), obtuse, flat, not enfolding stamens, (3–)3.5–4 × 3.5–4.5 mm. Anterior corolla lobe elliptic or oblong, obtuse, 3.5–4 × 1.5– 2 mm. Stamen filaments white, 2–3 mm long, not narrowed at base. Anthers pink or mauve, 0.8–1 mm long. Nectarial disc glabrous. Ovary globose, obtuse or emarginate, eglandular hairy, 1–1.5 mm long. Style 1.5–2 mm long. Stigma 0.2–0.25 mm wide. Capsules hygrochastic, narrowly angustiseptate (i.e., strongly flattened), emarginate to didymous, 3–4 × 3–4(–4.5) mm, 1.5–2 mm thick, hairy. Hairs eglandular. Septicidal split of capsule extending to base. Loculicidal split of capsule extending 1⁄2 way to base. Seeds (2–)15–40 per locule, strongly flattened, smooth-surfaced, ellipsoid or discoid, brown, 1–1.5 × 1–1.5 mm.
Subshrub, 3–20 cm tall. Old stems brown. Branches decumbent to ascending. Branchlets red-brown or purplish. Vegetative internodes 1–4 mm long. Stem pubescence uniform, eglandular pubescent and glandular pubescent. Leaves decussate, erecto-patent to spreading. Lamina obovate to spathulate, (4.5–)6–13 × (2.5–)4.5– 6 mm. Adaxial surface of leaves dark green or purple, dull. Abaxial surface of leaves dark green or purple, dull. Leaf hairs scattered to numerous, along margins or on all parts of leaf (sometimes), uniseriate eglandular and uniseriate glandular with globular head. Apex rounded or truncate. Base cuneate. Margin ciliate and glandular-ciliate, rarely entire or crenate. Marginal teeth or lobes in 1(–2) pairs. Petiole 1–3 mm long. Inflorescence a solitary bibracteolate flower or a pair of flowers, 1–2.5 cm long at fruiting. Indumentum of peduncle, rachis, and pedicels moderately dense to very dense. Eglandular hairs of inflorescence patent, white or colourless. Peduncle 0.5–1.5 cm long, eglandular-pubescent and glandular- pubescent; hairs all around peduncle. Bracts paired and opposite, obtuse, eglandular-hairy abaxially, ciliate with both glandular and eglandular hairs, and glandular pubescent abaxially, linear or spathulate. Bract margins entire. Pedicels erectopatent at anthesis to suberect at anthesis, straight at fruiting, 2.5–5 mm long, eglandular-pubescent and glandular-pubescent; hairs all around pedicel. Flowers: Calyx 4-lobed, 6.5–10 mm long. Calyx lobes spathulate, subacute to obtuse. Calyx hairs on both abaxial and adaxial surfaces, mixed eglandular and glandular (adaxial glandular hairs few). Calyx lobe margins entire. Corolla white at anthesis. Nectar guides absent. Corolla throat same colour as lobes. Corolla 18–22 (–25) mm diam. Corolla tube 2.5– 4.5 mm long, 1.5–2 mm wide, glabrous. Corolla lobes glabrous. Posterior corolla lobe circular or obovate, obtuse, 10–12 × 10–12 mm. Lateral corolla lobes circular, obtuse, flat, not enfolding stamens, 10–13 × 8–11 mm. Anterior corolla lobe circular or obovate, obtuse, 9–12 × 10–12 mm. Stamen filaments white, 3–4 mm long, not narrowed at base. Anthers magenta or purple, 1.2–1.5 mm long. Nectarial disc glabrous. Ovary ovoid, acute or subacute, eglandular hairy and glandular hairy (at apex), 2–2.5 mm long. Style 3.5–4.5 mm long. Stigma 0.4–0.6 mm wide. Capsules hygrochastic, narrowly angustiseptate (i.e., strongly flattened), emarginate, 4–5 × 4–5 mm, 1–2 mm thick, hairy. Hairs eglandular and glandular. Septicidal split of capsule extending 1⁄2 way to base to to base. Loculicidal split of capsule extending to base. Seeds not known, ellipsoid, straw yellow or pale brown, 0.9–1 × 0.5–0.7 mm.
Parahebe spectabilis Garn.-Jones, sp. nov., affinis P. birleyi, foliis trilobatis, ciliis saepe glandulosis, pedicellis longioribus, calycibus longioribus, corollis grandioribus differt.
Subshrub, 5–15(–20) cm tall. Old stems brown or grey. Branches prostrate to ascending. Branchlets brown or purplish. Vegetative internodes 1–5 mm long. Stem pubescence uniform, eglandular pubescent (retrorse, appressed). Leaves decussate or subdistichous, erecto-patent. Lamina oblanceolate or obovate or oblong or elliptic or spathulate or orbicular (rarely), (2–)4–10 × (1–)2– 6(–7) mm. Adaxial surface of leaves green or bronze green, glossy. Abaxial surface of leaves green or bronze green or purple, glossy (often wrinkled and black when dry). Leaf hairs sparse to scattered or absent, along margins and on petiole, uniseriate glandular with globular head. Apex subacute or obtuse or rounded. Base cuneate. Margin minutely papillate, glandular-ciliate, and ciliate (rarely), rarely entire or crenate or serrate or lobed. Marginal teeth or lobes in (0–)1–2(–3) pairs. Petiole 1(–2) mm long. Inflorescence a solitary bibracteolate flower or a pair of flowers (rarely 3), 1.5–2.5 cm long at fruiting. Indumentum of peduncle, rachis, and pedicels moderately dense to very dense. Eglandular hairs of inflorescence deflexed (glandular hairs patent), white. Peduncle 0.2–1 cm long, eglandular-pubescent and glandular-pubescent; hairs all around peduncle. Rachis 2–5 cm long, eglandular-pubescent and glandular- pubescent, hairs all around rachis. Bracts alternate (spiralled) or paired and opposite, subacute or acute, glandular ciliate, glandular pubescent abaxially, and glandular pubescent adaxially (sparse or absent), elliptic or obovate. Bract margins entire. Pedicels suberect at anthesis, straight at fruiting, (0.5–)3–7 mm long, eglandular-pubescent and glandular- pubescent; hairs all around pedicel. Flowers: Calyx 4-lobed, 5–6.5(–8) mm long. Calyx lobes oblanceolate or spathulate, subacute or obtuse. Calyx hairs on both abaxial and adaxial surfaces, mixed eglandular and glandular (mostly glandular). Calyx lobe margins entire. Corolla white at anthesis or mauve at anthesis (rarely). Nectar guides absent. Corolla throat yellow. Corolla 15–20 mm diam. Corolla tube 1.5–3 mm long, 1.5–2 mm wide, glabrous. Corolla lobes glabrous. Posterior corolla lobe elliptic or obovate, obtuse, 8–10 × 4–7 mm. Lateral corolla lobes elliptic or obovate, obtuse, flat, not enfolding stamens, 8–10 × 4–7 mm. Anterior corolla lobe elliptic or obovate, obtuse, 8–10 × 3–6 mm. Stamen filaments white, 3–4 mm long, not narrowed at base. Anthers mauve to purple, 1–1.5 mm long. Nectarial disc glabrous. Ovary ellipsoid, acute, glabrous or glandular hairy (sparsely at apex), 2– 2.5 mm long. Style 3–4 mm long. Stigma 0.3–0.5 mm wide. Capsules hygrochastic, narrowly angustiseptate (i.e., strongly flattened), emarginate, 4.5–6 × 2.5–3 mm, 1.5–2 mm thick, usually glabrous or hairy (sparsely). Hairs glandular, if present. Septicidal split of capsule extending to base. Loculicidal split of capsule extending 1⁄2 way to base. Seeds approx. 30–45 per locule, strongly flattened, smooth-surfaced, ellipsoid or obovoid, pale brown, 0.5–0.8 × 0.4–0.6 mm.
Softly woody small shrubs, or prostrate mat or cushion plants. Stems prostrate, decumbent, suberect to erect, woody or semiwoody, rooting at lower nodes when in contact with the ground; stem hairs bifarious or uniform or absent, white or fulvous, straight or curved. Leaves sessile or petiolate, decussate, but sometimes pseudodistichous on prostrate stems, entire, crenate, serrate, or shallowly pinnatifid. Shoot apex not enclosed in a tight bud of many overlapping leaf pairs, opposite leaves of a pair separating while still quite small (cf. most species of Hebe). Inflorescence axillary, bracteate or bracteolate, a diffuse many-flowered or few-flowered raceme, a pair of flowers, or a solitary bibracteolate flower. Calyx deeply and evenly 4-lobed, or with a smaller fifth lobe, or sometimes lobes in slightly unequal pairs, the posterior longer. Corolla white, sometimes pale pink or blue; tube white or yellow, hairy inside or glabrous, short or moderately long; throat white or with pink or mauve eye; lobes 4 or 5 (rarely 6), unequal. Stamens 2, posterior, anthers dorsifixed, versatile, introrse, usually exserted or borne at throat. Style usually equalling stamen filaments, stigma capitate. Capsule subterete or flattened, angustiseptate, apiculate to obtuse to emarginate, xerochastic or hygrochastic, dehiscing septicidally in most species, and usually to a lesser extent loculicidally as well, rarely only loculicidally. Seeds many, ovate and flattened, or ovoid, small, smooth.

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Key to species

Surface of lamina hairy with short or long eglandular or glandular hairs
Surface of lamina glabrous except sometimes along midrib above or on margins near base
Inflorescence 1–3(–7)-flowered; lateral corolla lobes not longitudinally folded; capsule strongly angustiseptate, hygrochastic
Inflorescence (4–)7–30–flowered; lateral corolla lobes longitudinally folded around stamens; capsule weakly angustiseptate to turgid, xerochastic
Minute prostrate herb; leaves entire; lamina plus petiole 1–2.5(–3.5) mm long; corolla blue with darker nectar guides, tube 1 mm long
Small subshrubs or cushion plants; leaves pinnatifid or lobed, rarely entire; lamina plus petiole (3–)4– 12(–24) mm long; corolla white, rarely mauve, without nectar guides, tube (1.5–)2–4(–7) mm long
Cushion- or mat-forming subshrubs; leaf lamina hairs arching or very short, always eglandular; petiole = or > lamina; corolla tube > lobes
Sprawling or decumbent subshrubs; leaf lamina hairs long, glandular or eglandular; petiole < lamina; corolla tube < lobes
Calyx lobes pinnatifid; flowers solitary or 2(–3) together; corolla tube 3.5–7 mm long, longer than lobes; capsule dehiscence loculicidal only
Calyx lobes entire or bluntly toothed; flowers 2–6(–8); corolla tube 3–4 mm long, about = lobes; capsule dehiscence septicidal and loculicidal
Leaves glossy, bright green or bronze-green or purple-tinged
Leaves dull, dark green or purplish
Corolla 8–10 mm diam.; leaves mostly 5–7-lobed; leaf hairs mostly short and eglandular
Corolla 18–25 mm diam.; leaves mostly 3-lobed; leaf hairs mixed eglandular and glandular
Leaf hairs short, eglandular; leaves serrate; leaf marginal teeth in (3–)5–8(–13) pairs; corolla white with magenta nectar guides; capsule with short hairs, seeds 0.5–0.8 mm long
Leaf hairs long, eglandular and sometimes glandular; leaf marginal teeth in (1–)2–3(–4) pairs; corolla mauve with mauve or magenta nectar guides; capsule glabrous; seeds 1–3 mm long
Inflorescence 1–7-flowered; peduncle 0–5(–4) cm long; lateral corolla lobes not longitudinally folded around stamens
Inflorescence (4–)7–35-flowered; peduncle (1.5–)4–12 mm long; lateral corolla lobes longitudinally folded around stamens
Stem usually hairy; leaves narrowly elliptic to orbicular, at least some shallowly toothed; inflorescence 1(–3)-flowered; capsule heart-shaped, strongly flattened, hygrochastic
Stem glabrous or with a few hairs in distal parts of internodes; leaves linear to narrowly elliptic, always entire; inflorescence (1–)3–8-flowered; capsule didymous, weakly flattened, xerochastic
Lax subshrub; stem hairs antrorse, curved; lamina elliptic to orbicular, toothed; peducle, rachis, and pedicels hairy
Compact subshrub, cushion or mat; stem hairs patent; lamina oblanceolate, oblong, elliptic, or rhomboid, shallowly and bluntly toothed or some leaves entire; peduncle, rachis, and pedicels glabrous
Corolla tube 0.5–1.5 mm long, hairy inside, lobes spreading; nectar guides evident; stamen filaments 4–8 mm long; style (4–)6–8(–9) mm long
Corolla tube (1.2–)1.5–2.5(3.5) mm long, glabrous, lobes suberect; nectar guides absent or few and pale; stamen filaments 1–3 mm long; style (2–)3(–4) mm long
Leaves markedly discolorous, green above and white beneath; pedicel hairs in one row
Leaves concolorous or weakly discolorous, not white beneath; pedicel hairs uniformly distributed
Stems strictly prostrate, with uniformly distributed curved eglandular hairs, leaves 1.4–4(–5) × 1–3(–5) mm, lyrate with rounded apex and 1(–2) pairs of small rounded basal lobes, basal pedicels of inflorescence in loose whorl of three .
Stems prostrate to erect, with bifarious hairs or long tangled eglandular hairs, leaves (3–)5–100 × (1.5–) 5–25 mm, variously shaped but never lyrate, apex rounded to acute or acuminate, margin toothed or crenate, with (1–)3–25 pairs of teeth or lobes; basal pedicels of inflorescence not in a loose whorl of three
Leaf width about ¾ length; base cuneate; apex rounded to subacute to acute; margin finely serrate with out-turned acute teeth in (1–)3–15 pairs
Leaf width about ½ length; base truncate or abruptly cuneate; apex rounded; margin bluntly serrate with rounded teeth or crenations in 1–4(–10) pairs
Stems prostrate, dark colouring contrasting with pale green petioles; leaf obovate or oblanceolate, broadest above ½-way, sometimes elliptic
Stems prostrate to erect, brown or reddish and not contrasting with the reddish-brown petioles; leaf ovate to lanceolate to linear, broadest at or below ½-way, sometimes elliptic
Calyx, ovary, and capsule hairy with short straight pale hairs
Calyx, ovary, and capsule glabrous
Peduncles 1.5–5(–6) cm long; bracts and calyx lobes ciliate or hairy on one or both surfaces; corolla pink, violet or mauve with magenta or mauve nectar guides; seeds 1–3 mm long
Peduncles (2–)6–12 cm long; bracts and calyx lobes glabrous, or ciliolate, or ciliate; corolla white, with or without magenta nectar guides; seeds 0.6–0.8 mm long

Reproduced with permission from New Zealand Journal of Botany and The Royal Society of New Zealand Te Apārangi.

Key to subspecies of Parahebe cheesemanii

Lamina (excluding petiole) ovate, deltoid, spathulate, or rhomboid, pinnatifid, lobed to ¾-way or more; petiole hairs 0.5–1 mm long
Lamina (excluding petiole) elliptic or orbicular, crenate to shallowly pinnatifid, lobed to about ½-way; petiole hairs 0.3–0.5 mm long

Reproduced with permission from New Zealand Journal of Botany and The Royal Society of New Zealand Te Apārangi.

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20 December 2004
21 November 2023