Myosotis lyallii subsp. elderi (L.B.Moore) Meudt & Prebble

Myosotis lyallii subsp. elderi (L.B.Moore) Meudt & Prebble, Austral. Syst. Bot. 31: 99-102 (2018)
Myosotis lyallii subsp. elderi (L.B.Moore) Meudt & Prebble
Meudt & Prebble
(L.B.Moore) Meudt & Prebble
Myosotis lyallii subsp. elderi
Perennial herb with adventitious roots from bases of old rosette-lvs. Rosette-lvs us. c. 2-3 cm. × 6-10 mm., lamina obovate, longer than the winged petiole, obtuse; hairs long, ± spreading, almost or quite absent on undersurface which is always glab. in old lvs. Lateral branches decumbent, up to 6 cm. long, internodes < lvs. Stem-lvs c. 10 × 5 mm., about oblong, ± acute, often distichous; bracts smaller, narrower, acute; hairs rather long on both surfaces and fringing margin. Cymes us. simple, often < 12-fld, bracteate in lower part at least, internodes short; pedicels very short. Calyx 4-5 mm. long in fl., up to 8 mm, in fr., lobes c. 1/2 length, broad, subacute, the whole calyx evenly covered with mixed long and short spreading soft hairs. Corolla white, blue or pinkish, c. 6 mm. diam., tube c. 5 mm. long, cylindric, lobes c. 2 × 2.5 mm., broadly and bluntly rounded, overlapping at sinus, flat; filaments short, anthers > 1 mm. long, tips protruding above rather large scales; style c. 2 × calyx, stigma capitate. Nutlets dark, the few seen 1·4-2 × 0.9-1·2 mm.
Rosette lvs, 2-3 cm long, obovate; hairs long, silky, ± spreading, few or 0 abaxially. Lateral branches decumbent, rooting from some nodes. Stem lvs < internodes, often distichous; bracts smaller, with long hairs fringing margins. Cymes simple, few-flowered, bracteate at least in lower part. Calyx evenly covered with mixed long and short spreading soft hairs. Corolla white, blue, or pinkish, c. 6 mm diam.; tube cylindric; filaments short; anther tips protruding.
Taxonomic concepts
Myosotis elderi L.B.Moore
Myosotis elderi L.B.Moore
Myosotis elderi L.B.Moore
Myosotis lyallii subsp. elderi (L.B.Moore) Meudt & Prebble
Myosotis elderi L.B.Moore
Myosotis lyallii subsp. elderi (L.B.Moore) Meudt & Prebble
Myosotis lyallii subsp. elderi (L.B.Moore) Meudt & Prebble
Myosotis lyallii subsp. elderi (L.B.Moore) Meudt & Prebble
scientific name
2 March 2018
2 March 2018