Leptinella lanata Hook.f.

Leptinella lanata Hook.f., Bot. Antarct. Voy. I. (Fl. Antarct.) Part I, 26, t. 19 (1844)
Leptinella lanata Hook.f.
26, t. 19
Leptinella lanata Hook.f.
Leptinella lanata
Stems stout, decumbent, woody, ascending at tips, up to 3 dm. long; branches rather distant, clad for some time in lf-bases, ± densely clad in white woolly subappressed hairs (occ. only sparsely hairy). Lvs crowded towards tips of branches and branchlets. Lamina 20-25-(75) × 6-10 mm., on stout sheathing bases; oblong in outline to obovate-oblong, pinnate to pinnatifid with broad flat costa, rather thick, minutely glandular, clad in dense to sparse woolly hairs; segs with ascending teeth on upper or both margins. Primary pinnae when developed close-set, curved. Scape terminal, stout, < lvs, pilose, especially near capitulum. Bracts us. several, close-set in lower part of scape, broadly subulate; narrower and more distant in upper part. Capitula (5)-7-10 mm. (occ. larger); receptacle convex. Phyll. in several series, broad-oblong to broad-ovate, 2-3 mm. long, pale green, obtuse, ± chartaceous, ± pilose. Florets glandular; ♀ ovoid-oblong, minutely 4-toothed; ♂ us. ∞, narrow-funnelform, 5-toothed. Achenes 2-3 mm. long, obovoid-compressed, slightly curved, glandular, subtetragonous.
Leptinella lanata Hook.f.
2n = 52
2n = 52
A robust but small-leaved, diffusely creeping perennial herb. Rhizomes on soil or rock surface, stout, 1-4 mm diam., covered with a thick mat of tangled woolly hairs but eventually becoming ± glabrous, brown and slightly woody; branches us. clustered, up to 4 radiating from around a flowering node, often repeated every few nodes several times per season; leaves 2-4 clustered at the apex, most 2-5 cm distant. Short shoots us. absent, occ. present as a few reduced leaves. Roots largely confined to older stems, us. slender, up to 1 mm diam. Leaves 1-pinnatifid, 1.0-2.5 × 0.4-1.0 cm; blade 0.5-2.0 cm long, broadly elliptic, thick, subfleshy, light green, with a few woolly hairs when young, especially on rhachis, later glabrous; midrib not raised on ventral surface; pinnae 3-5 pairs, distal ones overlapping, cut to rhachis, broadly elliptic or oblong if undivided; teeth up to 4 per pinna, on larger pinnae, mostly on distal margin, cut ca. ½ across pinna, triangular, obtuse. Peduncles borne on rhizomes, longer than leaves, 1-3 cm, nude, slender but with a thick mat of woolly hairs. Monoecious. Heads 0.6-1.0 cm diam., surface hemispherical; involucre hemispherical; phyllaries ca. 30 in 2-3 subequal rows, broadly elliptic, thick and subfleshy, green with deciduous woolly hairs and a narrow us. transparent scarious margin, not growing after anthesis; pistillate florets 50-100 in 2 or more rows, ca. 3.0 mm long, almost straight, yellow-green, corolla twice as long as wide, with equal teeth, staminate florets fewer, 70-90. Achenes up to 2.3 × 0.8 mm, not compressed, obscurely 4-angled, golden-brown, shiny, unwrinkled. Probably flowers from spring to autumn.
Taxonomic concepts
Cotula lanata (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Leptinella lanata Hook.f.
Cotula lanata (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Leptinella lanata Hook.f.
Leptinella lanata Hook.f.
Leptinella lanata Hook.f.
Leptinella lanata Hook.f.
Leptinella lanata Hook.f.
Leptinella lanata Hook.f.
Leptinella lanata Hook.f.
Leptinella lanata Hook.f.
Leptinella lanata Hook.f.
Leptinella lanata Hook.f.
Leptinella lanata Hook.f.
Leptinella lanata Hook.f.
Leptinella lanata Hook.f.
Identification keys
scientific name
1 January 2000
10 November 2005