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Deyeuxia aucklandica (Hook.f.) Zotov

Scientific name record
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Threat status: Not threatened
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(Hook.f.) Zotov
Deyeuxia aucklandica

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Deyeuxia aucklandica (Hook.f.) Zotov

2n = 42
2n = 56

Deyeuxia aucklandica (Hook.f.) Zotov

Open to dense, stiff tufts or small tussocks, 6-35-(55) cm tall; innovations extravaginal. Leaf-sheaths subcoriaceous, distinctly nerved, smooth and glabrous, or sparsely scabrous to densely scaberulous between nerves, light green to light brown, rarely purplish; ligule 0.5-2 mm, truncate, abaxially smooth or rarely sparsely ciliate-scabrous; leafblades 2.5-15 cm × 0.3-1.5 mm, folded with inrolled margins, setaceous to filiform or wiry, abaxially smooth, or rarely scabrous, adaxially scabrous on nerves, margins sparsely scabrous, narrowed to blunt tip. Culms 4-35 cm tall, erect or curved, sometimes geniculate at base, either distinctly scabrous below panicle (most North I. plants), to slightly scabrous near panicle or completely smooth; nodes usually inconspicuous. Panicle 2—5.5—(11) cm × (2)—3—18— (22) mm, ± loosely spiciform, narrowly branched, widest at anthesis, later becoming contracted; rachis, branchlets and pedicels densely scabrous, or rachis smooth, with branchlets scabrous or smooth. Spikelets 3-5.5 mm, greenish or purplish, becoming pale brown. Glumes 1-3-nerved, linear- to elliptic-lanceolate, acute, membranous, often scabrous near tip and on upper part of midnerve. Lemma (2)-2.4- 3.8 mm, usually slightly <¾ length of glumes, submembranous, smooth to finely papillose, sometimes finely scabrous above, ovate-lanceolate, tip hyaline, truncate, denticulate; awn 2-4.5 mm, usually stout and reflexed, projecting from between glumes, occasionally slightly twisted at base, from upper 1/3 of lemma or about mid-dorsal. Palea slightly < to ± = lemma, keels scabrous in upper ½ and interkeels sometimes sparsely scabrous, tip obtuse or bifid. Callus hairs rather dense, 1.5-2.5 mm, c. ½-2/3 length of lemma, very rarely = lemma. Lodicules 0.6- 1 mm, lanceolate, subacute. Rachilla 1-1.5 mm, tipped by a strong tuft of hairs 1-2 mm reaching top of lemma or slightly overtopping lemma. Anthers 0.6-1.4 mm. Caryopsis 1.6-2.2 × 0.4-0.9 mm. Endemic.

Deyeuxia aucklandica (Hook.f.) Zotov

Open to dense, stiff tufts or small tussocks, 6-35-(55) cm; branching extravaginal. Leaf-sheath subcoriaceous, distinctly ribbed, smooth, or sparsely scabrid to densely scaberulous between ribs, light green to light brown, rarely purplish. Ligule 0.5-2 mm, truncate, abaxially smooth or rarely sparsely minutely hairy or scabrid. Leaf-blade 2.5-15 cm × 0.3-1.5 mm, folded with inrolled margins, setaceous to filiform or wiry, abaxially smooth, or rarely scabrid, adaxially scabrid on ribs, margins sparsely scabrid, narrowed to blunt tip. Culm 4-35 cm, erect or curved, sometimes geniculate at base, nodes usually inconspicuous, internodes either distinctly scabrid below panicle (most North Id plants), to slightly scabrid near panicle or completely smooth. Panicle 2-5.5-(11) cm × (2)-3-18-(22) mm, ± loosely spiciform, narrowly branched, widest at anthesis, later becoming contracted; rachis, branches and pedicels densely scabrid, or rachis smooth and branches scabrid or smooth. Spikelets 3-5.5 mm, greenish or purplish, becoming pale brown. Glumes 1-3-nerved, linear- to elliptic-lanceolate, acute, membranous, often scabrid near tip and on midnerve above. Lemma (2)-2.4-3.8 mm, usually ± ¾ length of glumes, submembranous, smooth to finely papillose, sometimes finely scabrid above, ovate-lanceolate, apex hyaline, truncate, denticulate; awn 2-4.5 mm, usually stout and reflexed, projecting from between glumes, occasionally slightly twisted at base, from upper ⅓ of lemma or c. middorsal. Palea ˜ lemma, keels scabrid in upper ½, interkeel sometimes sparsely scabrid, apex obtuse or bifid. Callus hairs rather dense, 1.5-2.5 mm, c. ½-⅔ length of lemma, very rarely = lemma. Rachilla prolongation 1-1.5 mm, tipped by a strong tuft of hairs 1-2 mm reaching lemma apex or slightly overtopping lemma. Lodicules 0.6-1 mm, lanceolate, subacute. Anthers 0.6-1.4 mm. Caryopsis 1.6-2.2 × 0.4-0.9 mm.

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Deyeuxia aucklandica (Hook.f.) Zotov
Deyeuxia aucklandica (Hook.f.) Zotov
Deyeuxia aucklandica (Hook.f.) Zotov
Deyeuxia aucklandica (Hook.f.) Zotov
Deyeuxia aucklandica (Hook.f.) Zotov
Deyeuxia aucklandica (Hook.f.) Zotov
Deyeuxia aucklandica (Hook.f.) Zotov
Deyeuxia aucklandica (Hook.f.) Zotov
Deyeuxia aucklandica (Hook.f.) Zotov
Deyeuxia aucklandica (Hook.f.) Zotov
Deyeuxia aucklandica (Hook.f.) Zotov
Deyeuxia aucklandica (Hook.f.) Zotov
Deyeuxia aucklandica (Hook.f.) Zotov
Deyeuxia aucklandica (Hook.f.) Zotov
Deyeuxia aucklandica (Hook.f.) Zotov
Deyeuxia aucklandica (Hook.f.) Zotov

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Deyeuxia aucklandica (Hook.f.) Zotov
New Zealand
Deyeuxia aucklandica (Hook.f.) Zotov
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Deyeuxia aucklandica (Hook.f.) Zotov
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Deyeuxia aucklandica (Hook.f.) Zotov
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Deyeuxia aucklandica (Hook.f.) Zotov
New Zealand
Westland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
18 April 2022
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