Grammitis ciliata Colenso

Grammitis ciliata Colenso, Tasmanian J. Nat. Sci. 2: 166 (1845)
Grammitis ciliata Colenso
Grammitis ciliata
Lectotype (selected by Allan 1961): shores of Waikare Lake [L. Waikaremoana], W. Colenso, Dec. 1841, WELT P003192!
Vernacular names
Grammitis ciliata Colenso
Rhizome short, bearing pale brown ovate acute paleae, c. 5 mm. long; stipites crowded. Stipes up to 1 cm. long, narrowly winged, margined by fine delicate rufous to pale hairs. Lamina 1-6 cm. × 2-4 mm., membr. to subcoriac., dull green, linear- to narrow-oblong, subacute, main vein evident, veinlets rather obscure, with delicate hairs on both surfaces, more plentiful on lower. Sori us. cop. in a row on each side of main vein, nearer to it than to margin, oblique, oblong, c. 2 mm. long, with cop. long delicate hairs.
Grammitis ciliata Colenso
n = 37
Grammitis ciliata Colenso
Rhizome erect to short-creeping; paleae light brown, lanceolate or rarely lanceolate-ovate, acute, rarely obtuse, 1.8-4.8 × 0.25-0.75 mm. Stipe indistinct, winged almost to base; stipe hairs whitish to pale red-brown, sparse to abundant, (0.2-)0.6-1.7 mm long. Lamina linear-oblanceolate, acute, (1.7-) 2.3-5.5(-9.5) × (0.2-)0.24-0.44(-0.6) cm; lamina hairs whitish to pale red-brown, sparse to common except in sori where usually abundant and sometimes longer than those elsewhere on the lamina, sometimes absent except in sori, (0.3-) 0.6-1.5 (-2.0) mm long, lacking shorter abundant marginal hairs as in G. pseudociliata; texture thinly coriaceous; veins ± visible to visible in transmitted light, sometimes raised on upper surface in dried specimens, vein endings not darkened; midrib raised on lower surface, usually darker than lamina. Sori subglobose to oblong, oblique or nearly parallel to midrib, sometimes nearly covering frond undersurface when mature, in middle or middle and upper part of frond, (1—)4—16 pairs, 1-4 × 1.0-1.5 mm; soral vein not extending beyond sorus, usually shorter than basiscopic vein, neither reaching the margin. Sporangia (150-) 166.4-207.0 (-260) mcm long; indurated cells of annulus (9-) 10.8- 13.0(-16). Spores (19-)24.0-27.8(-33) mcm diam.
Taxonomic concepts
Grammitis ciliata Colenso
Grammitis ciliata Colenso
Grammitis ciliata Colenso
Grammitis ciliata Colenso
Grammitis ciliata Colenso
Identification keys
Lectotype (selected by Allan 1961): shores of Waikare Lake [L. Waikaremoana], W. Colenso, Dec. 1841, WELT P003192!
From the Latin ciliatus (having the margins or veins fringed with hairs) – a reference to the lamina hairs in this species.
scientific name
1 January 2000
22 November 2021