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Ourisia confertifolia Arroyo

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Ourisia confertifolia Arroyo, New Zealand J. Bot. 22: 447 (1984)
Ourisia confertifolia Arroyo

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New Zealand
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Ourisia confertifolia Arroyo
Ourisia confertifolia

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Ourisia confertifolia Arroyo

Rhizomatous herb with congested internodes forming compact, isolated rosettes 2-3.5 cm across with 2-6 tiers of viable leaves, anchored by tufts of thick, tabular roots, 1.5-2.5 mm wide produced along the horizontal, underground portion of the stem. Leaves isophyllous, thickly subcoriaceous, light green, only briefly persistent with age; blades reflexed away from axis, broadly spathulate to suborbicular, 0.5-1.3 (0.7)* cm long, 0.2-0.5 (0.5) cm wide, obtuse, attenuate at base, with 3-5 (4) pairs of very shallow notches, upper surface densely clad and concealed for most part by very long, tapering, shaggy, sericeous, eglandular, multicellular hairs to 3 mm long, intermixed with shorter glandular pubescence, lower surface glabrous, often tinged red, 5-8 (6) major veins evident; petioles reddish, short but broad, 0.2-0.3 (0.2) cm long, 0.1-0.3 (0.2) cm wide. Inflorescence stout, somewhat flexuous; peduncle 3.7-4.5 (4.1) cm long in flower, 5.0-7.5 (5.8) cm long in fruit, clothed in erect, multicellular gland-tipped pubescence to c. 1 mm long; peduncle bearing a pair of cauline leaves, and 2-4 obovate-spathulate distinctly concave, minutely 5-8 (6) -crenulate to subentire bracts in pairs, 0.5-1.3 (0.7) cm long, 0.5-0.7 (0.5) cm wide, obtuse to retuse, inserted at 45° to the peduncle, abaxially clad in long, gland-tipped hairs mixed with some eglandular pubescence towards the margin, adaxially very sparsely pubescent on the upper half and with 3 longitudinal veins evident. Flowers 1-3 with one of the uppermost and/or both of the lowermost pairs of bracts sterile; pedicels 0.5-1.5 (1.0) cm long in flower, 1.0-2.0 (1.5) cm in fruit, glandular pubescent, hardly exceeding the subtending bracts; calyx distinctly bilabiate, obtriangular, streaked with purple-blue lines externally, 0.5-0.8 (0.6) cm long, 0.4-0.7 (0.6) cm wide, base acute, evenly clothed with a mixture of long glandular and eglandular pubescence externally, some hairs also on the inside, lobes elliptic to ovate-elliptic, 0.1-0.4 (0.2) cm wide, acute, the 2 anterior lobes cleft to base, the 3 posterior united for ½-2/3 length. Corolla entirely glabrous, to 2 cm wide, white except for the throat flushed yellowish-green below; tube narrow, curved, much shorter than the calyx; corolla lobes ovate to obovate-oblong, briefly emarginate, not angular, the two posterior lobes 0.9—1.1 (1.0) cm long, 0.7-0.8 (0.7) cm wide, somewhat spreading, the three anterior 0.8-1.2 (1.0) cm long, 0.6-0.8 (0.7) cm wide, erect to only mildly spreading; longitudinal axis of the corolla much longer than the transverse axis; style 0.5-0.6 (0.5) cm long, angled at the base, briefly exserted from throat, stigma white; filaments to 8 mm long, anthers purple, 1.0-1.5 cm long. Capsule glabrous, ovoid, to 8 mm long, during development protected by the erect expanded calyx lobes, these remaining persistent dehiscence; seeds minute, brown, reticulate. *Non-hyphenated numbers are average (measurements) or modal (numerical values) values. Hyphenated bracketed numbers indicate ranges.
Folia ad apicem caulis rosulata, laminis spathulatis vel rotundatis, obtusis, supra pubescentia multicellulosa sericea eglandulifera dense vestitis pubescentia glandulifera intermixta, basi sensim in petiolum attenuatis; bracteae in paribus oppositis, obtusae vel retusae, erectae, concavae, subintegrae; flores 1-5; calyx bilabiatus, obtriangularis, lobis ellipticis vel oblongis-ellipticis, acutis, extus pubescentia glandulifera et eglandulifera vestitis; 2 lobi calycis anteriores fissi ad basim; 3 lobi posteriores conjuncti ad '/i vel %; corolla omnino glabra, alba praeter faucem subtus flavam, lobis corollae obovatis-oblongis, obtusis vel retusis, emarginatis, aegre patulis; axis corollae longitudinalis axe transversali longior.

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Ourisia confertifolia Arroyo
Ourisia confertifolia Arroyo
Ourisia confertifolia Arroyo
Ourisia confertifolia Arroyo
Ourisia confertifolia Arroyo
Ourisia confertifolia Arroyo
Ourisia confertifolia Arroyo
Ourisia confertifolia Arroyo
Ourisia confertifolia Arroyo
Ourisia confertifolia Arroyo
Ourisia confertifolia Arroyo
Ourisia confertifolia Arroyo
Ourisia confertifolia Arroyo
Ourisia confertifolia Arroyo
Ourisia confertifolia Arroyo
Ourisia confertifolia Arroyo
Ourisia confertifolia Arroyo

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Ourisia confertifolia Arroyo
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Ourisia confertifolia Arroyo
New Zealand
Southland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
19 September 2006
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