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Myoporum Sol. ex G.Forst.

Scientific name record
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Myoporum Sol. ex G.Forst., Fl. Ins. Austr. 44 (1786)
Myoporum Sol. ex G.Forst.

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region

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Sol. ex G.Forst.
Myoporum Sol. ex G.Forst.

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Myoporum Sol. ex G.Forst.

Fls 5-merous, solitary or in abbreviated cymes. Ovary us. 2-4-loculed with us. 1-(2) ovules in each locule. Fr. a ± succulent drupe. Shrubs or small trees with alt. entire or serrate gland-dotted lvs. Some 30 spp., mainly Australian, with a few reaching to China and Japan.

Myoporum Sol. ex G.Forst.

Semi-prostrate shrubs to medium-sized trees, with vegetative parts glabrous. Lvs often dotted with glands, entire or serrate, often viscid in bud. Fls usually in fascicles, sometimes solitary. Calyx segments (4)-5-(6), imbricate. Corolla tube mostly < lobes; lobes usually 5, subequal or slightly 2-lipped, ± white. Ovary usually 2-4-locular with usually 1-(2) ovules per locule. Fr. a ± succulent drupe, generally white to purple.

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Myoporum Sol. ex G.Forst.
Myoporum Sol. ex G.Forst.
Myoporum Sol. ex G.Forst.
Myoporum Sol. ex G.Forst.
Myoporum Sol. ex G.Forst.
Myoporum Sol. ex G.Forst.
Myoporum Sol. ex G.Forst.
Myoporum Sol. ex G.Forst.
Myoporum Sol. ex G.Forst.
Myoporum Sol. ex G.Forst.
Myoporum Sol. ex G.Forst.

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Myoporum Sol. ex G.Forst.
French Polynesia
Myoporum Sol. ex G.Forst.
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Myoporum Sol. ex G.Forst.
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District
Myoporum Sol. ex G.Forst.
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Myoporum Sol. ex G.Forst.
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Myoporum Sol. ex G.Forst.
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Myoporum Sol. ex G.Forst.
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District
Myoporum Sol. ex G.Forst.
New Zealand
Wellington Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
5 May 2011
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