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Pentapogon youngii (Hook.f.) de Lange & L.M.H.Schmid

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Pentapogon youngii (Hook.f.) de Lange & L.M.H.Schmid, Ukr. Bot. J. 79: 73 (2022)
Pentapogon youngii (Hook.f.) de Lange & L.M.H.Schmid

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New Zealand
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de Lange & L.M.H.Schmid
(Hook.f.) de Lange & L.M.H.Schmid
Pentapogon youngii

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Tufts rather narrow, 30-130 cm tall; innovations extravaginal. Leaf-sheaths chartaceous with membranous margins, distinctly nerved, smooth or finely ciliate, light green to light brown; ligule 0.8-2.5 mm, truncate, ciliate to lacerate across top, abaxially smooth, or densely ciliate-scabrous; leaf-blades 12- 35-(60) cm × 1-4 mm, stiff, flat to frequently rolled, especially towards tip, abaxially smooth, adaxially distinctly ridged and finely scabrous on ridges, margins finely scabrous, tip filiform, acute. Culms 40-115 cm, mostly smooth, but sparsely scabrous below panicle; nodes conspicuous. Panicle 7—16— (22) cm × 5-23 mm, linear-lanceolate, shortly and narrowly branched, or more open below; rachis smooth, branchlets slightly scabrous, with ± densely crowded spikelets on slightly scabrous pedicels. Spikelets 4.5-7.5 mm, light green or purplish. Glumes 1-nerved, submembranous, elliptic-lanceolate, acute, scabrous on surface near tip, keel scabrous throughout. Lemma (4)-5-6 mm, slightly < glumes, subcoriaceous, scabrous throughout, elliptic-lanceolate, tip denticulate; awn (0.5)—1— 3 mm, straight, from upper 1/3 of lemma or rarely mid-dorsal, usually barely reaching lemma tip but occasionally overtopping it, rarely awn 0. Palea ± = lemma, scabrous on and between keels. Lodicules 0.6-0.8 mm, linear, acute. Callus hairs fine, ± dense, c. ½ length of lemma. Rachilla 1.5-2.5 mm, tipped by dense tuft of fine hairs 2-3-(3.5) mm, almost reaching lemma tip. Anthers 1.2-1.9 mm, penicillate. Caryopsis 2.5-3 × 0.7-1 mm. Endemic.
Tufts rather narrow, 30-130 cm; branching extravaginal. Leaf-sheath chartaceous with membranous margins, distinctly ribbed, glabrous or finely hairy, light green to light brown. Ligule 0.8-2.5 mm, truncate, ciliate to lacerate, abaxially smooth, or densely minutely pubescent-scabrid. Leaf-blade 12-35-(60) cm × 1-4 mm, stiff, flat to frequently rolled, especially towards tip, abaxially smooth, adaxially distinctly ribbed and finely scabrid on ribs; margins finely scabrid, tip filiform, acute. Culm 40-115 cm, nodes conspicuous, internodes mostly smooth, but sparsely scabrid below panicle. Panicle 7-16-(22) cm × 5-23 mm, linear-lanceolate, shortly and narrowly branched, or more open below; rachis smooth, branches slightly scabrid, with ± densely crowded spikelets on slightly scabrid pedicels. Spikelets 4.5-7.5 mm, light green or purplish. Glumes 1-nerved, submembranous, elliptic-lanceolate, acute, scabrid near apex, keel scabrid. Lemma (4)-5-6 mm, ≈ glumes, subcoriaceous, scabrid, elliptic-lanceolate, apex denticulate; awn (0.5)-1-3 mm, straight, from upper ⅓ of lemma or rarely middorsal, usually barely reaching but occasionally overtopping lemma apex, rarely awn 0. Palea ˜ lemma, keels and interkeel scabrid. Callus hairs fine, ± dense, c. ½ length of lemma. Rachilla prolongation 1.5-2.5 mm, tipped by dense tuft of fine hairs 2-3-(3.5) mm, almost reaching lemma apex. Lodicules 0.6-0.8 mm, linear, acute. Anthers 1.2-1.9 mm, penicillate. Caryopsis 2.5-3 × 0.7-1 mm.

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Agrostis youngii Hook.f.
Pentapogon youngii (Hook.f.) de Lange & L.M.H.Schmid
Calamagrostis petriei Hack.
Pentapogon youngii (Hook.f.) de Lange & L.M.H.Schmid
Calamagrostis youngii (Hook.f.) Petrie
Pentapogon youngii (Hook.f.) de Lange & L.M.H.Schmid
Calamagrostis youngii var. petriei (Hack.) Petrie
Pentapogon youngii (Hook.f.) de Lange & L.M.H.Schmid
Deyeuxia petriei (Hack.) Cheeseman
Pentapogon youngii (Hook.f.) de Lange & L.M.H.Schmid
Deyeuxia youngii (Hook.f.) Buchanan
Pentapogon youngii (Hook.f.) de Lange & L.M.H.Schmid
Deyeuxia youngii var. petrie (Hack.) Cheeseman
Pentapogon youngii (Hook.f.) de Lange & L.M.H.Schmid
Pentapogon youngii (Hook.f.) de Lange & L.M.H.Schmid
Pentapogon youngii (Hook.f.) de Lange & L.M.H.Schmid
Pentapogon youngii (Hook.f.) de Lange & L.M.H.Schmid

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New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
New Zealand
Otago Land District
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Pentapogon youngii (Hook.f.) de Lange & L.M.H.Schmid
New Zealand
Pentapogon youngii (Hook.f.) de Lange & L.M.H.Schmid
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Pentapogon youngii (Hook.f.) de Lange & L.M.H.Schmid
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District
Pentapogon youngii (Hook.f.) de Lange & L.M.H.Schmid
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Pentapogon youngii (Hook.f.) de Lange & L.M.H.Schmid
New Zealand
Westland Land District

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scientific name
18 April 2022
18 April 2022
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