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Veronica diosmifolia A.Cunn.

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Veronica diosmifolia A.Cunn., Bot. Mag. 63, sub-plate 3461 (1836)
Veronica diosmifolia A.Cunn.

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New Zealand
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sub-plate 3461
Veronica diosmifolia A.Cunn.
Veronica diosmifolia
The epithet means leaves like Diosma, a genus of Rutaceae.
Lectotype (designated by Bayly & Kellow 2004): a slender twiggy shrub from 3–12 feet high found first at the head of the Wycaddy [Waikare] River and afterwards below the fall of the Keri Keri – also on the South Head of Hokianga, New Zealand, R. Cunningham no. 301, 1834, Allan Cunningham’s New Zealand herbarium, K, piece mounted on the lower left of a sheet (which also includes material collected by Hector)

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Much-branched shrub 1-6 m. tall. Branchlets rather slender, hairy-pubescent, length of internodes c. 2-4 × diam. Lvs suberect to spreading, sts almost distichous, 1-3 cm. × 3-6 mm., narrow-lanceolate to obovate-oblong, subcoriac.; lf-bud with long narrow sinus; lamina glab., narrowly acute, margins slightly thickened, us. with 1 to several pairs of narrow incisions. Infls lateral, compound, branches often as many as 5-6 all of first order, several adjacent infls together forming a flat-topped corymbose head projecting above lvs; peduncle us. < lvs, finely hairy pubescent. Pedicels 2-5 mm. long, much > narrow-ovate ciliolate bracts. Calyx-lobes c. 1·5 mm. long, ± ovate, obtuse, ciliolate, anterior lobes us. fused for most of their length. Corolla white or bluish, tube 2-2.5 mm. long, lobes 3-4 mm. long, ovate, subacute. Capsule erect, 4-5 × 2.5-3 mm., acute, glab., c. 3 × calyx.

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Hebe diosmifolia (A.Cunn.) Cockayne & Allan
Veronica diosmifolia A.Cunn.
Hebe diosmifolia (A.Cunn.) Andersen
Veronica diosmifolia A.Cunn.
Hebe diosmifolia var. trisepala (Colenso) A.Wall
Veronica diosmifolia A.Cunn.
Hebe diosmifolia var. trisepala (Colenso) A.Wall
Veronica diosmifolia A.Cunn.
Hebe diosmifolia var. vernalis Carse
Veronica diosmifolia A.Cunn.
Hebe diosmifolia var. vernalis Carse
Veronica diosmifolia A.Cunn.
Hebe menziesii (Benth.) Cockayne & Allan
Veronica diosmifolia A.Cunn.
Hebe menziesii (Benth.) Cockayne & Allan
Veronica diosmifolia A.Cunn.
Veronica diosmifolia A.Cunn.
Veronica diosmifolia A.Cunn.
Veronica diosmifolia A.Cunn.
Veronica diosmifolia A.Cunn.
Veronica diosmifolia A.Cunn.
Veronica diosmifolia A.Cunn.
Veronica diosmifolia A.Cunn.
Veronica diosmifolia A.Cunn.
Veronica diosmifolia A.Cunn.
Veronica diosmifolia A.Cunn.
Veronica diosmifolia var. trisepala (Colenso) Kirk
Veronica diosmifolia A.Cunn.
Veronica diosmifolia var. trisepala (Colenso) Kirk
Veronica diosmifolia A.Cunn.
Veronica menziesii Benth.
Veronica diosmifolia A.Cunn.
Veronica trisepala Colenso
Veronica diosmifolia A.Cunn.

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New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Veronica diosmifolia A.Cunn.
[Not available]
Veronica diosmifolia A.Cunn.
New Zealand
Veronica diosmifolia A.Cunn.
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Veronica diosmifolia A.Cunn.
New Zealand
Gisborne Land District
Veronica diosmifolia A.Cunn.
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Veronica diosmifolia A.Cunn.
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District
Veronica diosmifolia A.Cunn.
New Zealand
Wellington Land District

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Lectotype (designated by Bayly & Kellow 2004): a slender twiggy shrub from 3–12 feet high found first at the head of the Wycaddy [Waikare] River and afterwards below the fall of the Keri Keri – also on the South Head of Hokianga, New Zealand, R. Cunningham no. 301, 1834, Allan Cunningham’s New Zealand herbarium, K, piece mounted on the lower left of a sheet (which also includes material collected by Hector)
The epithet means leaves like Diosma, a genus of Rutaceae.

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scientific name
18 January 2007
3 January 2023
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